Shaking and other strange diseases

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Re: Shaking and other strange diseases

Post26 Jun 2009

ex-l wrote:Without asking any more about the nature and circumstances of the experience you claim you have had them, pose yourself as being an expert, then suggest the cause is either bad posture or lack of orgasms. Whew ... its like a doctor saying, "take an asprin, go to bed, and if it is still happening in the morning, come back and see me".

It wasn't "either - or". I am saying there are MANY other possible explanations, and put these forward as examples.
ex-l wrote:You suggest that anything related to spiritualism is irrational and unsupportable whilst now going on to suggesting some occult practise yourself ... as in unseen "energy transfers". Care to develop the science of that and explain how it works?

Yes, well spotted. I accept we exist (we are not illusions). We have mind - "psyche" - a 6th sense like the other senses. Just as you cannot see the sense of smell or the sense of touch, we experience them via the various organs, so too we experience/express mind within and through the body. The relationship & correlations between the various facets that make up an individual are many and complex - and understood by different paradigms - Western, Eastern as general categories (specifically, e.g. anatomy physiology, neurology, psychology - then there's chi, prana, pneuma, ayurvedic and so many other paradigms).

These are all relatively recent paradigms when compared with animism, faith healing and spiritualistic beliefs. My suggestion is that these latter ones are hangovers, used only when people cannot find , or do not understand, how something can be explained within the other more sophisticated models. As a lateral example, I think creationism still holds sway because the complexities and inherent uncertainties in modern explanations are less comfortable for people who like things tied up quickly and neatly.

So, back to topic - the complexity in the description or explanation of an individual's intense experience is multiplied when another person or group is brought into the picture, with all their energies etc. It is attractive to simplify it all by using an external "other" to make sense of it, but I'd suggest it's foolish to not check one's self first and the situation as a whole. You have to be a kind of experiential detective.
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Re: Shaking and other strange diseases

Post18 Jul 2009

Staring at someone, publicly, in complete silence, usually in a room with low red light, with that person often physically lower than you? It's a form of abuse, of bullying, intrusive at best, threatening at worst. Forget the "transfer of energies" hocus pocus and other pycho-spiritual babble. Having someone staring at your forehead for a prolongued period, the so-called seat of the soul. I don't doubt you get the shakes.

"Practice Raja Yoga and become free of stress!" Ha! Especially if you have an issue with that person, or are perhaps a little down on self-respect at that time, or maybe just tired. All part of the dehumanising process for the recipient, and a power trip for the one staring at you. But it works both ways - I can remember sitting on the gaddhi giving drishti to a couple of very attractive young women sitting cross-legged in front of me in short skirts, when I was a still-young and healthy but recently celibate male.

Do you think that did not rattle a few primordial cages! And me a Centrewasi! So much for pure thoughts. It's a stupid practice and should be stopped, and I thought it was one of the things that the BKWSU had toned down. If you don't like it, don't ever do it.
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Re: Shaking and other strange diseases

Post18 Jul 2009

In the Yoga sutras of Patanjali one of the obstacles is called angam-ejayatva which means shakiness, unsteadiness, movement, tremor of the limbs or body (anga = limbs or body). Does anyone know how to interpret this?

My guess is the BK practice is an obstacle to attaining enlightenment.
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Re: Shaking and other strange diseases

Post21 Jul 2009

My guess is the BK practice is an obstacle to attaining enlightenment.

I agree, and many ex BKs I have spoken too, also had the same perception. This is a valid reason for exiting the cult. You may get such gut feeling even at an early stage in Gyan, but the conditioning, the programming to feel guilty if you question,criticize or leave, is too strong and often one cannot break free as soon as the instinct suggests to run.

One of the very strict dogmas the BKWSO teaches, is that "now you reached the destination and you shouldn't look any further. This is the only shop. You should relinquish any previous spiritual study/religion and stay away from any input from other sources".

The effect is that, even if you are dissatisfied with the BK system, if it doesn't suit you, even if you do perceive it as nonsensical and a hindrance to a shackle-free spiritual progress. In no time, they managed to instill a lot of fear and insecurity in you, which prevents you, from looking around (and inside!) and flying away.
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Re: Shaking and other strange diseases

Post21 Jul 2009

alladin wrote:One of the very strict dogmas the BKWSO teaches, is that "now you reached the destination and you shouldn't look any further".

That is quite an amazing thought that I had never considered. I am most grateful.

What you are suggesting is that we are mentally and emotionally programmed so that in a sub-conscious manner we exclude all other religions and all other assistance.

Of course, it is actually very consciously done in the BK system. What you say is repeated time and time again on a daily basis.

It must work its way into our sub-conscious and then carry on working in there so that even after we leave, the effect still lingers on. Wrapped up in it, of course, is a massive superiority complex.


Sounds familiar?
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stripped off

Post21 Jul 2009

Yes that is what I meant.
massive superiority complex.

Very familiar, like an obsession.

And, yes, well put. BKs have to appreciate the privilege of having been rescued from the gutter and sit on the throne, in God's lap, carried on his eyelids, cut off from the world and stripped off from their past identity. You have to forget everything you learnt ... make tabula rasa... In fact a BK is robbed of past, present and future, because the only past one can remember is the one "Baba told us" of, our original deity status, blah blah, present : we are serviceable effort makers and the only future we can see is the one drawn for us by the BKWSO& spook/s. I see the BKWSO as a zombie making factory.

I don't know if we are heading off topic here. Maybe the Admin should move us somewhere else or we could create a topic on which we can list/identify different dangerous programs which are commonly installed in BK adepts, and where people who exited can share their experiences in how they successfully managed to disentangle and de-program themselves.


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Re: Shaking and other strange diseases

Post13 Apr 2018

As said by Kundalini custom, there are seven distinctive kundalini chakras (energy center) situated along the spine as well as in the brain. The central energy center is not single symbolic ideas they are in fact certain energy drive within our body. Let’s have a look at these 7 Kundalini Chakras.

These chakras are authorized through a force named Prana, which arrives the human body over the procedure of breathing. In a technical context, these delicate energy vortexes allowing the human scheme could be assumed in terms of the electromagnetic dynamic of element physics.

The Kundalini Chakras are ...
Admin wrote:Admin note.

Potential spam removed.
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Re: Shaking and other strange diseases

Post13 Apr 2018

That read like an advert without any relevence to BKism, and was a copy and paste of an article on other website, so the links have been removed.

Do you know anything about BKism, suhas, or are you just a paid spammer?


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