BK Centre in Charge: Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching Evidence

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BK Centre in Charge: Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching Evidence

Post14 Sep 2016


It's all about the factual event happened at Adyar Centre, Chennai, Tamilnadu.

One of the Kumars had agreed to let his livelihood residential property for Centre use only. His property is worth above 70 lakhs INR and situated in prime location of Chennai. It was an agreed oral conformation that He (Kumar) is letting his property for usage purpose only.

He being an illiterate who make his ends my carpentering works in and around Chennai. Without his knowledge the Centre In Charge, along with few others, had prepared a "WILL" and got it signed from the Kumar which was printed in English on a Rs.20 stamp paper, which is an alien language for him.

Only one mother document had being prepared and another copy of that has been "Denied" to offer for the property owner (the Kumar). Giving a reply that the prepared documents are missing.

Since the Kumar's continuous plea, the Centre InCharge had prepared a second document of leasing the property for 11 months and offered a copy of it. Though, the Kumar was not convinced, kept requesting copy of first prepared document, which was "Denied" by Centre InCharge to till time.

He (Kumar) had realised later that something fishy and consulted with few advocates and friends. Found that it was an absolute "Attempt" to Swindle his (Kumar) property "In the Name of God".

It a fiasco for Centre InCharge, since the beginning the Kumar was moving cautiously which helped him save his only livelihood asset from these third rated swindlers, fiddlers and moochers.

Along with this many such acts are still being not escalated in the vested interest of other religious followers who had dedicated their lives for some cause.

But it has to be made it available in the forum like this.

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Pink Panther

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Re: regards Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching by BK Centre InCh

Post15 Sep 2016

He should definitely take this through legal processes to charge them with fraudulent and deceptive behaviour - or whatever terminology your legal system uses - and get damages paid for distress caused.

If what you describe is accurate, he should have no trouble finding lawyers willing to work on "No-win No-fee” basis.
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Re: regards Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching by BK Centre InCh

Post15 Sep 2016

Pink Panther wrote:If what you describe is accurate, he should have no trouble finding lawyers willing to work on "No-win No-fee” basis.

I am not sure if they have such a thing in India ... do they?

You might find an advocate who particularly dislikes the BKs that would work for you.

The Indian legal system is based on the English one.

In English law we have, we have the principle of "Undue Influence" which is a kind of recognised abuse that takes place in religious following.

For example, from: Indian Contract Act 1872 Effects of Undue Influence (Sec 19 A) or here (slideshow).

Please give us more details.

Consider approaching his Zone-in-Charge or the top BK Trustees. It may just be a "rogue" center-in-charge acting out of self-interest. Try doing so politely in the first place, explaining what is going on ... but be prepared to be forceful and threaten to expose them to the media as theifs if they do not release him.

Best of luck.
Section 16 in The Indian Contract Act, 1872

16. ‘Undue influence’ defined.—
(1) A contract is said to be induced by ‘undue influence’ where the relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other. 1[16. ‘Undue influence’ defined.—(1) A contract is said to be induced by ‘undue influence’ where the relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other."
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing principle, a person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another—
    (a) where he holds a real or apparent authority over the other, or where he stands in a fiduciary relation to the other; or
    (b) where he makes a contract with a person whose mental capacity is temporarily or permanently affected by reason of age, illness, or mental or bodily distress.
(3) Where a person who is in a position to dominate the will of another, enters into a contract with him, and the transaction appears, on the face of it or on the evidence adduced, to be unconscionable, the burden of proving that such contract was not induced by undue influence shall be upon the person in a position to dominate the will of the other. Nothing in the sub-section shall affect the provisions of section 111 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872). Illustrations
    (a) A having advanced money to his son, B, during his minority, upon B’s coming of age obtains, by misuse of parental influence, a bond from B for a greater amount than the sum due in respect of the advance. A employs undue influence. (a) A having advanced money to his son, B, during his minority, upon B’s coming of age obtains, by misuse of parental influence, a bond from B for a greater amount than the sum due in respect of the advance. A employs undue influence."
    (b) A, a man enfeebled by disease or age, is induced, by B’s influence over him as his medical attendant, to agree to pay B an unreasonable sum for his professional services, B employes undue influence. (b) A, a man enfeebled by disease or age, is induced, by B’s influence over him as his medical attendant, to agree to pay B an unreasonable sum for his professional services, B employes undue influence."


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Re: regards Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching by BK Centre InCh

Post16 Sep 2016

Thanks for the inputs and support.

The affected and distressed Kumar doesn't want to escalate and make this public in media, cause that will have a severe impact on the other religious followers who had dedicated.

But we, as Individuals who had been shattered by these such third rated activities, are wilfully ready to face it. Since installing CCTV in the respective centre malfunctions most of the time, we espionaged & have records.

We have all authentic and sufficient audios/videos regards not alone for this case but also on Money Launderings.

