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The Honeymoon Period

PostPosted: 13 May 2006
by howiemac
proy wrote:Please tell me more about the Honeymoon Period.

when i started morning class with the BKs i remember one day when i was full of the joys of Brahmin life being told by a jaded old BK, 20 years "in Gyan", that i was in the "Honeymoon Period" and that i should make the most of it, because soon enough the "free intoxication" would stop, and i would have to start working for my spiritual upliftment... he went on to explain that every BK received a lot of help from above when starting out (ie from the time of spiritual rebirth), but that, after hooking you in, and showing what was possible, the help would be removed, and the child would be left to stand on his/her own feet, and earn their own way in the spritual world.

I did not fully believe what i was being told - surely i had just given up physical relationships, tobacco, alcohol, meat, eggs, onions, garlic, the works, and started keeping a "chart" of my progress and efforts, and started getting up most days for (unprecedented for me) 6 o'clock (or even 4 o'clock on a good day) for meditation and Murli class.... and here i was being told that (effectively) i wasn't earning, form my own efforts, the blasts of "super-sensuous joy" that i was regularly experiencing....

Looking back on it now, he was right - there was a "Honeymoon Period" - and many other BKs have since confirmed the same to me from their own experience. There is an initial intoxication that carries you along and enables you to make the big changes in your lifestyle that BK life demands. Later, if you are lucky, you learn to generate similar intoxication from your own efforts, but it does indeed take time. It seems to me that the Honeymoon Period highs are sporadic and unpredictable, you soar and plummet - whereas the later experiences from "standing on your own feet" are more stable and pretty much constant - you merge the divine into your everyday life, and your everyday life improves beyond recognition.

There were also, for me (and others i have spoken to) mini "honeymoon periods" when you have left for a while (a few days, a few weeks, a few months or years...) and return - everyone is pleased to see you and very loving and powerful meditation experiences return - but the joyride soon fades, and the old staleness and/or discontent that caused you to go away soon returns...

I have actually found more spiritual stability and elevation since leaving the BKs - the highs are lower and the lows are higher. The sheer exuberance experienced at times in the initial "Honeymoon Period" has never been regained, but the results of spiritual self transformation over a prolonged period of time are, for me, preferable to the rollercoaster of the early days.

blue moon?

PostPosted: 14 May 2006
by proy
Howie wrote:There is an initial intoxication that carries you along and enables you to make the big changes in your lifestyle that BK life demands. Later, if you are lucky, you learn to generate similar intoxication from your own efforts, but it does indeed take time. It seems to me that the Honeymoon Period highs are sporadic and unpredictable, you soar and plummet - whereas the later experiences from "standing on your own feet" are more stable and pretty much constant - you merge the divine into your everyday life, and your everyday life improves beyond recognition.

Sounds a lot like the difference between drug induced experiences and the experiences gained through regular meditation practice?

PostPosted: 14 May 2006
by andrey
Baba sais everything passes through stages of sato - rajo - tamo. When we enter knowledge we initially are full of faith and enthusiasm, then it goes down. There is only one who is free from The Cycle of birth and death in unlimited way birth is having faith on Father like having a new birth and dying is losing faith. He is called the North star who is constant in his faith and never loses it's possition. And Brahma is the one that passes The Cycle the most. Just look at the VCD* 114 with subtitles. Bab sais yes, they may call themselves Jagadguru/world leader/, nevertheless even the whole poppulation of India does not consider them so, but no one can call himself Jagadpita /world Father/ Because it is a matter of relationship. Father will not have jealousy with his children. Prajapita is the highest conciousness. He sais he is firm in the conciousness that I am Prajapita. So there are both fathers that has come.

PostPosted: 14 May 2006
by john
Brahma is the one that passes The Cycle the most

By Brahma you mean Dada Lekhraj I am pressuming. In what way is Brahma passing from having and losing faith? Do you mean in the Sakar days pre 1969 or the Avyakt? Who is he having and losing faith with, Shiva, himself or the role of Prajapita?

So did Brahma have a Honeymoon Period, did he go from Sato-Rajo-Tamo?

PostPosted: 14 May 2006
by andrey
Brahma is called one with four five heads and faces and mouths. All Brahmas become Vishnu in 1 second. But there is only one Prajapita Brahma. Yes, it is about Dada - the soul of Krishna. He is in such a boat of an intellect that' rocks the most in the ocean of poison, because Brahma the mother Jagadamba is responsible for the world of sorrow. But this boat of truth will never sink and when this unlimited Delhi, Dilli /Dil - heart/ changes the whole Bharat, the whole world will change. She opens the gate to heaven, She transforms human beings into deities. Tht's why Baba has said we should give donation of Yaad so that the eclipse on the moon /of knowledge/ is removed. I don't know the answer about the faith. Baba has spoken about faith in self, Father, drama, familly. Maybe one should speak out the doubts so that it is known.

As i know Brahma Baba's "honeymoon" /life/ ended in heart attack.

PostPosted: 14 May 2006
by john
He is in such a boat of an intellect that' rocks the most in the ocean of poison, because Brahma the mother Jagadamba is responsible for the world of sorrow

Could you please expand on this and explain how Brahma rocks the most in the ocean of poison?

When you say Brahma the mother Jagadamba do you mean Dada Lekhraj? Also why is Jagadamba responsible for the world of sorrow?

