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My fate with BK

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2015
by ex-bk Jan
I already left BK about 2 years. Sometime I still ask myself, is it stupid way I left them? Shall I back to this group? I left this group due to I found there were much of wrong guidance in life. Only BK centre got much of benefit from donation. The more I stayed with them, my life become more difficult. Especially my health, career and finances.

When I pointed out my problem (I need someone give guidance), they told me this was a good test for myself and chance to settle my karma. Or remember God. God will give me the right answer.

RIGHT Answer? I got financial problems, I need money for health also. How to solve the problem. Strike lottery?

When I try to recommend a business to BK Sister (she knew what was happened on me and my family). I recommend with no force, just share. She keep quiet. Then she questioned me with moody face, "why you need money, your face look like Maya, so greedy". I felt insulted at the moment. I left, I did not feel to continue with this clan anymore.

I re-started my life when I have a lot of difficulties. Now feeling free, I solve my financial problem with save money (previously most of money donated and spent on BK Sisters). My parents sold their land to settle debts.

Yesterday, I met one of BK Sister J, she was not regular member. She felt I lost the real BK life, she hoped I can attend the public class. But I refused.

From her speech, I felt the meaning from her, 'It was so pity and lost when left Baba, hope you back to Baba again, Baba is waiting me go back, only Baba can help the lost soul.''

Finally, I reach my home. I just smile to her. Nothing to comment.

I saw her with weak and fat body, tired face, untidy hair, spending much money for her own health, from her speech I felt her finance were a problem (I did not ask whether she had made monthly donation).

I think this was my fate with BK. After met her, I think left the clan is the right way for myself.

Re: My fate with BK

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2015
by because.parmeshwar
I think left the clan is the right way for myself

You are absolutely right ex-BK Jan. Doing right thing is no way wrong. Sooner, the better.

I, too, met a surrendered Sister last week. She totally turned herself upside down, and I realized that she struggling hard to survive among the BKs. Her talk changed, her body language was saying that she had almost lost the faith but still going on just to survive and maintain the name among the BKs. Financially, they uplifted themselves. They have learned to suck from the followers, and suck in with authority. Yes, they call it a service to get back the departed ones.

Now, she preaches like this, "Oh, we ourselves don't want to let the Destruction happen soon, otherwise we lose the fortune of being with Baba and the enjoyment of Sangam Yuga".

Then Didi I said, "what about the other poor souls who wants mukti, and as Baba says that you should be merciful for them?"

"They are facing their own karmas. But, yes, we spread the merciful vibrations for them too. We surely do not want to Destruction happen".

I walked out, knowing that they know that Destruction is not going to happen as being said for so long, and now its just white washing.

Wah Drama Wah ...!!!

Re: My fate with BK

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2015
by ex-bk Jan
Thanks because.parmeshwar for your support.

This BK clan still mentioned Destruction again! Wah! I believe there were many public attracted and trap in this way.
But I would not trap myself again. In my life, I will only acted stupid for once. I would not act silly for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th times. I know my life don't have much time to spend on for nothing. I will keep on improving myself. I will not wait for the wealth fall from sky. Especially, BK always mentioned make effort in spiritual service you will get your grade or fortune in Golden Age. Why wait for next life? You can improve yourself start right now. There is no point wait for the fortune.

I cannot stop laughing that I had believed in Golden Age. It seem like a beggar, always have day dream.