Stupidity of so called Seniors

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Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post10 Sep 2014

Hello world.

I have been with BKs and their followers for some time now. I have been associated with them at top levels and with so called Seniors.

I move around the world for business and have met the Seniors coming and moving around too. So I meet them regularly in various parts of the world.

One thing I have noticed is that they talk of simplicity. But they themselves are far away from it. They just call us for tickets booking in business class, food menus (as they don't like cheap salads or foods), travelling internally in flights only (as their time is very precious and, of course, the world is going to end so they want to work more), and so on.

They also talk about detachment. Again reality is far from their words. The Seniors go out and are always only worried about their own positions. To make sure that they do not face any challenges ever, they go to the point of snubbing the Centre-in-Charges in front of all public. The poor Centre-in-Charges and juniors are left crying and molested in front of students and public at large. It's pathetic to see the state of the centre residents who are just workers (that too free of costs).

The worst of the "Seniors" is Dr Nirmala. All others have become BKs, but she is still Dr. Doesn't like to be called Sister Nirmala, but Dr Nirmala. Every month she has to go out of India for 20 days as no one respects her in Mount Abu. She is the most stupid administrator I have come across in my life. NO decision making skills or powers. Very weak personality. And, ironically, is heading all of Asia and Pacific Region.

I do not understand how BKs have so low standards that they are giving such an important part of their money making organisation to people like Nirmala. All in the BKs are sick of her attitude, high headedness, behaviour, and speaking, but still no one speaks. The main reason, who ever spoke ever, is not in organisation any more. They are left stranded on the road for speaking and asking for their mistakes. Nirmala doesnt like questioning from her. It's only, "YES ma'am".

Even country heads of various countries are under lot of stress under Nirmala. Charlie who is head of Australia is so terrified always from Nirmala that when she is around, he is hidding away. His trouser is wet like a baby, and you can find him calling to Nirmala to even take permission to go to toilet.

This is their real story inside. On stage they talk of simplicity and forgiveness and compassion. They are just a **** bunch only looking at their luxury, and a wonderful life style.

How people like us are being used to get tickets booked, all arrangements done, and then get expensive gifts while leaving, only we know. If we do not do that, then we are told that we are not good service instruments.

This is robbery in day light. I need help. Please guide me how to save myself from the clutches of these monsters. They are nothing in my eyes than blood sucking vampires. Only interested in taking money from our pockets. On stage, they say we are free organisation. When we come and bring friends, they say ask for $200 at least from each.

The classes we keep for 2 hours. Nirmala finishes in 20 minutes as she cant speak more than that. BUT, if you talk about dollars, she can sit late at night and discuss how to collect more money. I have personally had lot of meetings about money matters with her, and found that she is only interested in that. The more money I gave, the more respect I got. Recently, I stopped giving huge sums of money, the response now is beyond imagination.

I am really being tormented by all here in BKs for more contributions all the time. I cannot it handle it any more. Please HELP.
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post10 Sep 2014

I am very sorry to hear of your problems but, of course, they are nothing new for us. We have heard similar complaints and met many other individuals pushed to breaking point, especially financial breaking point, by the BK leaders.

The first thing to do is, please, document examples of all the abuses, corruption and stupidities you have see so that others might read them, learn and protected themselves. The world needs to see the true face of the Brahma Kumaris, the face behind the veil.

Secondly, if needs be, I or someone here will be happy to intervene and contact the BKWSU if required to tell them to stop. Or, on the other hand, we can discuss strategies to overcome them ... it seems to me that you need to accept the validity of your anger at being abuse and voice it.

As you say, the Brahma Kumari leaders is fairly stupid, except when it comes to money, and very persistent. You really have to stand up to them and say no. To not be manipulated by them any more.

The BKs do not have any magic. Telling them to back off or get out of your life will not kill you. What we have discovered is that they have told so many lies, made so many false predictions, have kept changing their philosophy and religion that there is no way they can be acting on behalf of God. You cannot trust anything they say, so you just do not want to listen to them ... they have just become experts in manipulating people.

What is your involvement with the BKWSU ... are you a BK or is a family member a BK?

And what is this business about menus? Are the BK leaders eating out and airplane food?

