God's hand - a lucky touch

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God's hand - a lucky touch

Post24 Mar 2007

This may be a difficult one to discuss but, whatever your current situation is now, do you still consider yourself lucky to have come across the BKWSU? Has it enlightened you in some ways, made you more spiritual and practical, see things differently i.e have you transformed for the better and become wiser? Whether you "held" God's hand for one year of for 10 years. Do you still have that "lucky" memory that has made you who you are today ?

I'll reply first.

I consider myself fairly lucky because it has opened up a wider vision of things, to see the small as well as the great. To be able to appreciate the good things as well as the bad things. I've learnt more about religion and spirituality as it now becomes an integral part of myself rather than a side observer or bookworm. At times, I begin to even appreciate other religions even more. At times, I do wonder if God is holding my hand, or just the end of tip of my finger. Maybe it is the Law of Attraction itself coming to play where God is another entity, like money, that you can actually attract. To have your cake and eat it too.

So, yes, lucky.

(PS : My heart is also with those who suffered dearly though)
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Post24 Mar 2007

I always consider myself fortunate to have come across the BKSWU.

I can remember taking the 7 day course and being hit with thunderbolts of realisations and my faith in Shiva was sealed instantly. I always enjoyed class and Murli, meeting many wonderful BKs who I considered to be genuine, intelligent, warm friendly human beings. Meeting and talking to BapDada was, and is still, a high light in my life.

That was all a long time ago though, I am pretty much getting the picture things have changed a lot now.

As for the Dadis, I do appreciate their tireless service of many decades. I don't believe they speak the truth though.
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Post29 Mar 2007

I regret joining the BKs,

I made a big mistake that's for sure. I put myself in their hands as a surrendered member, and they abused me and my trust. I cannot find forgiveness for them, I can only escape them and their madness.

I gained some attributes in my time there, but I attribute none of this to them, just circumstance. It was me after all who has developed everything in me, not them.

I made a BIG mistake
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Post30 Mar 2007

I don't regret a thing. I recall a lot of things that made my time in the BKWSU difficult but it was all people related I think.

I remember praying to God that He better prove to me that He exists because I did not believe it and a week later I was doing the 7 day course and crying my eyes out in relief (Talk about carrying baggage in those days ...). So God not only showed me He exists but also saved me from myself, for which I am eternally grateful.

However there comes a time in our lives when we've all got to stand up and get out there and my time arrived. It took me some time but I did it. :wink:

I've taken what I want from Gyan and discarded the rest which no longer has hold over me. Especially the people with baggage and insecurities who seemed to try make it hell for the rest of us and by the sound of things succeeded with some of its members.

May we ex-BK's not even label ourselves as such anymore and find a new name for ourselves such as PL's (Pro-Life) or BH's (Be Happy's) or similar. Any thoughts on a new name for us as I don't see even want to see myself as an ex-or current BK at all anymore. I've gone past that need long ago and I feel that if we continue to call ourselves ex-BK's the there may still be some hold over us by the institution we left for varying reasons.

Do Suggest some names for us ex-BK (!) forum members ... and let's see what develops ...
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abrahma kumar

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new names

Post30 Mar 2007

Thanks Paul. In some of my forum interactions I too found the need to have a sort of name for the souls I recognised as blending the BK teachings in a way that seemed universally helpful.

It is a bit of a mouthful but I coined the term for myself rather than anyone else:

Soul-Conscious Human Empathisers. From the posters 'energy' one can clearly discern the blend of soul consciousness, wisdom, absence of dogma, the ability to challenge without offending; and what seems all too missing in the BKWSU i.e. the human touch.

Rather than see that as anything that another soul may agree or disagree with I mention it here in acknowledgement that there IS a real need for a 'classification' that portrays the essence of what we find useful about what we have learnt but does not find us being accused of being anti or pro any of our respective institutions.

It just struck me that at a stretch i could shorten the mouthful to SHE. ;) Souls filling themselves and exploring their 'SHE' qualities. Take care paul and thanks for the chance to brainstorm.
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Post30 Mar 2007

Them and "US" ...
paulkershaw wrote:Do Suggest some names for us ex-BK (!) forum members ... and let's see what develops ...

I agree. I was just thinking this the other day. In a sense we are playing into their hands (and mental conditioning), as they desparately seem to want or need an Anti-Party to validate their existence, as per The Knowledge (as in the beginning, so at the end). Ditto, their wish for their own annihillation. Fine, let them annihilate themselves ... but let's not get involved!

