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Policing the BKWSU

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2007
by ex-l
Someone mentioned this on the forum somewhere. Please move to the right topic. Thanks.
The Independent Newspaper wrote:Zen and the art of enforcing law and order

Independent, The (London), Sep 28, 1999 by Justin I'Anson Sparks in Amsterdam

IT MAY seem surreal to imagine a British Bobby laying aside his helmet and assuming the lotus position in an attempt to attain deeper knowledge and a oneness with the world, but in Amsterdam that is exactly what has been happening.

More than a third of the 5,500-strong police force that keeps law and order in Amsterdam, have been regularly attending spiritual courses at a local branch of the Academy of Brahma Kumaris - a quasi- religious cult founded in India during the 1930s.

Inner members of the cult are required to meditate every five hours, night and day, and to refrain from sex. While the police are not expected to attain such dizzy heights of self-denial, they are encouraged to try their best.

As part of a course known innocuously as "Positive Thinking", officers are encouraged to lead a more spiritual life, to meditate, and to moderate as best they can their personal addictions - whether they be sex, alcohol, marijuana, or simply a penchant for chocolate.

Amsterdam's police force has never been prisoner to orthodoxy. Officers have everything from special off-road motorcycles to mountain bikes with which to pursue their criminal foes, and they recently tried to create an elite "inline-skating" unit for rapid response to street crime. For several months officers could be seen across the city centre, tentatively trying to work their beat on skates, while intermittently tottering off balance and grasping at lampposts.

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by mitra
May be these souls will come as special security guards from Bronze age onwards in Royal Palaces.

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by arjun
Mitra wrote:May be these souls will come as special security guards from Bronze age onwards in Royal Palaces.

Why wish only Copper Age for those souls, why not 8 or 108 or 1000 who come at the beginning of the Golden Age?

Baba says we must always aim for first class. Even the last 15000 souls out of the rosary of 16000 constitute second class.

The result has not yet been declared or fixed. So who knows any or all among the above Police Personnel may climb high up The Ladder (may be higher than the so-called Maharathis).

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by mitra
8) I did not say that they will not come in the Golden Age. But their sanskar will help them to do their duty [MAY BE] from bronze age onwards. If they follow knowledge and the Shrimat, certainly they will come first.


PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by bansy
I have been to Amsterdam once. If anything, drugs are as easy to get hold as soon as you exit the main station. Not that I needed any.

I am not sure how discipline the law and police is really in Holland. (Is prostitution legalised?) At least it is out in the open and less reserved ("corrupt") in most countries. The city also has bicycles all over so you can just take one, pedal to your destination, and leave them at one of the many bike stands dotted across the city where another rider can use it. Everyone shares in the bikes.

The Dutch I met were quite nice friendly people and the city is quite lovely with its canals and clean air. So it is bizarre why sex and drugs are so loose there, surely these are not factors in having a "golden" life or is it. in :roll:

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by jann
Sorry to interupt. How many Mitra's are there??

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by ex-l
jannisder wrote:Sorry to interupt. How many Mitra's are there?

It is the one and the same Mitra. They are a BK and seem to be a moderator over at the Aussie forum, which is the best PUBLIC forum the BKs have. But, I have no problem with Mitra being here.

What they have on PRIVATE channels though, I do not know. Perhaps Mitra will let us in on some of their secrets. They have a communications systems with many layers of secrecy, although they call it "privacy";
    • secret Murli sites,
    • secret video broadcasting of God/BapDada,
    • secret channels for center-in-charges,
    • secret channels for zones-in-charge and Seniors Sisters that even the centers don't get to hear about.
Or call it private, if you wish. If you ever wondered who wrote the script for the FBI and governmental secret services next Kalpa ... it was these people. Mitra has always been a respectful watcher. Its just a shame that they cannot wholeheartedly contribute to the bhandara.

It is no secret that the BKWSU has decided that it has the right to hold back God's free food from His children. All we are allowed is regurgitated second helpings from their Presidents and Chiefs. We have to wait until they chew the food first, because they have always had first servings for nearly 70 years, and then we get to eat what their Presidents and Chiefs put out afterwards.

It is still considered "pure", and equal to God's food. So I guess we are lucky for that.

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by jann

No, its not a problem that Mitra is here. That was not my point.

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by Mr Green
bansy wrote:The Dutch I met were quite nice friendly people and the city is quite lovely with its canals and clean air. So it is bizarre why sex and drugs are so loose there, surely these are not factors in having a "golden" life or is it. in :roll:

On the contrary Bansy, the Dutch aproach to consenting adults taking part in pleasure is a factor of how friendly the Dutch are. Because culturarly, they niether stigmatise or criminalize people who like either to smoke marijuana or have sex with a prostitute. This is definitely part of a golden life, it's called not judging others.

One man's meat is another man's poison

Holland is a great country with very low crime levels. Prostitution is legal and girls do do it from choice and earn good money. They can rent a small premises, these areas are well policed, so no exploitation and pimping ... cannabis is available to buy for personal use in the coffeeshops which many people enjoy. It is still against the law but the authorities do not prosecute anyone because, in general, cannabis users cause no one more harm than anyone else. These coffeshops stop the trade of cannabis by nasty people with the intent of exploitation and allow people to buy it without putting money into the hands of unscrupulous criminals.

In my country (England), the goverments approach to drugs causes far more harm than good. It forces the trade into the hands of crooks, who will sell harmfull adulterated samples. It seems people have always used it according to science, so I feel it is good not to discriminate against opther people's ways of living.

