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BKWSU's Defamation

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2006
by tinydot
Defamation existed even during the time of the Om Mandali group. BKWSU survived and grew in number. However, only at this time, because of the internet technology, can we really see how the BK teachings are exposed, analyzed, criticised and defamed. What is the underlying Karma of BK's why they are facing so much defamation in this present time? Can we say that "Defamation begets defamation" as we see the Law of Karma taking into effect?

Can BKs correct this seemingly defamation put forth onto them? My answer is Yes and No.

Yes, if the teachings are God's and must therefore be absolute at least in essence.

No, BKs cannot correct it and they will just fall down just like other religions because the teachings are only means to make somebody good and peaceful. It is not necessarily the truth and therefore, the teachings are not the living God's words and will eventually die in time.

So, which answer do you pick?

Re: BKWSU's Defamation

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2006
by ex-l
tinydot wrote:No, BKs cannot correct it and they will just fall down just like other religions because the teachings are only means to make somebody good and peaceful. It is not necessarily the truth and therefore, the teachings are not the living God's words and will eventually die in time.

Its difficult. I doubt the BKs will fall down or disappear. Although the spirit might disappear from them as you say. But look at the crimes of the Catholic Church on one hand, and the likes of Sai Baba on the other. No matter how many tales of young boys being felt up, fraudulent finances or bad magic tricks, his movement still grows, politicians still fete him, schools and community groups are established. The BKs have sufficient diffusion lines to sustain them, all the New Age, positive thinking, Leadership management stuff ... may be they will even manage to metamorphose into a real charity helping others.

Ditto the Hare Krishnas after their child abuse scandal. In fact, I had to raise an eyebrow when I saw notice on this site of a Diwali celebration in London, sponsored by local government, that had the BKs, the Sai Babas and the Hare Krishnas all on the same stage together ... what does that tell you about both government and the general public's memory or discrimination. What is says is that despite all the crap you get into, just keep going and it will be OK. Just like the politician they chase, they will get away with it merely from the virtue of sticking at it.
    What is the underlying Karma of BK's
I can only answer personally. But for me it is the endemic and institutionalized dishonesty ... and the re-writing of the Murli. (The latter is bound to have a serious karmic kickback).

I used to have a pretty high regard for BKs but since digging in under the surface, listening to case after case, experiencing the methodology of their reaction myself; I can only ask, how can they promote "The Truth" using layer and layer of lies. I do not think that I have ever come against what by my impure, Shudra, lower-than-the-lowest-of-the-low standards are such a bunch of uniformly petty, supercilious, backstabbing, narky, slippery, deluded and dishonest individuals. I'd love to meet some independent, mature and "spiritual" BKs ( ... Mitra and BKRY, you are excused from such criticism). All those years inside the BK's controlled, contrived, "secret society" culture distorts individuals.

I am not sure that I would class either the Anti-Party or this site as "defamation". Both were/are dealing with realities. I can understand the natural reaction of the local community's establishment to Mr Kirpalani's psychic love commune. It would be quite a shock to you if you returned home from a business trip to discover that your wife had left you, taken your daughters, joined some cult and wanted to give all your money away to them!

What is interesting and new about this site is that the BKWSU and the Seniors are being openly and publicly discussed by those that know it and them very well. Not only because the critics have been inside it but even that those critics helped shape it. I don't suppose that ever before have they been so closely exposed, analysed and criticized in public and outside of the Seniors' control. Not even the most perspicacious of academics has gotten this close to the reality of the BK ... and we are still just scrapping at the surface. I heard that even fell under their influence/control too.

If it turns out that Shiva has really left them and is working through Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs, then perhaps it could bring them down BUT my experience is that sort of middle management person is quite willing and able to swop loyalties very quickly in order to protect their own personal position. The question I have is what effect will all this have on the reality of the BK masses in India and Africa where they have no internet access? Are we just talking about the Western BK Elite?

Of course, from their point of view, we are all vicious impure devils and so what else are we likely to come up with than bad things to say about them. Not their fault, is it?

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2006
by andrey
There is even this example of a form (incarnation) of God that is defamed the most. Not only his children are defamed. He is even defamed the most of all. But it also happens like this, look at all the religious Fathers, no one accepted them since they were here and everyone has given them bad treatment. Now what will be the condition with the biggest religious Father ... it’s because everyone has negativity within themselves and someone has to take it in himself so that it disappears. That’s why it is said we are not bad with the bad and good with the good. We are good with the bad also. And this soul is not affected by prasie or defamation.

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2006
by Mr Green
The bottom line, as I see it ex-l, is that belief is intoxicating. It gives you personal power and direction.

So who cares if the finger of corruption is pointed at your faith, f**k them, this is what I believe and I am sticking with it ... It's this type of awareness your dealing with. It is like telling a junkie that he shouldn't get high, he cannot hear such reasoning.

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2006
by ex-l
Mr Green wrote:The bottom line, as I see it ex-l, is that belief is intoxicating. It gives you personal power and direction.

So who cares if the finger of corruption is pointed at your faith, f**k them, this is what I believe and I am sticking with it ... It's this type of awareness your dealing with. It is like telling a junkie that he shouldn't get high, he cannot hear such reasoning.

I agree entirely. You have defined it very well. There may be truth in there but it has been mixed with some impure, addictive, psychicl "substance". I don't know which came first, the sugar coating ... or the poison.

My "issue" is trying to work out or divine what this "intoxication" issue is, how it works and, perhaps, even how to cure it. I am asking myself, why is this being done and what is the pay off for both parties.

We are a self-help group for those want to go cold turkey ... a target for all the junkies and their pushers. And a tough hide for the snake to bite on, I dare say.

I do not want to offend Virendra Dev Dixit and core PBKs, because I have little knowledge and experience of them and they might be giving away the antidote. Likewise, there might be geniune angels doing social work in amongst the drugged up BK hordes ... life is more complex than they have told us.

To your theoretical equation, I would also try adding ... "power over others". It, or they, seem to be possessed by power over other, sucking up to powerful BKs, chasing and associating with those non-BKs that have power today, offering power tomorrow either within the BKWSU or Golden Age to those that are complicit and obedient, learning lesson of power.

Funny to think how "Self Management Servitude" seminars would not sell so well somehow ...