The mentality of the Brahma-kumaris was born out of deep polemics within one tiny and unimportant community. What my research has shown me was that those polemics were brought about by one individual, Lekhraj Kirpalani not Shiva Baba, interfering ... for good or bad ... with other individual's marriages and families.

There was an intense wish fulfillment for conflict, division and a raving destruction on behalf of Lekhraj Kirpalani and others. A destruction of everything but actually the self. Without any doubt to me, the "They" on the side of the Brahma-kumaris (whoever they were and still are), stoked it with their inflammatory use of language and well-directed attacks. I do not blame Om Radhe, I have to believe that she was rather innocent and used as a front by some older, wilier parties who had other personal grievances.

The name "ex-BK" is a legacy from the XBKChat site. We were first labbelled during our incognito stage as XBKs. It is also a label some in the BKWSU use to put us down to avoid the challenge we present. Primarily, the challenge of their monopoly on "God's person" and "God's knowledge", their right to judge, condemn and punish; and their hope that we just fade away and die suffering immeassurably.

Like proy and others write, many feel they have graduated out of the primary and secondary school that is the BKWSU. "ex-BKWSU" might be a more accurate term. So do the PBKs. "Shankar Party" is a derrogatory term used by the BKWSU only. The PBKs are merely following what they read themselves in the Murli, (Baba said/says we are "PBKs" ... where it has not been edited out) and they consider themselves still following the path.

So perhaps we should just call ourselves, "United Souls" or United Soul.
    United meaning being fully accepting of any BK, PBK, non-BK (and any other BK reference point that as you say maintains the BKWSU in a central position or divisive authority).

    Accepting meaning that we accept that all souls are on "The Path" and that we have no superiority or power over them, no absolutely perfect knowledge and are in no position to punish, condemn or banish them.
United Souls shortens to ... "US". So we still have 'Them and US' ... the BKWSU and 'The Rest of the World'.

I am much happier just to be 'me' and join 'the Rest of the World', and when the BKWSU are prepared to climb down out of their VIP festooned fortress-palaces on the top of mountains and stop behaving like a corrupt Kaliyuga Kingdom Klan (KKK) ... they can join "US" too. In the meanwhile, let's just go for a walk on 'The Path' together and see who God and the world follows.
The Adolf Kumaris World Spiritual Underground wrote:I did consider "Soul-Conscious Underground Movement" (SCUM) ... so that can be the name of our Militant Wing engaging in letter writing campaigns, press releases and media alerts warning 'The Rest of the World' of 'BKWSU World Domination, Inc' invasion attempts and Imperialist intentions.

I am looking for 47 ex-BK 'Ronins' (Masterless Samurai) to volunteer, so we can create;
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Having fun

Post31 Mar 2007

"God's knowledge", their right to judge, condemn and punish; and their hope that we just fade away and die suffering immeassurably.

Truly, I am enjoying immeasurably. Baba is giving me my best time and realizations in my whole-quite long, now- BK life. Thanks to you all, folks!

The KKK fortress will eventually crumble down, as it was built on sand. Love.
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Re: Having fun

Post31 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:God's knowledge", their right to judge, condemn and punish; and their hope that we just fade away and die suffering immeassurably. Truely, I am enjoying immeasurably . Baba is giving me my best time and realizations in my whole-quite long, now-BK life. Thanks to you all, folks! The KKK fortress will eventually crumble down, as it was built on sand. Love.

I had always hoped that the BKs would transform into a more openly communicating community. It is a pleasure and fulfilling in a different way to find a sense of open community here. I am much happier to be helping people who are struggling at the fringes of the group, to have them for my family, than to be bringing people into the inner circle. If that makes me a mere servant of the subjects or something silly like that, well let it be said that it was destiny! There can be nothing higher than to be fulfilled in our lives, except maybe to suffer artistically.

My offering for an alternative to 'ex-BK': Beyond BK (BBK). So then if we graduate, we will be B-B Kings!
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Re: Having fun

Post31 Mar 2007

joel wrote:I had always hoped that the BKs would transform into a more openly communicating community. It is a pleasure and fulfilling in a different way to find a sense of open community here. I am much happier to be helping people who are struggling at the fringes of the group, to have them for my family, than to be bringing people into the inner circle. !

Yours is a better vision Joel.

I hasten to add, I was thinking of armour piercing bullets of truth ...
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Re: Having fun

Post31 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Yours is a better vision Joel. I hasten to add, I was thinking of armour piercing bullets of truth ...

