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The Satyug will come soon (... a world free from the BKs)

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2014
by AntiBrahmakumaris
This happened when I was a child of around 9 years old. My aunt's husband has died because of tension of meaningless family.

He was a rich man ... but BK people trapped my aunty, they brainwashed her ... broke her family ... My uncle was not able to sustain this, he died.

All property was taken by Brahmakumaris and now my aunty is a free servant to all BK activities. Her children are also being forcefully taken into this cult. One children has some mental problems by birth. and the second one is fine but has also lost interest in the family life, education, career, etc.

I am not inspired because this happened to my relatives. When this happened, I was a child. I even forgot that. But now when I visited nearest temple, one man with white dress was distributing the Brahmakumaris paper containing information about various topics. I read it carefully and that affected me very much. I started surfing whether the world is going to end and other things (searching scientific evidence). But when I read criticisms about BK ... Things got clear.

This website shows true face of BK. I think I have survived from path of Destruction. And I want to end this path; destroying BK, getting people out from it and showing the true meditation and offering counseling. The 8 hour duty and Saturday Sunday off life is not made for me.

I do not know who you are. But will you help me in my work ? Let's bring the Satyug by ending Brahmakumaris in a worldwide revolution against them.

Re: The Satyug will come soon

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2014
by Pink Panther
So you want to replace one group promising Sat yuga with another one?

Re: The Satyug will come soon

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2014
by Mr Green
there is no such thing as a cycle of time

Re: The Satyug will come soon

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014
by ex-l
Pink Panther wrote:So you want to replace one group promising Sat yuga with another one?

It's a very serious matter when someone reports the break down of a family, the death of a relative, and ... AS USUAL ... the Brahma Kumaris hoovering up the money and property. And here we have children involved again.

I think it's something we should look at carefully and not a time for general philosophical questions in the first place.

I'd say from the original poster's comments, it's clear that he is using the term in an illustrative manner mean that "heaven" on earth (Sat Yug) will come about for them when the world is free from the Brahma Kumaris. Sadly, this is not the first family who has suffered in this way, just recently we another member report an almost identical case where an elderly member died, the family was split, and the BK grabbed the property. And I know of others internationally ... the Brahma Kumari women are very skilled in this. It is what they do for a living. It's their job, their employment, and they train young women to work for them carrying it out, to bring in income, to invest in their "business".

How many times does this have to happen until people except it is what the BKs do ... some kind of Advance fee fraud so audacious that not even the Nigerian scammers that fill our email inbox with spam would attempt.
    Question for Antibrahmakumaris ... please tell us a little about the troubles your relatives went through, how your relative died, and how the Brahma Kumaris targeted the wife.

    (Please note, the Brahma Kumaris are so cynically exploitive that they have special centres in India to target the wealthier classes and initially impress them with their power, comforts (VIP centre) and seemingly their generosities of time and attention. A sort of "love bombing". From your case, it made me think they generally target the weak link in families ... e.g. wives or young ... who might have a little extra time but little real value of the work it took to create all the wealth that the BKWSU then hoovers up).
BKs get upset when I say I think the Brahma Kumari leadership act like a secret mafia operating clean "fronts" and carry out fraud ... well this is an example of it. Religious fraud ... the ultimate Advance fee fraud. "You give us all you money, free labour, property and other assets; we promise you palaces of gold and diamond with many servants in the future!".

Given the god spirit of the BKWSU track record of not delivering, of inept and failed predictions, and it leadership's track record of covering up and revising their past ... is there really anyone left who will fall for their confidence trick? Sadly, just with the "419 Scams", yes ... which is why they keep investing in it.
Advance fee fraud is when fraudsters target victims to make advance or upfront payments for goods, services and/or financial gains that do not materialise.

Types of advance fee fraud include:

Career opportunity scams - join the BKs and become a worship-worthy deity
Clairvoyant or psychic scams - God has come and he is speaking to you
Impersonation of officials - We are the true Brahmins, they are impure and ignorant
Inheritance fraud - Give us your money and we promise you multi-million fold return

In the case of the BKs, they have spent decades refining their impersonating of other religious and religious people ... without taking on much of the arduous work like feeding the poor, caring for the sick, challenging oppressive regimes etc.

