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Finally free!

PostPosted: 31 May 2007
by double light
It would be interesting to know how many keep a relationship with God after leaving the BK's. Well, living within the BK we give everything to God and we do everything for God. We live for God. But after leaving the institution, what happens?

As for myself I was a member of the BK for almost 2 years. 2 very intense years where I was going to the morning Murli, been in Oxford and Madhuban. Gave up everything just to live for God.

After leaving BK, I still believed in all the stuff for 2 more years before I really got what it really was about, brainwashing sect, fanaticism, whatever you want to call it ...

The BK was so bad for me that after 2 years of leaving it, I got psychic ill and got into the mental hospital. I thought I was an angel and that the world was about to end. I was in psychosis. After this experience, I started to question everything because I realized that I was in deep trouble. I had to get out of that fast.

I became so afraid of everything that had to do with spirituality. Things that you can not have a material proof for. How to know what is truth or what is just happening in your own head ...? I was unable of relating me with God again. And I missed that, the company of God that I hade so intense already from before BK was gone. I have had cronical depression since my teenage so many times God was my only salvation. And I didn’t have it any longer.

But now, 7 years after leaving the Brahmin life, I can finally say that I am free. First I went out from the BK. After much questioning, I did not believe in anything of their crap any longer. And now, the hardest part, to get close to God again. Finally, I can say that the BK was just an incident in my life. They don't have any power on me any longer. And I am with God again, in His protection.

That's what I wish to all of you dear Brothers and Sisters! The ones that were seeking so hard that were giving up everything for God. The ones that were strong enough to question and go on forward to keep seeking the Truth. The ones that are the true Warriors of the Light. That you all may become free again!

Lots of Strength, Love and Light to you all.

PostPosted: 31 May 2007
by abrahma kumar
Nice. Welcome and enjoy

PostPosted: 31 May 2007
by bansy
That's great double-light.

Also have lots and lots of fun with your baby daughter. I am sure she's giving you so much happiness. God's blessing for an angel in your house.


Re: Finally free!

PostPosted: 31 May 2007
by joel
double_light wrote:It would be interesting to know how many keep a relationship with God after leaving the BK's.

Depends on your definitions of 'God' and 'relationship'. I neither imagine a point of light, nor the form of Dada Lehkraj. I do not invoke him for conversation as a particular relation.
But now, 7 years after leaving the Brahmin life, I can finally say that I am free. First I went out from the BK. After much questioning, I did not believe in anything of their **** any longer. And now, the hardest part, to get close to God again. Finally, I can say that the BK was just an incident in my life. They don't have any power on me any longer. And I am with God again, in His protection.

Good to know you're out of that bizarre hell of post-BK blues.

As far as protection goes, I seem to be leading a charmed life (knock on wood). One astrologer I know who has dedicated her life to her craft tells me that some people either get help with their difficulties or avoid them entirely, whereas for others, it is one trouble after another. For me, I am learning to ask for help through the human family when I need it. I am fulfilled by the love I experience through the human family, and beyond that from the plant, animal and mineral kingdom.

My life is richer now than before. I had no idea love could be so abundant and giving and nourishing. Compared with what I find now, what I had with the BK was like the droppings of the crow and dried-out sugar-cane husks, to borrow their images. This constrictedness was not necessarily a result of the BKs' limitations. It was certainly my own.

PostPosted: 31 May 2007
by alladin
Hi, although I luckily never got post-bks blues - maybe because I was never over involved, surrendered, let's say I was always a bit critical about the SS, system, org etc ..., or maybe because I don't see myself as renegading RajYog teachings completely nor regretting my experience in it, I confess that the bit about claiming back my right to have a subtle positive relationship with God, has required some effort.

In particular, against the guilt that BKs instil in anyone leaving or not complying with all the unquestionable rules. Here again God in Dharamraj version primarily, a religion that is capable of making souls feel low in the eyes of the Father. And denying to be doing that (see lesson number 2 of the course on God: we are worthy children, God especially in the mother's form has unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness even though we have a burden of sin on our heads, he doesn't judge, he just picks us up makes us worthy, he has an elevated Trikaldarshi vision of us, etc ... So here it's not in Bhakti, where we are made to feel unworthy and therefore we cannot even raise our eyes, here we are given THE ultimate method to connect to God directly, with rights as we are deities, etc ...).

But if you break even a tiny Maryadas, some older member will beat you with a stick, to keep you in line and make you feel inferior. Any criticism of the SS or system, lack of cooperation or complicity with it and its corruption are regarded as anti-God activities. So, if you are too free spirited (manmat), you supposedly fall out of grace. And it takes love for the One and self-acceptance to keep on believing that, "he still loves me!!", even if I moved away from service, or some disciplines, centers, etc ...

So, for me also, part of freedom is the one from BK monopoly of God.

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by double light
joel: I am happy for you. That everything turned out so bright here out in the real world! :)

alladin: Yes, God IS NOT monopoly of the BKs. Not even close. Actually I wonder sometimes what the h*** spoke through medium in those sessions? What was that? I think I will start a thread about it ...

