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Starting them young, BKWSU youth in service

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by ex-l
I pulled a post out of the BK news section, I don't want to spoil the energy over there, and spent 5 minutes analysing what was going on. Knowing the BKIVV media maniplation virtues, I do not trust them or their news releases further than I can ...

File under "Starting them Young", a forensic analysis of how the BKWSU uses even kids to get ahead, despite an utterly contradictory agenda. In this case, they broadcast a 'woo-woo' NASA connection when in fact there is next to none and it is they themselves that are behind a competition encouraging kids to design Moon cities when they teach that the world is about to be imminently destroyed and there will never be such a thing as space exploration!?!
arjun wrote:The February Edition of the Purity magazine has published a group photograph of participants in Third Asian Regional Space Settlement Design Competition organised by NASA at Om Shanti Retreat Centre (ORC) (which is located at Manesar, adjoining Delhi as far as I know). From the photograph all the participants seem to be children/youth.

So our Brothers and Sisters have added a new dimension to 'universal' service.

Far out ... may be they are becoming serious about training deities to go and retreive the flag off the moon and all those satellites and space junk before the Golden Age. But why are the Brahmakumaris sponsoring moon dwellings? Murli point please?

Actually, ARSSDC it not organized by NASA at all and so if that is what it says, the BKIVV is being dishonest again. Parent organisation International Space Settlement Design Competition is run by volunteers under Boeing employees Anita Gale and Dick Edwards who personally donated the majority of funding required to conduct the Competition. The website says the ARSSDC is run by the RajYoga Education & Research Foundation of the BKWSU. So are they buying status by association by running events and then saying they are someone elses!?! However ...

What do we make of this? See;
arssdc wrote:Objectives of organizing the competition:

The primary objective of organizing this competition is to teach industrial skills to students.
Inculcating confidence & pride amongst Indian students and Other Asian Students.
To encourage students from middle class families to participate at International level.
To teach values and slef-motivate [sister in charge] students to become better human beings.

Middle class only? And obviously "values education" rather than spelling.

Is the student from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology who is the convenor of it, "Rick Everest" aka Abhishek Agarwal, a BK? He sounds like a good kid but what might start to make sense of it is that he got to met Condoleeza Rice
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Meets Patiala Students

16 March 2005 NEW Delhi - Three Patiala students, who represented India in the Space Settlement Design Competition held in the United States in July 2004, today met with the visiting U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in New Delhi.

Dr. Rice, who is on a six-nation tour of Asia, met with Abhishek Agarwal, Aditi Kaushik and Jyotika Singh at Roosevelt House, the residence of the U.S. Ambassador in New Delhi. The students presented her with a Punjabi shawl. After this meeting, Dr. Rice departed for Pakistan, which is the second stop after India in her March 14-21, six-nation tour of South Asia and East Asia.

convenor Abhishek, Aditi and Jyotika were among the 17 students from Patiala who represented India in the Space Settlement Design Competition organized in July 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

Ah, the old BK shawl offering number, did Iraqi War terrorist Condoleeza get a Godly picture too I wonder? And a quick google and we find that Rick Everest is already on to United Nations related NGO gravy train, The Space Generation Advisory Council.
The Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Application (SGAC) is a non-governmental organisation which aims to represent students and young space professionals to the United Nations, States, and space agencies.

So, fair dos, the kid is from a good background, working hard, doing well and they have got him involved in Godly propaganda. My question is, how do they manage the duplicity of it all? Encouraging a Space Generation when teaching, if they no longer believe, imminent Destruction of Kali Yug and forthcoming Golden Age? And from the Gyani point of view sponsoring utterly non-BK related things. Its schizophrenic ... or is it just all a cover up.?

Oh ... Team Force, Patiala, India were also one of the winners. So they seem to be backing the home team.

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:Far out ... may be they are becoming serious about training deities to go and retreive the flag off the moon and all those satellites and space junk before the Golden Age. But why are the Brahmakumaris sponsoring moon dwellings? Murli point please?

I don't have any Murli quote for ready reference, but it is believed both by BKs and PBKs that there is no life beyond Earth.

When both say that there would not be human habitation beyond the Indian subcontinent in the Golden and Silver Ages, then where is the need to search for dwelling units beyond Earth?


PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:When both say that there would not be human habitation beyond the Indian subcontinent in the Golden and Silver Ages, then where is the need to search for dwelling units beyond Earth?

Well, it looks like another example of the Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya buying status with their followers time and money.

This time being able to untruthfully state a NASA connection ... for what reason? ... and get to Condoleeza Rice, the United States of America's Secretary of State. I think Purity exists largely to convince BKs that the BKIVV is doing something big and important, "... keep the money rolling in and don't rock the boat because you too could be part of this!"

I am more interest in the teams having to pay to enter a BKWSU sponsored event and the convenor's Patiala Team being one of the winners!.