They feed themselves, they care for their own, and they suck up to oppressive regimes so they can share a high status as "high caste".

Re: The Satyug will come soon

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014
by AntiBrahmakumaris
Yeah ex-l is right, I did not mean to create other spiritual group. Heaven will automatically come if Brahmakumaris is destroyed.

Friends if we keep on talking here, we will not achieve anything. In the area where I live ... there was not even a single victim of BK, but now 7 families have left their jobs, relationships and dedicated their life to exploiting Baba. Scams are increasing thousand times than the the speed with which this website is creating awareness. Now this website comes last on google when searched for BK and BKs have control over internet ... accept it or not, I have experience.

My anti BK fb posts were removed, though they were not violent or showing extreme hate towards BK. I came here because I think this work cannot be done by me only, and I cant remain silent till they destroy many other families.

I am talking about a very strong global opposition to BK.

Re: The Satyug will come soon

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014
by ex-l
Thank you. Let's discus how or what is possible ...

You are correct. Individual BKs and the BKWSU have invested probably millions of dollars worth of time in PR ... private time and energy, and money the crook BK leaders took as donations. They believe that PR (public relations/publicity) ... advertising themselves ... is "serving humanity".

Of course, they are serving themselves.

These are the problems of the situation as I see them:
    the BKs are many, we are few.
    the BKWSU has a huge budget taken from donations, we have none.
    the BKWSU has an army of unpaid workers and volunteers, many of them reasonably educated but with not enough to do (the middle class women, or women whose children have grown up, they specifically target just because of this - good free workers).

    they have free workers, we have to "pay" with our good lives.

    Many BKs are in a sort of "manic phases" of mental illness, e.g. "Honeymoon Period" and complete brainwashed to believe what they believe. Part of this brainwashing is self-brainwashing achieved by constantly repeating, evangelising to other others, and arguing in support of their beliefs. It's exhausting and time consuming to fight against and argue with crazy people who are conscienceless, manipulative and without a sense of morality.

    the BKs are willing to be completely dishonest in public and deny the truth if it benefits them, and have done so for decades. It's their "mode of operation". They have discovered it "works" and they have refined it. They are driven by the insane dream of "earning their inheritance" going to Sat Yuga, being a deity and living in Golden Palaces etc.

    To that extend, the BKs are kind of like jihadis ... you cannot reason with them, it encourages them more. If they are listening, it is only to work out a way to defeat any opposition.

    the BKs have always deliberately worked to "bury bad news" and work the media, including specifically targeting our site and effect, the Wikipedia etc (and, yes, I suspect they do work reporting posts on places like Facebook to have them removed).

    most victims are hurt, damaged and just want to forget about the Kirpalani Klan and BKism ... not spend the rest of their lives protecting the rest of society for them. They are also soft, reasonable, "weak" (no social power/little wealth) spiritual or religious people for whom "fighting" is not in their nature. Nor is creeping around "social climbing" like the Brahma Kumaris to gain that social and wealth power.
Therefore, it is difficult and one needs to think what to do.

I would say there are two levels to work; locally and at a high level.

Locally, you can do exactly what the BKs do and publish leaflets exposing the BKs and warning people, educating about them, their tricks, their past, what their real aims are ... translating the BK propaganda into plain English/Hindi, e.g. "Transformation" equals the death of 7 billion human beings, "respect for other religions" means believing their are superior to all other religions and all other religions are copies of them, "God is one" means that their god spirit is the god of all and all other gods are merely memories of him etc etc etc.

Working at a high level is probably the more efficient use of resources at it costs the BKs more. To target the BKs, you need to target their most important issue ... money. They need money, lots of it, it costs them to do PR, and there is a limited number of rich people, VIPs, politicians etc they can target. Most realise they are just a cult.

So target the rich people, VIPs, politicians, NGOs, United Nations etc and warn them so when the BKs come through their door, they know what their game is.

Write reasonable polite letters, include a few information sheets, original documents and so on, just enough to awaken the individuals.

And let the BKs know what you are doing.

Any rich person, VIP, NGO or religion they target ... target them.

It's a longer, slower process but one you can fit into your day. It's better just to do a little when you can rather than exhaust yourself. You will learn what works best through experience. Start with a few facts to shock or wake up the VIPs and officials.

