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Fate of Matter (Matters on Fate)

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2006
by tinydot
For everyone's information, this is just my own opinion and belief. I will refine it as I think more circumstances. Let's take some likely event questions:

1. What is the probability (disregarding "scientific" evidence) that cosmic
changes is cyclic?
a. expansive, probability of event=1/3, cannot be cyclic.
b. contractive, probaility of event=1/3, After Big Crunch, Big Bang occurs. 50% probability of cyclic cosmic changes, so 0.5(1/3) = 16.67%.
c. steady state, probability of event=1/3, probability of cyclic cosmic changes=50%,
so 0.5(1/3) = 16.67%.

So overall probability of cyclic cosmic change is 16.67% + 16.67% = 33.33% Pretty high.

2. What is the probability that our own Galactic changes is cyclic? 33.33%, we haven't conquered our galaxy yet, so it depends on cosmic changes.

3. What is the probability that changes in our solar system is cyclic? I would say a very little bit less than the probability of cosmic changes. It really depends on how much space junks we sent to outer space within our solar system.

4. What is the probability that changes in our global system is cyclic? I would say very very close to zero.

In my opinion, our freedom causes the spiral global changes. I am sorry to say I am not deterministic in a global sense. Each soul has an equal ability to play the role of a hero. Only the Incorporeal is above everyone else, this is my belief. World drama is changing, but trends are periodic functions.

It is like the ratio of (sine a)/a, as long as the value of "a" is so small even though different, the ratio exhibits a value in the vicinity of "1".

We have only observed what impacts we have on our planet, but we cannot observe how we can affect changes in the cosmic scale.

And so to conclude in my opinion, I am comfortable to bet my life that YES, cosmic changes are cyclic but global changes are spiral.


PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by Mr Green
Is it healthy to hold strong opinions on things we cannot know the answers to?

Doesn't this just close our vision?

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by sparkal
Is there anything which is out-with cyclic behaviour?

You mention God, but God is just another role which just another soul plays is it not? (I am also in bondage to the drama and must play my role sort of thing). Does Shiva answer to a greater authority even? May be the following question.

Why should these greater environments you mention not operate to cyclic patterns/laws as everything else seems to, including the role of God?

And, to come back to earth, if this global change is natural, how would they then use it to cause fear in the masses?

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2006
by tinydot
Mr Green wrote:Is it healthy to hold strong opinions on things we cannot know the answers to?

Definitely not. As long as there are no other opinions that are more sound in one's perspective, holding on to one's own opinion is fine. But it is healthier to be flexible.
Mr Green wrote:Doesn't this just close our vision?

If you don't let go ... and becomes a belief and evetully a blind faith. Just like we see on all religious cult minded people.

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2006
by tinydot
sparkal wrote:Is there anything which is out-with cyclic behaviour? You mention God, but God is just another role which just another soul plays is it not? (I am also in bondage to the drama and must play my role sort of thing). Does Shiva answer to a greater authority even? May be the following question. Why should these greater environments you mention not operate to cyclic patterns/laws as everything else seems to, including the role of God?

Here, I consider 3 ways which the cosmos can proceed: expansive, steady-state, and contractive (actually this last one is Big crunch - Big Bang scenario). I think expansive universe is philosophically untenable. And so it's just a matter of inclination (if we don't have evidence) between the last two scenarios. Patterns can be viewed with respect to the changes we are considering. Consider the last scenario. Big Crunch-Big Bang, Big Crunch-Big Bang, Big Crunch-Big Bang ... Play it in our minds, fast forward it ... What do we view??? A perfect cycle of the universe, is not it? Can we change this perfect cycle? Of course not. Although some BKs think they are psychic and they can control the universe ...