Thank you
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post10 Sep 2014

Something else I thought about ... does Dr Nirmala actually practise medicine? When did she last practise medicine? Is she still registered as a doctor? Her use of the title goes back to the days when the BKs had absolutely no one with any education following them and it was to show off that she had.

In Australia, there is a maximum penalty in the case of an individual misusing the title Doctor of $30,000 or, in the case of a corporation, $60,000. I suspect using the title to promote an end of the world cult would be wrong and it might be worth putting in a complaint.

I checked on the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) register and found no such individual registered as BK Nirmala Kajaria.

But it's typical of the BKWSU to make false claims, for decades they claimed that Dadi Janki was scientifically proven to be "The Most Stable Mind in the World" ... when it turned out to be false and no scientist had ever said so.

Use of the title ‘Doctor’

It has become increasingly common for health practitioners not holding a medical degree or professional doctorate qualifications, to adopt the title ‘Doctor’ (Dr).

The AMA seeks to ensure that the public is not deliberately or inadvertently misled by such practitioners who use the title of 'Dr' into believing they are consulting or receiving treatment from a medical practitioner, or at the very least a practitioner with high-level postgraduate qualifications relevant to their registered health profession.

We oppose the use of the title ‘Dr’, by persons in other health care professions unless:
    such persons possess a doctorate recognised by the appropriate national registration board; and
    such persons ensure that their use of the title is always accompanied by information confirming that they are not medical practitioners.
We recognise that there is no legal restriction upon a non-medical practitioner's use of the title 'Dr'. However, we would expect the relevant health practitioner board to deal with use of the title doctor in a misleading way under the conduct provisions of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009.


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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post12 Sep 2014


You may consider the following.

First, know that you can fix the situation. it may take time, but you have it in you to do so.

"Serviceable instrument", make your "bhagya", public shaming - these ploys and actions of BK Seniors are no longer hidden to people. If it makes you feel any better, others also go through travails similar to yours, to varying degrees.

Second, assess your association with the BKs. Arm yourself with facts. If you are on this site then you probably know that BKs are not forthcoming with information that may question their cerdibility. If not, then look around the site. ex-l has provided a brief summary in his post.

Third, ask yourself, do you benefit from BKsim? What are the pros and cons as you see them. Write these things down if it helps. Would you like to continue following their teachings despite knowing the facts? If not then then you may start disassociating with them.

If you want to continue because you benefit from it, first set your boundaries, both in terms of time and money. Account for weekly and annual activities in your budget. Then follow them firmly. They will push you for more, be firm and stand your ground. If you hesitate they will persisit. If you are firm they will respect you. (BTW this applies to any relationship). Protecting yourself, your future, your family (if any), and their future are also important "services".

One way to be firm is to say, "this is the best I can do". Be mentally prepared for the snide remark that you are not making your bhagya or the like. (My center-in-charge, whom I respect greatly, often chided me for my lack of effort. One day, I nonchalantly and sincerely said, "I am playing my role accurately." That was enough to stop it).

This process may take time. But if BKsim is an important part of your life, the effort may be worth it.

Whatever your course of action, be firm.

Ironically, BK teachings are a great help in dealing with the BKs.


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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post12 Sep 2014

Most importantly, stop asking for money from followers & avoid running after it. It would be very difficult to revert the ongoing inertia to collect more & more but try to get another job within system (in case you are not leaving BKWSU). That money coming through your mean may be the one which is destroying someone's family or lifetime earnings & possessions. Using it as as sinful as demanding it.

Arbit's example of his personal encounter with demanding BK is a good one. Follow his footsteps, a BK can give better solutions to fight while remaining within that corrupt system. And your posts are regularly supervised by BK IT authorities, so be careful, exposure of your identity by personal remarks, which may be known to many BK living with you, can pose a threat to your survival in BK system. Play that role safely.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post13 Sep 2014

Something else I thought about ... does Dr Nirmala actually practise medicine? When did she last practise medicine? Is she still registered as a doctor?

I believe she graduated and practiced for about a year or two only - that was in the early 1960s.
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post13 Sep 2014

Well, it seems - as with the advertising claims about Dadi Janki being "the most stable mind in the world", the BKs are making false and exaggerated about "BK Dr Nirmala" - and breaking the law promoting her as a medical practitioner.