If the Centre in Charge tries to act too smart by hampering us, or uses her influences by attacking directly or indirectly, these Brahmastras will be utilised mercilessly, to save other loyal dedicated followers to make them realise the truth.

If these made public by us, it WILL impact her and her allies. Neither this institution nor God cannot help her from this. We are offering her another opportunity to focus only in her services and not to haunt behind other people's wealth.

She also has another third rated act of reading and preserving letters which is dropped into Baba's letter box. Not alone she reads, she also display it in front of others keeping the person who had expressed in the letter.

We only share things which has valid proofs in this forum to keep the other followers aware from these such.
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Re: regards Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching by BK Centre InCh

Post16 Sep 2016

msr wrote:The affected and distressed Kumar doesn't want to escalate and make this public in media, cause that will have a severe impact on the other religious followers who had dedicated.

Are they "dedicated religious followers" ... or are they just potential victims of this fraudster?

Is he still a BK?

The BKs meddle with and confuse people exploiting their sincere religious sentiments, and then control them in this way.

First and foremost, they are only concerned with their face and large abhor exposés.

They accuse anyone doing so of "defaming God" whilst, in truth, their god Lekhraj is not even god and never was ... even though for 20 years he and they thought he was or thought he was "superior to god" ... quote-unquote.

They are master manipulators if sincere, naive, vulnerable individuals. Your friend's case is not the only such case. I suspect it is the norm in India.

For example, in the past we had similar cases of poor villagers being forced to hand over all their jewellery by the BK center-in-charge so that the gold and jewels could be given to VIPs as present.

They rob from the poor, to give to the rich and powerful, use their donations to chase after the rich and powerful.

In other words, to finance their social climbing.

That, in my opinion, is 95% of BKism ... social climbing.

Your friend has to be made to understand that NOT exposing corruption is even worse than being corrupt because it allows the corrupt to escape and exploit others.

To expose corruption is to serve god.

To cover up corruption is to serve ... ? Well, it's certainly the BK leaders' sanskar.


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Re: BK Adyar Centre's Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching Evidenc

Post10 Nov 2016

Dear All,

This is to inform that Adyar Centre, Chennai, Tamilnadu had vacated the aforementioned "encroached" private property which belonged to the illiterate Brother who makes his living on daily wages by carpentering.

Thanks for all the readers of BK Forum who played a vital role and had helped the affected individual to gain back his property.

Though he had to undergo tremendous mental agony for all these months (since May 2015), finally he had his property recovered from these third rated individuals.

Though this issue may got settled. All the EVIDENCES (videos with clear audios & CCTV footages) pertaining to this case and the other cases like Money launderings, amounts transacted, deposited and available in their personal bank accounts, etc., will be kept on records which will be utilised at the appropriate times in future mercilessly, if required. Neither the Institution nor their Baba will not be in position to help these such people who will be outcasted instantly once these informations goes public.

Once again We thank you for your support.
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Re: BK Centre in Charge: Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching Evid

Post10 Nov 2016

Congratulations on kicking the scumbags' fat asses. No apologies from me for having such a strong opinion.

How did you achieve it? Is he also out of the BKWSU?

The Brahma Kumaris can no longer hide it, the cult's number one art is money grabbing, exploiting vulnerable individuals and individuals going through periods of vulnerability.

This happens in so many centres, across all continents, that it is impossible for them to argue that it is not a centralised policy that the leaders encourage.

Well done.

Expose them.

I know that centres-in-charge are regularly pressurised by the leaders to raise moneys, and often to send it to main centres or Abu when there is a big program going on, but I don't know specifically how their system works.

I suspect part of it is personally motivated too, there was a couple of centres in Delhi where even the BKWSU had to pull up some Sisters for making themselves a very comfortable nest complete with flat screen TV, air conditioning etc.

We need more grassroots feedback.


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BK Centre in Charge: Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching Evidence

Post10 Nov 2016

Very interesting


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Re: BK Centre in Charge: Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching Evid

Post10 Nov 2016

All credit goes to this forum people. We believe, many of the BK's top brass would be reading all the posts regularly.

This had its impact and its implications are the outcomes. Not alone alleging would have had delivered us this result.

We were very firm before striking the chord with an institution's third rates, providing them with legal proof of evidences.

We took it patiently and finally its all because of the 900 + readers in this forum who deserves the credit.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Centre in Charge: Swindling, Fiddling & Mooching Evid

Post10 Nov 2016

Glad to hear that the issue was resolved for the best msr.

Yes, despite small readership (in the big scheme of things) the fact that a publication is available to be seen anywhere in the world is no small thing. The internet is a great equaliser.

Kudos to ex-l and all those who’ve ever been involved in getting this forum up and running and maintaining it over the years against many obstacles and threats, allowing a platform for debate, stories, events and scandals such as this to be recorded. In the past, it was easy for them to get away with it.

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