Need help in my compulsive behavior

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Need help in my compulsive behavior

Post18 May 2019


I am a 36 years old man. I am married and have 2 daughters. By God's grace everything is going fine in my life. I have acquired sanskars of compulsive drinking and indulging in adultery. I know and understand it is not right lifestyle. But somehow I get excited, loose control and keep repeating those things compulsively. Once it is done, I get loaded with huge guilt and regret. Please see if you can guide me.
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Re: Need help in my compulsive behavior

Post18 May 2019

I am sorry, you are in the wrong place. You need an alcoholics' support group.

Your life is clearly not going fine, you are hurting yourself, hurting others and likely risking death and causing death in both cases, through alcoholic damage and HIV. If you have a wife and children, you are hurting them by not being available to them.

You also do not need to become sucked into Brahma Kumaris' End of the World cult due to these weaknesses, any more than you need a new hole in your head. They will eat up your life and destroy you in a different way.

The more you do something the deeper the sanskars become, so just stop. If you cannot stop, you need specific, dedicated help with no psychic strings attached. Hence, if you want by yourself, you need a "buddy" support system.

If it is part of a wide pattern of compulsive behaviour, then you need to go and see a doctor and be referred to a specialist for that too.

Sorry to be blunt but this is a forum to support people exiting the Brahma Kumaris and those damaged by it due to their family members' involvement.

Thank you.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Need help in my compulsive behavior

Post19 May 2019

The main thing is honesty.

You have to be honest not just to yourself, congratulations for admitting the problem, but you also need to be honest to the person who is and should be your main support and best friend, your wife. At least about the drinking. The adultery will depend on your relationship but it sounds like you want to do the right thing by her and the family. So maybe later unless you feel she will understand.

Your family doctor should be able to refer you to various addiction support groups - depending which country you are in. If the problem is arising from a deeper seated issue then maybe a therapist, counsellor or psychologist may be required too.

Beware of any religious group that has devoted adherents. They will seek not to free you from your addiction but to replace it. Instead of alcoholic intoxication they will offer a "spiritual intoxication” then seek to bind you into their sphere of influence where you will donate time and energy to their group . Any addiction is bad.

Seek out supports and therapies that seek to make you a free independent individual who can make his own mature choices. Avoid the BKs.
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Re: Need help in my compulsive behavior

Post19 May 2019

Pink Panther wrote:Beware of any religious group that has devoted adherents. They will seek not to free you from your addiction but to replace it ... Seek out supports and therapies that seek to make you a free independent individual who can make his own mature choices. Avoid the BKs.

That is true, and good advice. However, the BK do not just seek to replace one addiction with another, but to position themselves and their god spirit as "savours" and "guide" from where they can then mislead and exploit you ... and your weaknesses.

The BKs do do "free" addiction programmes but they are really just marketing devices, "loss leaders" for the cult.

By your language, eg using "sanskar", have you already been involved with the BKs?

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