The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

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The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post17 Mar 2019

Simple question, are the Brahma Kumaris honest about their teachings, their practise, and their history to outsiders; or are they habitually deceptive and encourage dishonesty within their following?
From: Yoga Trolling and Yoga Cults: A Connection

It’s well-established that the oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception. An abuser, dominator, or high-demand group deceives the public and its members about its purpose and methods. The falsehood might look progressive, virtuous, on the right side of history, and spiritually liberating. Both leaders and members can truly believe it. The falsehood can appeal to their deepest values and motivate their unique passions and skills. That’s what the falsehood wants: to co-opt and redirect passion and skill.

From the blog of Matthew Remski, author of 'Practice and All Is Coming: Abuse, Cult Dynamics and Healing in Yoga' which asks, "How Do We Co-create Safer Yoga and Spiritual Communities?"
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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post18 Mar 2019

In other posts, Remski addresses,
Seeking Self-Reliance in Yoga After Cult Life Didn’t Work

As a specialized subgroup, we Yoga people were indoctrinated to blame the victim. We were under the illusion that we had autonomy, and that our healing could come from within ourselves alone.

The Guru May Actually Hate You, and You May Actually Hate Him

[Cult] leaders follow clear patterns:

At some point they realize how desperately co-dependent they are in relation to their students. They begin to regard their students as idiots, children, incompetents. They begin to loathe them not only for their immaturity, but even more intensely because they are dependent on that immaturity, that devotion, for their daily bread. They’re trapped. Some drink themselves senseless, others take drugs, hide out under mountains of cash, or think help. Some manage to kill themselves.
Sogyal Rinpoche punching a nun,
Trungpa sexually assaulting public figures in a temple,
Osho staring blankly at his followers from the window of his Rolls,
Iyengar ranting about how students who have touched his feet for a decade are ignorant fools, and then hitting them,
Michael Roach giving people meaningless unpaid tasks and joking with the inner circle: “Of course we’re in cult.”

The pattern I’ve seen seems to be that the cruelty increases in direct proportion to the “success” of the guru. Is power its own addictive feedback loop? Yes, but so is loathing. How can the guru not loathe himself, when he sees he’s propped up by the very people he’s broken?
They hit their students, sexually dominate them, starve them, steal their labour and money, mock them. These are all morbid actions, but they also acts of retribution against the terms of their shameful imprisonment, which they blame on their students, and cannot own for themselves.

Jeez, Janki Kirpalani really belongs on that list too, laughing out as she said
First we tell people that everything here is free,
then we take everything of they have got! (abridged)
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Pink Panther

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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post18 Mar 2019

The important thing that people who are new to learning about cults and cult behaviour is that in posts like those earlier, lists of signs and symptoms, not all the things mentioned need to be in place. Any one of them, or even others that are not listed - are enough.

Just because one cult or guru or group is worse than the other, doesn't mean the other is not harmful too, if you know what I am getting at.

Cults or anything else - doctors, healers, teachers, colleges, if the goal is not to help you be independent to outgrow and graduate from them so you leave them behind and go to the next stage, if their aim is to keep you involved continuously and they keep wanting your time, i.e. your bum on their seat to make them look good... or your energy or money, then cut them out of your life before they cut you out of yours.
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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post18 Mar 2019

The author goes on to offer a different analogy,
Are Cult Members Stupid? Are Cult Recruiters Evil? (Let’s Talk About Viruses Instead)

If we use the virus metaphor, perhaps we say that the subject got hired into a contagious environment. Perhaps the family didn’t even know they were infected. They were part of the group, after all, because they too, at some point, had been deceived.

The main difference between the subject and the family that hired her may have been that the family had incubated the group virus for long enough that they themselves were contagious in their daily actions. They may not even have recognized they are symptomatic.

My point is ... cultic involvement and action ... a kind of social contagion ... cult awareness education as a kind of vaccination programme.

And, from a different site; Cult Research: Recommended Reading by Janja Lalich


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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post18 Mar 2019

Its completely honest and it provides peacefulness to our souls and minds.

See some BK Online Services my friend has initiated.

BK Murli Today : 4 Languages, Adding new 3 in this week.

PMTV LIVE : Live Peace Mind Channel

BK Murli Hindi : Special Hindi Murli Section
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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post18 Mar 2019

cnn22 wrote:Its completely honest and it provides peacefulness to our souls and minds.

If the Brahma Kumaris are "completely honest", tell me why their account of their history does not say that there was no mention of Shiva within the religion until 1956, and before that they considered Lekhraj Kirpalani to be God?

Given that there was no mention of Shiva within the religion until 1956, how were the Seniors able to purify themselves prior to 1956 ... if they could not remember Shiva, because they did not know him?

When did you come into Gyan?

Thank you.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post19 Mar 2019

Dear cnn22,

We admire your enthusiasm and respect your view. After all, we here, most of us, were BKs for many years, myself for about 16 years; and we have been watching the BKs since. We know them well.

If you want to at least learn somethings about them that the current officialdom won't tell you, often because many don't know or don't want to know, you should engage in courteous and intelligent discussion.

Don’t be thinking that we, who were grist to the BK mill, had our noses to the grindstone, ground our bones in "service” - don't already know the ”beautiful truth” you have, and think is so ‘obvious’ that just a word or a video will transform us. We could write the script for the next one. Some of us used to.

We were transformed. We were enchanted, under a spell that is now broken. We can see clearly.

Is your so-called spiritual romance blinding you to your so-called spiritual husband’s deceits? We are ex-wives, warning you.

There’s more to BKs than the "spiritual glamour" that blinds you.


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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post19 Mar 2019

As the old Indian saying goes, "You can wake up a person who is sleeping, but you cannot wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep" !
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Re: The oxygen of all cultic mechanisms is deception

Post19 Mar 2019

Cool saying, I like that.
Pink Panther wrote:Is your so-called spiritual romance blinding you to your so-called spiritual husband’s deceits?

We are ex-wives, warning you.

I like that analogy too.

Yes, we are the old ex-wives, used up, dried up and rejected while the sugar daddy ... or Sugar Baba .. goes off chasing newer, younger trophy wives in the full flush of their youth.

Just like Lekhraj Kirpalani did hooking up with Om Radhe, dumping the mother of his children Jasoda (and leaving her too look after the childre).

So is the seed, so is The Tree.

It's so sad ... BKism sucks up the lifeforce of generation after generation of young people like an old vampire living off their blood, wasting their lives, decade after decade. Killing many, transforming a few into his handmaidens, whose job it is to bring in fresh blood.

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