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Brahma Classes

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2007
by john
Did Brahma Baba hold classes, which were not Murli. i.e. Shiva speaking them?

Or was it always considered that when BrahmaBaba gave a class it was Murli and ShivaBaba was actually conducting it?

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2007
by arjun
John wrote:Or was it always considered that when BrahmaBaba gave a class it was Murli and ShivaBaba was actually conducting it?

I think yes.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2007
by tinydot
Now, we can see that this is only an assumption of BKs, i.e. Shiva was always talking when Brahma was giving classes. The problem here is Brahma is not unconscious and he can always interfere during the citation of the Murli.