PostPosted: 14 May 2006
by andrey
In the Murlis it is said this Brahma is your Jagadamba, but the body is male that's why Mama has been made instrumental for the Sisters and mothers. This soul of Brahma Dada Lekraj - the soul of Krishna has such resolves as of a mother, thats why he is the heroine actor. And there is a hero actor. This soul becomes Jagadamba in a female body. Brahma is shown on the lowest stage in the Subtle Region. It is said in the Murli Brahma's age finishes in the world of sorrow. Mother is responsible for the practicle side of life - eating, clothing etc. It is called earth. Earth is now polluted. Father is living and intelelctual. First the soul changes, then the body. So the soul of Brahma Baba when it changes Jagadamba the earth changes. Who is said to open the gates of heaven? Is it the Father or the mother? It is the mother. And it is this soul that is the first leaf from which Golden Age is counted.

PostPosted: 14 May 2006
by john

very interesting.

I think it's best we take these kind of matters over to the PBK part of the forum as we seem to have hijacked this thread :oops:


PostPosted: 15 May 2006
by sparkal
Would it not be the case that we would all be under the dangerous illusion that it is I who is doing this. These are my experiences or powers and I can emerge it all at will, any time." Yes, how clever I am. In fact ... I do not think I need the Benefactor any more even, I am ready to rule ... that's it ... I am the finished article who has no more to learn, even from the 3 teachers - Drama , Baba and Maya ". ... WHACK!

Then we realise just how much assistance we were receiving from The Beloved unless , of course, we need someone to blame for the wheels falling of the spiritual wagon. When our feet are back on the ground, The Teacher can resume the education of the pupil. We are the pupil, that's right.


PostPosted: 15 May 2006
by andrey
Why need a teacher or guru? There are cases of selfeducation which are admirable and bring wondererorous results. However ShivBaba has come to show an easy path. Why leaving the easy path to take the difficult. Definetely, anyway there would be effort and struggle. But why would one prefere difficulty to easiness? It would be due to lack of common sense isn’t it?

PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by ex-l
Andrey wrote:Why need a teacher or guru? There are cases of selfeducation which are admirable and bring wondererorous results. However ShivBaba has come to show an easy path. Why leaving the easy path to take the difficult. Definetely, anyway there would be effort and struggle. But why would one prefere difficulty to easiness? It would be due to lack of common sense isn’t it?


that is not discussion. It does not even follow the topic which is " The Honeymoon Period ". It is just BK dogma. How long have you been following the BK and PBK religion? Did you experience a Honeymoon Period? BKs like you make me scare me because you do not think, you just repeat what you have been told trying to make yourselves and others beleive. Is there a Honeymoon Period in BK-ism, I would say yes, 99 times out of 100. Personally, I think it is artificial. As Sparkal writes above, the student thinks that they are doing, that this is normal, that everyone within Raja Yoga is having the same experiences; students are even told myths that Dada or Mama or the senior Sisters always experience this and if you are not then you are doing something wrong.

I should be careful here because this is a BK forum and I am an ex-BK. I will show respect to the BK that might come or post here. But, I will say that the period of the " Honeymoon " out to be studied and understood more because something powerful on the psychic level is going on that deeply effects individuals and makes them make deep changes in their life. I also think that students need to be prepared for the crash that comes after when the student is " dropped " out of the Honeymoon. I am yet not entirely sure that it is the student's fault or responsibility but I cannot say for sure.

PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by john
you just repeat what you have been told trying to make yourselves and others beleive.

I do think ex-l is right here.

This forum is a great opportunity for open discussion, not just Murli regurgitation. Also bear in mind a lot here will have already read the Murli points, so just repeating them may not serve much of a purpose.

PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by andrey
But, Brothers what is more important our own mind or a supreme mind if there is one. Sure one has his own experiences. I am trying to be constant, because im' fed up with doubt, thinking one at one time and something else at the other. It is not good. i don't want to live like this anymore. But, please admit all of you did have faith for a while, let's say. Was it OK then. Yes, is not it. because faith brings good feelings. Since when faith is not a virtue but faithlesness is better.

Since communists came preaching we are not entitled to happiness in this life. We will work hard and the future generations will live in comfort. OK Brothers live your way, but is there not a possibility for God really to have come. And all of this to not be illusion or conspiration. That He really is benefactor.

And why would the voice of faith always be problem to others and make them feel touched. Everyone is sharing his own oppinion. Why not making apostrophies to others peoples posts. Yes I have one in mind and keep speaking one and the same. It is He has come, He has come, He has come. Whoever likes to listen. Why would this voice make anyone uncomfortable.

PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by john
It is He has come, He has come, He has come. Whoever likes to listen. Why would this voice make anyone uncomfortable.

I don't think it is as simple as saying this, because lots are saying this. I don't think even Baba recommends it.

I think you are assuming too much, there are many different degrees of ex-BK.

I also think maybe you don't listen/read with enough attention so I'll leave it there.

PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by ex-l
Andrey wrote:And why would the voice of faith always be problem to others and make them feel touched.

It is not a question of the " voice of faith " Andrey.

It is merely politeness and formality. This is the " BK forum ", you are a PBK, yes? This is a conversation about " the Honeymoon Period ".

You raise an interesting topic, your own experience of spiritual unhappiness under the communist regime - and with it I sense your own pain - let's hear about that - and why you chose PBK insterad of BK elsewhere in the PBK forum if that is what you are.