No surprises there ...

As an aside, I heard BK Dr Nirmala real name is Hardick ... yes, Hardick is an Indian name.

BK Hardick ... It would appear to suit what we are hearing reported about her personality type. I wonder why the BK marketing team decided to drop it? It means, "from the bottom of the heart".

It is kind of a funny name for a stiff senior member of the BKWSU. Nirmala is known to be a little rigid, but apparently she does come quickly if there is talk of mention of money involved.

I still cannot find any Hardick Kajaria registered with the AMA.

Can anyone confirm any of this?

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post16 Sep 2014

Even after staying in centers and enjoying money and material given by the BK followers, BK Sisters treat them as they giving obligation to the followers, because they are the chosen souls and instruments to make the money and material of the BK followers to be utilized in Yagya. This thoughts build up a high ego in them and hence they starts enslaving BK followers who come in the centre.


Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post16 Sep 2014

Thanks ex-l for clearing that up, re Nirmala's BK name, that Hardick is indeed an Indian name. Lol ...

There could be a double reason why she won't use it as it seems! No, Dr Hardick has never been registered with the AMA, and she has not practiced as a doctor abroad to the best of my knowledge.

To have high status title, position, and wealth, is of most importance, very 'servicable'. Can catch big fish for Baba, and is a big honey (money) pot for BKWSU. It would be of interest to know if she was even registered as a qualified doctor in India, ever ... or if she even completed her degree. 'Officialdom' is pretty dodgy in India, especially decades ago ...

Yes, I can hear her thinking ... 'from the bottom of my heart, hand over all your $$$$$$$$$$$' ... it really intoxicates her.
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post16 Sep 2014

So she had to give up her Hardick when she joined the BKWSU? That happens to most of the Brothers too. Not all, but most. I am surprised they were so sensitive to it.

Is there an Indian name meaning, "From the bottom of your wallet"?

I've heard that BK Nirmala Hardick is pretty domineering when it comes to money. I am guessing that when her own family money ran out, she had to start pumping the Australina limp dick BKs for money in order to support her zone and international travel. Mount Abu expect all zones-in-charge to support themselves, not be financially supported.

Do we know anyone about BK Australia's finances? Presumably they are tapping any local Indian community as usual?

They have some nice retreat properties so she must have been somewhat successful in reaping donations, although latterly they have been hiring them to other spiritual groups, with BK working for free to support them. That suggests the income to keep them up is not coming in copiously.

I have heard that the BKs peaked early inside Australia, and that numbers having been drooping down since. Many dropping off altogether.

I don't know what BK Australia is like now but it was always had a bit of a lower rank to, say, Janki's England or Europe and was less spiritually fecund than even South America or Africa. Nirmala never had that a high ranking in people's minds. Australia was a long way away and she was never seen much in London, despite starting off there in 1971.

Am I right in saying she came to London first but was not a great success so they sent Janki afterwards to sort them out?

Of course, she was lucking to inherit BK Charlie Hogg who was a young heir of a wealthy family, and then BK Robin Ramsay was an talented actor and heir of another wealthy family but the Australian BKs in my time were considered and envied, as more independent, laid back bunch.

Pink, would you care to ejaculate your view on the early history of the BKs in Australia?

In the habit of the BKs giving themselves grand sounding names, she is now the "Director of the Brahma Kumaris Academy For A Better World, Mount Abu". Except the claims made of her to be grossly exaggerated unless proven otherwise.

Who is Nirmala Hardick related to? What is her family connection to the Kirpalani Klan? See her introducing herself here. She mentions how her Father had a big pot of money for her and her Sisters' dowries, and donated an apartment for her to use as a BK centre. He also used to pay her international travel. That would make her attractive to the Kirpalani Klan.

She also confirms she never practised medicine abroad and her Indian degree was not recognised abroad.

Dr. Nirmala Kajaria is presently the Director of the Brahma Kumaris Academy For A Better World, Mount Abu, India since February 2009. Prior to 2009, she has been Director of South East Asia & Australia Centres since 1979. Her special area of interest is in the field of self-transformation, personal development and how the human being’s mental process can be enhanced through an accurate method of meditation. A medical doctor and a yogi, Dr Kajaria combines the pragmatic qualities of a doctor with the mystical understanding of Raja Yoga.

