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Celebrity Big Brahmin (rejection)

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007
by sparkal
Hello and welcome to the Big Brahmin house where WE will brainwash YOU into accepting a camera on every street corner of the world, and turn you into voyeuristic creeps just like us, then you won't be able to point the finger at us, will you. And so, down to the real nitty grittys, yes, rejection, we will teach you how to socially exclude any undesirable individual from the group.

So let us find out who is up for eviction from the Big Brahmin house this week. Anyone in mind? Someone been getting on your nerves and you would like to indulge in some classy social exclusion? Just phone in, yes, telecoms capitalism, the latest right wing fad in your face. We are here to find the WEAKEST LINK and give them the big elbow. They have no right to exist as part of the group after all, if the majority thinks so. Forget about right and wrong, this game is about whether your face fits or not, end of story.

So what's happening in the Big Brahmin house? Well, in the kitchen, the Kumaris and Mothers have taken over and there seems to be some sort of dispute over pots and pans. In the lounge, the Dadis have built a long gaddhi in front of the fireplace after hearing a rumour that there may be a Mic soul coming into the house while the Brothers are playing strategic Territorial war games with the sofas to see who gets the front row couch. Meanwhile, in the garden, Some Africans and Brazilians have taken all the pots and pans from the kitchen and there is a big drum jam going on with Sisters and Brothers dancing, the Dadis are turning a blind Third Eye and have a few spy's around anyhow.

Anyway we'll take a break so don't go away as when we return from selling you corporate rubbish, the true reason for the show, we are going to reject someone from the social circle. Yes, elitist social exclusion is the name of the game, don't miss out. If anyone in your society is different in any way from the "norm", or you simply suspect that they may be undesirable, and we cant take chances. What you need is SOCIAL EXCLUSION.

Tanoy: "This is big Brother. Would all 'centre-in-charges' please come to the dining room.

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007
by sparkal
I have just spent an hour at the DSS (social security) with an occupational psychologist on the basis that the Job centre consider me unfit for the work place such is my fluctuating relationship with them and the way they go about supposedly helping people.

My spiritual experiences have brought much rejection and persecution of various types while in the work place. It is all good and well saying 'don't tell them anything spiritual', the fact is, when you spend up to 8 hours per day in a group situation, they will want to know and will find out things about you. I refuse to be ashamed of spiritual enlightenment or see it as some taboo subject.

I refuse to work in a competitive environment (that rules the BKs out then). I also refuse to work in a situation where the aim and object is to make money for the sake of it. I am now going to approach the voluntary sector. This is an important subject as some consider themselves to have gone too far in the spiritual direction to actually go out into the work place, yet don't mind seeing and telling others to do so. That is not to say that the BKs are obliged to keep anyone.