Religious Founders and more BKWSU re-writes

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Religious Founders and more BKWSU re-writes

Post03 Feb 2007

Interesting ...

I was following the re-writing of the BKWSU wikipedia article and read a BK AppleDell edit out a statement that the BKWSU ... or Shiva ... does not teach that the religious founders come to the BKs to learn their Knowledge for the next Cycle any more. See link, here
BK Appledell wrote:(?Controversies - Deleted ref to religious founders coming to BKs for knowledge - so such belief exists and there is certainly no citation to back this up.)

Has that been edited out of the Murlis?

Appledell also states that there is no such belief that Dinosaurs existed 2,500 years ago at the start of the Copper Age ... here
Appledell wrote:(?Controversies - Deleted reference to dinosaurs having existed 2,500 years ago - no such official belief exists (and certainly not any citation to suggest it does))

And that only BKs will go to the Golden Age;
Appledell wrote:(?Controversies - Removed the "only they" ref to followers going to Golden Age - there is no citation anywhere in these "central beliefs" but rather than deleting everything, I am amending.)

The big joke is Appledell also removed the academic Dr John Walliss that qualified the BKs "Chosen Few" belief under the guise of removing a Murli quote; here.

Murlis, these BKs claim, are "Internal Documents" only and cannot be publicly quoted as proof of BK's beliefs, see; here.

To me, these BKs are so transparently dishonest it is hysterical watching them get up to their connivances to hide the truth. What does it do to the soul to have deny one's own beliefs in public so vociferously and commit such frauds? I honestly think the institution or Seniors instructing all this, without any reference point outside of itself, is going mad.

It is Big Mohini that is in charge of the IT team is not it?
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abrahma kumar

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Post03 Feb 2007

If someone is deliberately trying to discredit the BKWSU then this surely is the way to do it. No Ex-I, it is not that i doubt your post but the enormity of the consequences that these things can have in the lives of REAL PEOPLE are so huge that my mind baulks.

Ex-i, do you believe this has happened under the direct guidance of Seniors or those believed to issue directives that come from Seniors? How senior within the BKWSU would one have to be so as to get stuff like this done?

Perhaps the people doing this are just misguided over-zealous students who think that if they haven't yet heard God speak a particular Murli point then to see it mentioned anywhere else has to be an untruth. How can we get an official response to this? Can we find out in which region of the world these edits were made? Did you mean President Brakma Kumaris USA? IS Baba'S UK OK LOSING OUT TO PBK USA?

Could it be due to a power struggle within the BKWSU? Are these signs of an EMEA / America's split within the BKWSU? Is our discussion of these things proving to be a blessing in disguise for the weaker party in a BKWSU power struggle? Could one of these faction's find's its hands tied because of cultural traditions the West will never understand? And so they stand by waiting for drama? Is the presence of this website a threat to one of the factions while the other quietly cheers us on?
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Post03 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Is our discussion of these things proving to be a blessing in disguise for the weaker party in a BKWSU power struggle?

I do not know but I would say that it will be used by up and coming factions. The Good Ship BKWSU is not exactly watertight though. If you know what I mean.

I am short on time and so willl leave others to comment on this, there is a quote from BapDada to the BKWSU IT Team somewhere on this forum with discussion. Someone said that the main players met with him, although I do not know in that I do not know if it was "this" team or just "the" IT team. However some, like BK Simon Blandford, are mentioned on other BKWSU IT Team documents. You know how BKs all join groups to have special reason to meet with BapDada. Its definitely BKs and there is definitely Shrimat at play here.

Yup, the so called "President of the BKWSU USA", BK Mohini was named as the head of the IT Team but there are "middle management" BK Sisters, involved; like BK Waddy in Tampa and BK Maureen in London ... The BK Wiki-war is a USUK collaboration that is hoping to spread its wings into other languages. The internet revisions are being co-ordinated and backed up by a letter writing campaign which removed the likes of the Google answers and a really condeming/confirming (depending on which way you look at it) BKWSU produced video.

What makes it interesting is that Mohini in NYC and Jayanti in London are being slated as the next administrative heads of the BKWSU once the two Dadis demise. (Let's face it, Gulzar is the psychic medium and not the intellectual administrative powerhouse). So this is their minions handiwork, all for the world to see! Look forward to more Murli re-writes I reckon ... apparently Jayanti was quoted as saying the 5,000 year figure was not important and so we are expecting that to be sidelined next, at least in the West.

Allegedly, weak sources again, this 5,000 years bit was part of the conversation that brought the xBKChat forum folk back into the fold. But I have not seen any evidence to support that and so cannot confirm. I'd like to know what happened to xBKChat too. The villages of India ...? business as usual until they get the internet.

But, any Murli or Jagdish Chander quotes to back up the bit about the religious founders have to come to the BKWSU and take partial Gyan would be appreciated. I know the PBKs have a different take on "religious founders" but remember clearly what we were taught to teach in the BKWSU; all the religious founders have to come to Baba to take teachings and earn inheritance for the next Cycle. How else or where else would they receive it?

The only problem was that they did not do the full course or realize the full teachings and so instead of become BKs and going to Heaven, they blew it and ended up in the Copper Age with their own religion instead. BKs remaining superior by 100% and more.
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abrahma kumar

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Post03 Feb 2007

Thanks for the feedback and will try see what I can find.

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