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7 day ex-BK course

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by bro neo
Maybe we should create a course for BKs who have left Gyan and feel lost. It can be based on the latest findings in science, quantum physics or something. Or has this been attempted already?

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by proy
Hi Neo,

Well, we have talked about the films "The Matrix", "The Secret", and the "What the Bleep do we Know" film and 5 DVD box set, "Down the Rabbit Hole". Is that the kind of thing you mean? Quantum physics?

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by bro neo
Hi proy,

"The Secret", "What the bleep" films all must sees. Don't forget the secret behind "The Secret", The Sedona Method.

Also "Speaking the Lost Language of God", by Gregg Braden. I'll save someone the price of getting it; the secret is emotions have huge impacts on matter and we live in a quantum field that responds to emotion.

Uh, I was actually thinking more along the lines like:
    Lesson 1: Who are you now?
    Lesson 2: Is there God now?
    Lesson 3: The Quantum Hologram etc.
    Lesson 7: All Gyan was just made up-mixed up, new aged, Hindi theology, so throw the baby out with the bath water!

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by ex-l
bro neo wrote:Uh, I was actually thinking more along the lines like:
Lesson 1: Who are you now
Lesson 2: Is there God now
Lesson 3: The Quantum Hologram ...
You can add to that;
    Lesson 4: "The Genuine History of the BKWSU" and
    Lesson 8: "So now you are an ex-BK; Principles, Ethics and Lifestyle"[/b]

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by john
Lesson 5 : 'The litmus test of how to determine a true incarnation of God'

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by joel
john wrote:Lesson 5 : 'The litmus test of how to determine a true incarnation of God'

He doesn't use numbers in a way that will risk his being proved wrong later.

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by john
joel wrote:He doesn't use numbers in a way that will risk his being proved wrong later.

Doesn't claim to be the Ocean of Knowledge, the only truth, then when little 'not quite truths' are discovered, claim it was just for everyone's benefit.

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2007
by proy
bro neo wrote:Don't forget the secret behind "The Secret", The Sedona Method.

I did not know that, I see you post about it elsewhere, and I will look it up.
bro neo wrote:Also "Speaking the Lost Language of God", by Gregg Braden.

I have a six hour lecture on video tapes by Gregg Braden that used to wow a lot of people when it came out many years ago. It struck many chords then. I have not been following his recent work so much though.

I love all the suggestions by everybody for lessons in the 7 day ex-BK course.

PostPosted: 26 May 2007
by bro neo
Scrap the 7 day course. IMO, anyone getting debriefed from BK life should just do a simple EMP course. Emotional: Sedona method, Mental: Einstein Factor, and Personal Relationships: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

Those 3 simple courses should set anyone lost and seeking back on track.

PostPosted: 26 May 2007
by zhuk
^^Some good old fashioned CBT wouldn't go astray either, bro ;).

PostPosted: 31 May 2007
by double light
Lesson 6 "How to think with your own head again!"


PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by alladin
And may I add, "not regarding it as sinful "manmat"!

Re: manmat

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by proy
alladin wrote:And may I add, "not regarding it as sinful "manmat"!

Should that be "doormat"? :P

abused and abusers

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by alladin
Shall we start a topic about sado-masochism in the BK?

Re: abused and abusers

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by joel
alladin wrote:shall we start a topic about sado-masochism in the BK?

No. 6: Asking for 'service'.

Request a private audience with the Sister in Charge. Tell her you have zeal and enthusiasm, and if she would as Baba's instrument, assign you some service. It would give you the extra engine of 'karma' to balance against the scale of 'Yoga'. Tell her it can be anything, and that you will create your fortune by covering any of the costs yourself, if your money may be considered sufficiently pure.