Bhakti the future

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Bhakti the future

Post06 Dec 2006

The spiritual transformation can be seen as a process, which means that there are souls at all levels at any given time.

Within any centre, there can be those who worship Seniors (and may not even realise it) and there may be those who have, well, transcended such awareness, to some degree at least. My problems with the centre really kicked in when I exposed (or attempted to) this devotional behaviour towards senior Sisters/ Brothers.


Yes, it was against the law for me to (supposedly) insult Dadi Janki (?) by questioning THEIR devotion towards her. I just cant make that connection, the two are not related. Both Dadi and I Innocent, yet I get the blame for THEIR Bhakti towards Dadi. Suddenly, I was some sort of traitor against the family who hated or had issues with DJ. Enemy against the State, for caring about the bigger picture, the spiritual family, for seeing the destructive element within their actions, as souls in charge, against the true spiritual agenda, which was replaced by their own insecurity.

Let's not mess about here, this Bhakti thing disrupts the family more than we realise, I suspect. I sometimes wonder how these souls will cope were we all to go back.

So the soul is attacked and destroyed by others, who may well have authority within the org. Set upon on the basis of a misconception that someone is attacking/being negative towards Seniors when, in fact, it is those who are doing the devotional thing who are really insulting the Seniors with their misguided Bhakti. (is there any other type of Bhakti?) And while we are at it, you can have as many showers as you wish but it will not purify the soul. How many souls will suffer due to individuals lying to themselves and others?

As I say, this behaviour is going on at management level (to use the corporate term). They think they are somehow protecting the senior but are really guarding a festering area within the self, one which they obviously feel that no one else should see. I am waving a luminous yellow flag (spandex is optional) with purple dots, can you see it?

I have not said that anyone is doing anything wrong by their worship, according to their level of understanding of course, I am saying that souls are being persecuted on the basis of a lie. A big whopper of a lie at that. A lie which twists things to shift the BLAME onto a suitable destination. In fact, let's blame the guy without a job, he cannot have any spiritual depth if he has no job after all. "He has no say in the centre if he provides no money, God has got it wrong, again". I doubt if the objects of their worship have a bank account between them. Souls need to think very carefully before they act, (myself included). One thing is for sure, where there is devotion towards humans in particular (and God), there will be a bad smell. And to think that they may have had issues with my feet. There was only one toadstool growing there, honest.

COMMUNICATION, this can solve many many problems in centres. Sit down and talk straight and open, in GOD'S house, GODS family, GODS agenda. The onus is on the souls(S) in the centre to make that happen, even if it is something they don't want to face. I don't mean, have a trillion meetings and set a programme, by that. If you are surrendered to God, then you have handed over your weaknesses to God and no longer feel responsible/defencive, until they jump out. So there is subtle balance in all things.

And just to cast our minds back to last years Murli's (2005), there was a point being made that said something like ' give them the feeling that they belong to you '. Who was being referred to here and why?

The Bhakti prison is a glass prison, in our minds. The drama would have me believe that I am not supposed to be in there.
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Post07 Dec 2006

:D om Shanti

I think the concept of bhakthi generates when a soul sees the specialities of another soul. This speciality will be absent in the first soul. We should remember in such a situation that the second soul got the speciality from the Supreme Soul. So the speciality is not generated by the second soul. IT WAS TAKEN FROM THE Supreme Soul. If we have such a vision in our mind, we will not get attracted to any human soul.

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Post07 Dec 2006

For me, the lack of self respect in this area comes from the awareness that this person has these speciality's and I don't. On the world stage, whatever, the Soul World seed stage experience says that we are all the same as such.

The question then is, should this world be dictated to by what we are in another dimension? First, you would have to prove to me that I am in fact in this corporeal dimension in the first place. We all have specialities and the game is to emerge them, not cling to the specialities of others instead. We need examples though, it gives us confidence that we too can be that. Once again, the objects of worship could perhaps do more to gently point souls in the direction of the true self. They do. What souls need is the experience. The desired power may not come in the way that these instruments would like until they make certain changes to their awareness and certain practises. I don't claim to know what these are. We are all in the same boat with that one.

Self respect is the opposite of limited devotion/Bhakti. No one wants to be accused of Bhakti, it hurts, yet there are times when we have to say something if there is to be progress.


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