Only people who really cause harm to others, and the fabric of society, appear to be of such a state of mind that they need to be policed. :wink:

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2007
by ex-l
Mr Green wrote:Holland is a great country with very low crime levels.

So, do you think that the cops get the hippies to put their spliffs down for traffic control? Proy ... you are worried about 'spooks' coming waking you up at 4 a.m.? Can you think how excited the SS would be to have their own 'police force'? Oh, right, they do have already ... nah, that is not a police force, that is a secret service.

I fear your rosy tinted BK PR sanskars are coming to the fore here, mister, to suggest it is the sex and drugs police that are the root of such a society. They deal with a load of Europe's Class A addicts and there is an increase in sex trafficking of women to take advantage of the lax laws ... Surely these exampes are symptoms rather than a cause of a greater whole that has made for a hardworking, rational, reformed, down to earth and small Protestant continental country?

Its an interesting question that takes us off onto how successful supression and prohibition are in one direction and what are the virtues that make such a people in the other direction. To extrapolate, why are Indians like Indians and Dutch like Dutch; and are "cures" for Indians suitable drugs for Westerners?

I think that it is a lot more down to environmental factors, e.g. land, climate, genes, than which Yuga or status they first took birth in.

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2007
by Mr Green
The incidence of people trafficing for prostitution is far greater in this country than Holland because of the underground nature of the running of the industry here compared with Holland.

Class A use is also far higher in this country, and again more criminalised. In Holland addicts can get clean heroin and inject with clean needles in a safe medically monitered environment, which means they don't mug innocent people to get money for drugs and they don't overdose.

Re: Policing the BKWSU

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2009
by ex-l
Mentioned again recently, I found the weblink to it and the complete article.

There is also a Dutch language article, here; Politie snakt naar 'een stukje bewustwording', where I think they are given a less easy time. Translation, please.
Column One: Zen and the art of enforcing law and order by Justin I'Anson Sparks in Amsterdam Tuesday, 28 September 1999

IT MAY seem surreal to imagine a British Bobby laying aside his helmet and assuming the lotus position in an attempt to attain deeper knowledge and a oneness with the world, but in Amsterdam that is exactly what has been happening. More than a third of the 5,500-strong police force that keeps law and order in Amsterdam, have been regularly attending spiritual courses at a local branch of the Academy of Brahma Kumaris - a quasi-religious cult founded in India during the 1930s.

Inner members of the cult are required to meditate every five hours, night and day, and to refrain from sex. While the police are not expected to attain such dizzy heights of self-denial, they are encouraged to try their best. As part of a course known innocuously as "Positive Thinking", officers are encouraged to lead a more spiritual life, to meditate, and to moderate as best they can their personal addictions - whether they be sex, alcohol, marijuana, or simply a penchant for chocolate.

Amsterdam's police force has never been prisoner to orthodoxy. Officers have everything from special off-road motorcycles to mountain bikes with which to pursue their criminal foes, and they recently tried to create an elite "inline-skating" unit for rapid response to street crime. For several months officers could be seen across the city centre, tentatively trying to work their beat on skates, while intermittently tottering off balance and grasping at lampposts.

Despite that, however, the popularity of the Brahma Kumaris course has caused considerable disquiet in some quarters of the constabulary - particularly among those sceptical of the cult's good intentions in providing the courses free of charge. Some patrol officers also fear that their colleagues' behaviour will wreck their street credibility.

According to a police spokesman, Mr Wilting, the normally open-minded Dutch public is also unenthusiastic about the project. "The police's positive thinking has in general not been so positively received by the general public," he said. As a result, the police have been attempting to play down their involvement with Brahma Kumaris. Mr Wilting dismissed it as a "passing fad", and said the number of police involved was certainly no more than 200.

However, according to F Wagenaar, a former Amsterdam police chief who himself attended two Brahma Kumaris courses, the actual number is nearer to 2,000 and officers have been involved since as far back as 1990. "I myself encouraged them to go," Mr Wagenaar declared. Such encouragement has involved officers being allowed to attend courses during duty hours, with a free day being offered to those who underwent the course in their own time - a practice that Mr Wilting said has now been stopped.

At the meditation sessions held at the "Academy" - an impeccably clean and simply furnished building sporting icons of the cult's founder Brahma Baba - officers are presented with a rich hotchpotch of religious as well as psychoanalytical ideas, presented by a former journalist, Jacqueline Berg. Ms Berg's aim is for the police to purge themselves of their "negative energy" and to become a source emitting "positive energy" for the local community. To describe the potential magnitude of such energy flows, she explained that while purging herself of negative energy during a recent illness, she caused an electrical storm and fused all the electrical sources in her house.

Far from being beneficial to the police, some observers believe that they have simply been duped into providing a cult, which claims to have 3,500 branches in over 70 countries, with a much-needed aura of respectability. In the official Brahma Kumaris brochure, uniformed police officers beam happily out of a group photograph headed: "Police in Amsterdam at the end of their Positive Thinking course."

Supporters of Brahma Kumaris within the constabulary cite the project as further evidence of the Amsterdam police force's long tradition of open-mindedness towards new ideas and changes in society. According to one officer, such open-mindedness is all "part of the city's easy-going culture". Should a tourist ask a policeman for a good place to smoke cannabis, then the chances are he will be given polite directions to half a dozen coffee shops in impeccable English, French or German, as encouraged in police training.

Mr Wilting said the entire project was now under review.

Re: Policing the BKWSU

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2009
by paulkershaw
Should actually read....
"Police in Amsterdam at the end of their Thinking."