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PostPosted: 18 Apr 2007
by daviniamaher1
vivaespana wrote:People are too scared to speak or go against people like her. Generalmente people do not tell you why they have left because of her. I cannot tell you why but you only have to spend a few minutes in her compania and you will understand why.

Maybe you could make this topic so that it covers the rest of Europe because I would like to hear about a similar situation about a Sister in Holland - namely Amsterdam. The only thing I know is that she used to be a reporter and she made life for souls a little too unbearable that they left.



PostPosted: 18 Apr 2007
by proy
daviniamaher1 wrote: she made life for souls a little too unbearable that they left.

There seems to be a pattern of this type of behaviour. Was she a centre in charge?