Re: Finally free!

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by double light
joel wrote:Depends on your definitions of 'God' and 'relationship'. I neither imagine a point of light, nor the form of Dada Lehkraj. I do not invoke him for conversation as a particular relation.

No, me neither ... That's what took me so long, to develop a relationship with God again in my own therms, without anything that would have to do with BK.

But I got "seduced" by BK because of the love I had to God. It was something strong that I had before and BK took away from me with all the guilt trip and so on ... So I wanted to get it back ...

Re: Finally free!

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by abrahma kumar
double_light wrote:But I got "seduced" by BK because of the love I had to God. It was something strong that I had before and BK took away from me with all the guil trip and so on... So I wanted to get it back...

Another very telling analysis. Thanks. I posted some such realisation somewhere around here to the effect that my love for God was a pre-BKWSU experience and to have it hijacked or rather to have allowed i to be hijacked has proven to be a mixed blessing. So as you say: It was something strong that I had before.

Being AbeK, the following tune flows into my consciousness as a natural consequence of what you express double_light: Something Strong. So let's rejoice and dance to the drums that herald a new awakening. Thanks again.


PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by alladin
Nice lyrics, Abek! And yes, for many of us it's a matter of re-apropriation, and the number one thing we have to get back, apart from liberating our mind, is the relationship with God. Ransom price we are still paying for, but it's worth it!

When we come in Gyan, they lure us with the idea that Raja Yoga is just a method, a key to get to God, with no humans in between. We all soon find out that it's all a lie and a method to extort money, cooperation and volunteer labour from meaning well people that the BK organization turned into zombies. But we already said too many things about that. So, let me not contaminate this topic and use it just to "celebrate", Freedom. Cheers

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007
by double light
alladin wrote:When we come in Gyan, they lure us with the idea that Raja Yoga is just a method, a key to get to God, with no humans in between. We all soon find out that it's all a lie and a method to extort money, cooperation and volunteer labour from meaning well people that the BK organization turned into zombies. Cheers

You know alladin, money, cooperation and volunteer labour were not that big issue in the centre I come from. For me the tuffest was real the inhuman lifestyle (lack of sleep kills me, makes me literally sick, the guilt trip, and the brain wash ... Yes, unfortunately I was also becoming into a zombie as you keep cutting all the bonds with the outside world.

But like the lyrics Abek was suggesting say:
Labi Siffre wrote:Because there's something inside so strong
And I know that I can make it ...

When the recovery is complete that's exactly how it feels. That's something inside strong enough to resist that one too!

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007
by joel
double_light wrote:You know alladin, money, cooperation and volunteer labour were not that big issue in the centre I come from. For me the tuffest was real the inhuman lifestyle (lack of sleep kills me, makes me literally sick, the guilt trip, and the brain wash ... Yes, unfortunately I was also becoming into a zombie as you keep cutting all the bonds with the outside world.

Chronic (self) denial of sleep is one of the core harmful practices advocated by the BKWSU.

People talk of their wonderful experiences in the early morning (I had some too). That does not magically heal the effects of being tired all the time for ten years or more. People lose sleep to make money in business, or to be with a lover. Usually there are some limits (a couple years for a business, a couple months for a lover.) In Japan, tofu makers rise before 4am. Bakers also get up early. In the army you rise early. Nevertheless, early rising is not the right medicine for everyone.

Baba said 'give up your sleep now in exchange for world sovereignty. You are making the biggest deal with the biggest businessman.'

For some, the interaction is forever exciting and fresh. They don't feel they are missing out on sleep. For others, a bizarre double-whammy, sleep-deprived, and sitting silently inactive for one hour, two hours. Forcing oneself to rise, only to force oneself to be inactive.

It could be good for some, bad as a prescription for all, especially combined with expectation, judgment, comparison with others -- a culture that is clearly present in the BKWSU centers.


PostPosted: 13 Sep 2007
by sparkal
:?: :idea: FREE BIRD :P :D

God is my air guitar

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2007
by ex-l
Congratulations and good luck ... Freebird. Check out the link. These guys could pull crowds of 50,000 too.

Never forget the power of rock'n'roll!
Lynyrd Skynyrd wrote:If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?
For I must be travelling on, now,
'Cause there's too many places I've got to see.
But, if I stayed here with you, girl,
Things just couldn't be the same.
'Cause I am as free as a bird now,
And this bird you can not change.
Lord knows, I cannot change.

Bye, bye, its been a sweet love.
Though this feeling I cannot change.
But please don't take it badly,
'Cause Lord knows I am to blame.
But, if I stayed here with you girl,
Things just couldn't be the same.
Cause I am as free as a bird now,
And this bird you'll never change.
And this bird you can not change.
Lord knows, I cannot change.
Lord help me, I cannot change.

I am not sure ... should we change that to "can change" or leave it that they cant change us from being free?

Love and peace, soul Sister!

thank you ex-l

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2007
by double light
Nice lyrics :)

I agree with you on both! We can always change if we want, and yes, the more free we are the better!

Love, peace and prosperity!