That was the vision then. But why would the BKs change? They are successful, thriving. Even the Catholic Church doesn't seem to have fundamentally changed, despite a horrific child-abuse crisis. Some kind of crisis might prompt change in the BKs. Perhaps you're doing your best to help with that. :lol: Or to help them see the damage already happening.

While pausing to wipe the sweat from your brow in between loading your bullets of truth(TM), you might notice that you also are finding/founding a kind of community here, with butterflies, birds singing, children laughing, etc.
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Post31 Mar 2007

Great idea! A group that will be involved in letter writing campaign, press media, etc.

I was just thinking of a lot of companies (government and private) worldwide especially in a democratic countries, that have some sort of "employees' union" which balances the powers of the administration. The union can do collective bargaining, demand for resolution of grievances of its members, has a "say" in the policy making, request for audit, etc. It's probably too much, and may make the BKs more corrupt and bureaucratic.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) in the United States/Canada is a very good organization. In fact, in all of the complains I have for a lot of companies in USA, I ended up getting my desired resolution 100% except for one instance where the creditor only refunded me 50% of what I was asking. I did not sue them.

The BKs claim themselves to be under God's government. I am pretty sure, God would be happy for an internal audit by a reputable third party organization, of its affairs especially the finances. Another question I have is, are NGOs subject for financial audit? Who is auditing BKs finances?
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Mar 2007

Classic post by Ex-I! Hooray.

God's hand - a lucky touch -
God's hand - More than a stroke of chance It bestows a Fortune -


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Post31 Mar 2007

tinydot wrote:Great idea! A group that will be involved in letter writing campaign, press media, etc. I was just thinking of a lot of companies (government and private) worldwide especially in a democratic countries, that have some sort of "employees' union" which balances the powers of the administration.

Me, myself and I, are ready!! (US).

Let's start writing and sending emails to the globe.

Will it help? Who knows. The more the name BKWSU is mentioned as a dangerous CULT the more people get interested in all the stories!! But just one letter is not going to help. As we know, a lot of goverments are involved and they do not want to know their failiure and keep it until "US" give up!!!!
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Post01 Apr 2007

tinydot wrote:The BKs claim themselves to be under God's government. I am pretty sure, God would be happy for an internal audit by a reputable third party organization, of its affairs especially the finances. Another question I have is, are NGOs subject for financial audit? Who is auditing BKs finances?

From this I realize you are teasing and you know that audits, refunds or transparency are not the ways of this org. Who can challenge the "cupola" of the mafia? Maybe only a more ferocious org only; not the state, the laws or citizens.

Nobody has a right to question. Its all top secret and not even an exciting one!
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Post01 Apr 2007

jannisder wrote:Let's start writing and sending emails to the globe.

I think that is a good idea. It would be good for the BKs to know that they cannot pull the wool over others eyes.

One thing that strikes me as important is to remind the Brahma-kumaris of their legal duties. Their "Duty of Care" as it is called in law.

Frankly, in my opinion, an organization which encourages its followers to give everything; mind, body and wealth, on the basis of an imminent "End of the World" Destruction is committing a kind of fraud if it does not inform its followers of all the failed predictions that it has previously made e.g.;
    World War II
    1986 to 96
    Year 2000 etc
They should be made to tell students at their first lesson.

Likewise, I think that any organization that uses all the surreptitious fronts in order to inveigle its way in to positions of power, status and respectability as the BKWSU does ought be made to be honest about who it is and what it is up to. I have no problems with a BK that says, "this is what I believe and this is what I do, take it or leave it". But I do have a problem with an organization that uses and eats up other individuals' time and energy on a guise for their own agenda. Especially their clever-clever use of the God word to pretend to others that when they talk about God, they all mean the same thing.

I think a short letter or email detailing all the historical re-writes, central beliefs and two or three of the more whackier things it has gotten up (financial abuse, re-writing of their history and scripture, violence towards PBKs) to will ring bells with most people. Whilst you are on the internet, if you see the BKs sneaking their way in or sidling their way along side some other individuals, e.g. Dalai Lama, Interfaith groups, Goverments, academics ... just drop them an email to tell them what they are really all about.

I must admit, I am utterly skeptical that the BKs are up to one thing, and that is self-advertisement as their being the only instruments of God out to capture new souls for their religion to replace all the old ones that drop out. Its like they need new souls to feed off.

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