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Children ask, parents answer

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2006
by andrey
When the child is small it asks childish questions, naive questions. Why is the green – green? Why is the sky high? Then mostly the Mother is the one who makes up something of an answer, because sometimes they are deep questions indeed, but it is that either the child is not mature enough to understand or there is not really and answer to these questions.

So, mostly Mothers are those who are close to the little children and they are the ones that make up stories (for the one with a bag that will come to take you if you, the child, are not obedient etc.), because she tries to impart authority over the child, for educational purposes. So she will say the green is green because there are hundreds of thousand little green beings inside that run so fast that you don’t see them. That's OK for the child. It starts churning. It may ask. Do these green beings also wear pistols? No, no, - says the mother, they are very peaceful green being. So that's it. The question is solved.

The Father is truthful. He does not make up stories. He can say I don't know go and check in the library. When the child grows his questions change. He may study and find out why really the green is green, can be interested. But the Father can also sit and teach the child. He will tell him the truth in the way that it can understand, because he has authority and likes the child to become independent. So in this way in one part we have three roles of the Father Teacher and Satguru. The role of the Mother is of Brahma Baba. But it is always that the children ask and parents have to answer. So how can a Father explain for e.g. The Drama. When it is created? It is eternal. Either you understand or forget about it. He won’t say for the sake of the child’s comfort OK, it changes a little and stops.

That's why even in the directions of Brahma Baba used to be margins. He has not been strict at all about this, because the aim is that he himself does and not that he makes the children does. That's why the highest role is of the Satguru. The Father may be attached to the child also, the Teacher also to the student, even the Guru to the follower, but these roles are of complete detachment.

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2006
by andrey
And all of these Father, Teacher and Satguru have good wishes that the child, becomes higher than me, the student goes higher than me, the follower goes higher than me.