She has been practicing Raja Yoga since she first came across it in December 1962 in Mumbai. She continued her medical practice there for another 10 years. During this time she was also running a BK Centre from 1966 to 1971.

Convinced of the practical benefits of meditation, Dr Kajaria decided to incorporate meditation into her treatments. ln 1965 she established a clinic specialising in diseases common to Third World countries and discovered that her patients responded much better when their treatment was supplemented with meditation.

Eventually Dr Kajaria ceased practicing medicine in favour of meditation. In 1971 she left India for London, starting Centres in United Kingdom, East Africa and Mauritius during the next seven years. From 1971 to 1974 she lived in London. In 1974 she lived for a few months in Africa, in Zimbabwe & Zambia, and spent 1975 to 1978 in Mauritius.

After having started Service in Australia in 1975, she returned to live in Sydney in 1978. Since then she has been based in Australia, though her yearly lecture tours in association with Raja Yoga Centres in over 60 countries have taken her to every continent in the world.

In 2006, she received the Australia Day Achievement Award for a high level of voluntary service to the community, Ashfield Municipal Council, Sydney, Australia.


Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post17 Sep 2014

On the subject of Ms Hardick ... she must have been pretty hard on before BKWSU, as it seems she has not been able to give it up ... hence her most suitably given BK Hardick! Yes, it's a real shocker being on the other end of Ms Hardick, as she also has Iron Balls ... and won't hesitate to 'roll them out all over you' ... if she is questioned, challenged, or simply not obeyed ... promptly without hesitation! She can turn most 'wicked' in a heartbeat, and is very ugly too see it. She uses fear with force to oppose any challenge towards herself imposed authority with lots of demon heads!

So much Yoga power and so little purification ... it's not working properly. She has Big Lust for Power and Control, and a Mega Lust for Money and a Ruthless manner to obtain it. Baba's Cash Cow ... and all others are ATMs for her disposal.

She wouldn't know what true social service was if she fell over it! Not an ounce of Humility ... disgusting and sickening ... she has damaged many lives and continues to do s o....'Wicked Sister' ... shameful.
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post17 Sep 2014

Can you be a little more specific about what you saw or experienced?

Presumably to be a woman who was educated a that time - and to throw her education away rather than develop it and still be financially secure enough to travel internationally - she must have come from a upper middle caste background?


Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post17 Sep 2014

ex-l are you referring to quantum's last post on this subject?
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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post17 Sep 2014


Save Innocents

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Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

Post18 Sep 2014

sunil wrote in his first post : The Seniors go out and are always only worried about their own positions. To make sure that they do not face any challenges ever, they go to the point of snubbing the Centre-in-Charges in front of all public. The poor Centre-in-Charges and juniors are left crying and molested in front of students and public at large. It's pathetic to see the state of the centre residents who are just workers (that too free of costs).

This exposes another dark side of BKWSU. If you think only followers & their family members are sufferers, then you are wrong. Just partially wrong. The BK Sisters also go through a hard treatment from their hostile Seniors Sisters & this can be one of the reasons why BK Sisters of local centers express their depression & torture through their acts of breaking families. They too are victims. Personally, I always found junior Didis working like mopping, cleaning dishes, washing, cooking, etc while Seniors Didis used to either rest (yes, their Yoga is a kind of "rest or leisure" which gives you an excuse from your responsibilities, it hardly involves the real pain a yogi undergoes), or remain busy surfing.

These young Sisters who leave family life & get stuck in BKWSU are in big trouble, any Brother or higher rank male BK can molest them & they cannot even complain the senior Sisters. If they complain, they are asked to put more efforts. And if they go out to get justice, they are simply held responsible for their plight & finally expelled from BKWSU.

I remember a case where such a BK Didi who was victim of senior male BK was thrown out & her membership ended. Moreover, to remove any speculation, BK Seniors told that she is not part of org. for 4 years. We can understand the plots senior like Nirmala use to harass junior BK Sisters. This has been depicted in one previous case posted on this site.

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