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Proposed BK "Cult" Television Documentary

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by beckyl
Cult experts and UK case studies needed!

My name is Becky and I work for an independent television production company in the UK called Monkey. We are developing a documentary series for the BBC looking at cults, and the devastating impact they can have on people's lives - both those who become involved in the groups, and their families. We are particularly interested in the fact that cults often target students and young people. We want to understand the subject as fully as possible, and make a sensitive, informative series of films.

To help us do this, we would really like to speak to anyone who knows a young person who has fallen prey to a cult - whether it's a son, daughter, Brother, Sister or friend, and who has cut off ties with friends and family. We are looking for current case studies only.

This would be an anonymous and off the record chat, and all conversations with family members will be completely confidential. This is purely for research purposes and to present as a case study to the commissioner at the BBC. There is no obligation to take part in the programme.

To give you a bit more information about us, Monkey is an award-winning production company, which specialises in both factual and entertainment programming. We have recently produced 'The Charlotte Church Show' for Channel 4 and our factual output includes 'Trapped By My Twin', an observational documentary about a set of identical twins with a very co-dependent relationship, which went out as part of the Cutting Edge strand on Channel 4 last month, as well as a Dispatches documentary about the NHS postcode lottery, presented by Jon Snow, which went out in November 2006. Monkey also produced the House of Obsessive Compulsives, which has just won a Mental Health Award, and followed three people with extreme obsessive compulsive disorders as they went through an intensive treatment plan led by Professor Paul Salkovskis and his team at the Maudsley Hospital at London’s Institute of Psychiatry.

Please check out our website to see some of the other programmes we have produced: Monkey Kingdom.

If you have a story to tell please email me at:

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by ex-l

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by john
Who's pulling your strings?
beckyl wrote:We want to understand the subject as fully as possible, and make a sensitive, informative series of films.

You're already biased, so how can it be sensitive and informative?

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by Mr Green
I am not a current case but would be willing to help in any way I can as would be my family, having experienced the complete cut off syndrome

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by ex-l
john wrote:You're already biased, so how can it be sensitive and informative?

John, play nice with the newcomers now ... you are not psychic, you know.

Who knows? May be they will be able to raise the who issues of why the BKs would allow the channelled messages they called Murlis to be made public ... more likely the BKs will just pick a nice politically correct revised one.

I know what you are saying, there is a specific model for a "whacky cult" type tv show but let's give these guys a break and see. I do not know how you can dismiss this individual.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by john
ex-l wrote:John, place nice with the newcomers now ... you are not psychic, you know.

We are developing a documentary series for the BBC looking at cults, and the devastating impact they can have on people's lives

we would really like to speak to anyone who knows a young person who has fallen prey to a cult

TV is just sensationalist. I can not believe they give a toss about anything but ratings. Sounds to me like they've made up their mind and are just looking for things to fulfill that agenda.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by abrahma kumar
john wrote:
beckyl wrote:We want to understand the subject as fully as possible, and make a sensitive, informative series of films.
You're already biased, so how can it be sensitive and informative?

Nice one. Do you know something guys. This forum is great. I just pm'd beckyl with the same question/observation. Now seeing that she posted this here as well and she got the john's feedback I must say that my heart is singing. There is an intrinsic level of integrity evidenced by many of the posters on this site that is really commendable and I am truly overjoyed to be part of it. Add to this ex-l's feedback and this place proves itself to be really "inclusive". Thanks again.

beckyl, good luck and I will be watching your feedback.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by jann
A current case. Still right i the middle of it and emotionally became confused and sad because of the BKWSU.

Not BKs but the organization. My full cooperation!

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by bansy
To interview the "Raja Yoga" cult, the show will have to interview BKs, PBKs, Dadi Gulzar, Virendra Dev Dixit, Vishnu Party, PPPBKs, ex-BKs, exPBKs, etc etc. It could take another 5000 years if it does not get completed by in this Sangamyug. :P

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by ex-l
john wrote: devastating impact they can have on people's lives

Erm, how long have you been following these forums for!?!
TV is just sensationalist. I can not believe they give a toss about anything but ratings.
Sounds to me like they've made up their mind and are just looking for things to fulfill that agenda.

Well, at least ask them what it is ... John Snow is fairly serious. Check out their CV on their website. Generally, you will have a junior researcher checking things out first before you here from the director.

You cant put them down until you do but do you want to ask the obviously quesiton, "how much air time is the BK issue likely to get?" Before you decide to how much of your time to commit. It might just be 2 or 3 minutes ... it could be 45 ... Let's hope she comes back and let's us know.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by john
ex-l wrote:Erm, how long have you been following these forums for!?!

I said they sounded biased, to me coming from one view point is biased. if that is the case why pretend to be anything else.

I would say with this kind of program and the words they are using they have already made their mind up what the angle is.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2007
by ex-l
john wrote:I said they sounded biased, to me coming from one view point is biased. If that is the case why pretend to be anything else.

Perhaps they going to be sensitive toward the victims and their families, and informative to non-members. So even bias excludes neither.

I don't know John. I remember how you whacked that newcomer coming to ask for help for a girlfriend of his that was being sucked in to Gyan and saw a repeat episode for a moment.

Personally, I'd always ask questions first and then have the shooting period later.

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by pbktrinityshiva
I hope positive stories of 'cults' would also be included. I have seen many a Western cult documentary which claims to represent an objective viewpoint and show both sides and ends up telling us that India is an evil place and we should pick up our Bible.

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by arjun
PBKTrinityShiva wrote:I hope positive stories of 'cults' would also be included.

I agree. There may be many BKs/PBKs who might be willing to share their positive experiences of being BKs/PBKs, when compared to their non-BK/non-PBK life.


PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by paulkershaw
A point for me to ask anyone who can answer:
    Have the PBK's for instance, been called a 'cult' in this forum or in the media in any form?

    Do all the splinter groups of an/the original organisation get called a 'cult' too because of association?

    Whilst Becky has asked for input via this particular forum, will her Producer first decide which organisations fits the bill/agenda and if so what criteria will be used to measure this?

    As 'responsible' media I do suppose they'd have to be careful about who they call a 'cult'?