Let's consider the steady-state universe scenario. Three stars died - one star born, 33 stars died - 47 stars born, 8 stars died - 11 stars born. Play it in our mind fast. We see RANDOM death and creation of stars of DIFFERENT SIZES (different mass contents). But for a steady state, the sum total of energy & matter content of the universe is the same and so the mass pattern is a perfect cycle (mass formation and mass destruction alternate). Same is true with energy pattern. Can we change this perfect cycle? Again, Of course not. Although some BKs think they are psychic and they can control the universe for the second time :)

Unless we can manipulate the galaxy, I will hold on to my opinion that the cosmic changes are perfect cylces in terms of mass formation and destruction. Now we go to global change patterns.
    Is time event pattern every 5K years perfectly cyclic?
    Is mass change pattern of the earth every 5K years perfectly cyclic?
    What about energy change pattern every 5K years?
The beginning (after major global catastrophe) and the end (after the next major catastrophe) don't necessary have to be the same in time and intensity. We understand they are certain but doesn't have to be the same. There are many ways to going to your auntie's home, take a boat next time ... We have many ways to improve our situation on earth. But we understand that we have contraints, too, on what we can do here. Our population cannot fill-up every square foot of land...
sparkal wrote:And, to come back to earth, if this global change is natural, how would they then use it to cause fear in the masses?

Natural catastrophe is OK but we should specify it ANYTIME. And to say a "specific form of catastrophe" like nuclear catastrophe is going to be repeated every 5000 years is darn fearful.

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2006
by ex-l
tinydot wrote:I think expansive universe is philosophically untenable. And so it's just a matter of inclination (if we don't have evidence) between the last two scenarios.

Is it? (Genuine question) Infinity is a very, very big place ... and hurts our small mind to think about. Infinite energy, infinite mass, infinite expansion ... science so desperately wants to place it inside a finite box in order to under to be bigger than it. Even all 10, 11, and 26 dimensions...

I am sitting contemplating my cauliflower again. See other thread on cycles.

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2006
by tinydot
ex-l wrote:Is it? (Genuine question) Infinity is a very, very big place ... and hurts our small mind to think about. Infinite energy, infinite mass, infinite expansion ... science so desperately wants to place it inside a finite box in order to under to be bigger than it. Even all 10, 11, and 26 dimensions ... I am sitting contemplating my cauliflower again. See other thread on cycles.

Fair question. Science doesn't really mean logical or rational or philosophical. And majority of modern scientists support the expansive universe theory. Christians (excluding Jehovah's Witnessses) and other religions support it too, I guess. They think we live only once in the Kalpa until destruction.

The point of my discussion is with the assumption of fixed energy and acceptance of first Law of Thermodynamics. If expansive is true, then we are facing the death of the universe. Philosophically, Christians like this to affirm their faith that we only live once.

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2006
by ex-l
tinydot wrote:
ex-l wrote:Is it? (Genuine question) Infinity is a very, very big place ... and hurts our small mind to think about. Infinite energy, infinite mass, infinite expansion ... science so desperately wants to place it inside a finite box in order to under to be bigger than it. Even all 10, 11, and 26 dimensions ... I am sitting contemplating my cauliflower again. See other thread on cycles.

Fair question. Science doesn't really mean logical or rational or philosophical ... The point of my discussion is with the assumption of fixed energy and acceptance of first Law of Thermodynamics. If expansive is true, then we are facing the death of the universe. Philosophically, Christians like this to affirm their faith that we only live once.

I always saw a correlation between the Christian and Western imperial scientific view of an infinite void in which, for no apparent reason there is a beginning a straightline decline and then an end whether Biblical or Newtonian. The same pattern just a new dressing. I am not up on where "new", or even ancient vedic-based science is going with multi-dimensionality, cyclical or fractal expansion. There was a little New Age buzz about Science, e.g. quantum physics, zero point energy etc but little to none of it has made its way into provable orthodox science.

You might look into Ilya Prigogine's work. He is best known for his work in thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium. A Nobel Prize winner, he studied thermodynamically open systems rather than closed systems so beloved of Newtonians and led pioneering research in self-organizing systems and the formation of complexity on biological entities. His work is seen as a bridge between natural sciences where such Laws apply easily and social sciences, where they don't appear to.

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2006
by sparkal
Science is yet to come clean with regards to other dimensions, even though they are meddling with time travel/matter transfer. How do you folks see things developing in this area as time goes on?

For example, will the promised land come about when this dimension collides with another kind of thing? Are we a time and space missing?

I seem to remember a senior saying that there is no magic wand. Have we been listening to fairy tales? ( ... Its behind you!)