Try and close every door between the BKs and the "honeypots" of power and money they are after.

I hope this helps ... what are your ideas?

I think someone in India has to step up and centralise anti-Brahma Kumari sentiments and bring together all the BK victims. Once you do, you will find politicians and others who support you. That is what is needed the most. I am not Indian, nor in India, nor do I speak Indian languages so there is little I can do but offer helpful directions and tell you about the research I have done.

You could collect victim stories together, start your own website.

But, be warned, the BK *want* an anti-party ... it will be useful to them. They have predicted it will arise and will use it to manipulate their followers as evidence that the End of the World is near etc.

So be very careful about how you do it, e.g. don't attack them, attack their corruption, their dishonest, demand they be more honest and truthful, demand they pay pensions, demand they don't take dowries, demand their workers have contracts rights etc. Make your campaign a human rights campaign to stop BK abuse ...

Butdo make it part of your campaign to let people know the BKs are the abusive money grabbing cult who have falsified their past, whose god makes false predictions, cheated on visas, who cover up sex abuses and so on.

Those are all true so you cannot be sued for saying them.

Re: The Satyug will come soon

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014
by ex-l
ex-l wrote:And let the BKs know what you are doing.

I think the above is important ... put pressure on their center-in-charge/leaders.

The Brahma Kumaris work in darkness ... in the shadows .. despite their high profile ... they are actually creeping around in the spiritual darkness or spiritual shadows or half-truths and lies, secret language and manipulation.

Therefore ... work in the light and make them come out into the light. Make them be honest.

Recently, they have worked to establish themselves in interfaith organizations and with other religions ... those religions should be told what the BKs are really about, what their real belief are.

Re: The Satyug will come soon (... a world free from the BKs

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014
by quantum
To all concerned here including myself ... is anyone here interested in the post ex BK Jan posted on Nov 7th 2014, re- a New TV Documentary on Sects & New Religious Movements in the UK? The company is called OPTOPMEN.

Even though they have said "in the UK", I think it is still worth contacting them about our experiences, as the BKs are worldwide, and we all experience similar things. There would be no costs to us, and they are looking for people either ex, or still currently following a sect etc. It would give a lot of 1st hand exposure and reach a wide demographic, which we could not do on our own.

Comments welcomed please.

Re: The Satyug will come soon (... a world free from the BKs

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014
by ex-l

I would expect to discover the BKs snooper have already reported back and the Kirpalani Klan are already contacting the company in an attempt to defray any criticisms and exposés!

Blah ... blah ... blah ... United Nations ... blah ... blah ... blah ... Transformation ... blah ... blah ... blah ... respecting all other religions ... come and visit our big mansion house in the country ... it's all free! (Certainly it was free for them, they don/t work for the money they spend).

I think it is a good idea to contact the TV people.

Re: The Satyug will come soon (... a world free from the BKs

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2014
by AntiBrahmakumaris
I sound some ideas ... videos, photos of abuse inside ... sex, money, whatever abuse they do make ... There was a fake Indian saint Asaram bapu, very powerful but one image leaked and he went to jail. Now his own followers hate him, his property taken by govt. and there is inquiry going on to find who all are his victims. social media is very powerful weapon. They will be washed away withn few hours. We do not have to do much. We just have to create some anarchy in the flood by showing BKs have corrupted pure religion ... ypu know what is going in the world only by Muslim extremists. If they will come to know that some culty organization is using their prophet's name for such dirty works. ta da ... work done ...

We do not have money and time to fight with them. They will find and kill all of us if they find us as a secret threat. I am not afraid of death only if my death causes significant benefit to the world I live in. Work must be anonymous, secret (not here because anyone can access this) and fast. It sounds like a movie, but it is the way.

Other way, I went to their center with 2 friends and tried to reverse the brainwash done on women in BK, but they were not ready to listen instead they started explaining that we are impure human beings and this world is hell. I was ready to sit and fight with them all the day but my friends were listening to that women and were also asking that how to washout the bad karma ... I said in my mind f***. If non BKs will act like this then how to explain BKs that they are on wrong path. so first option is better, but I cant do this alone. I need people who will be extreme honest surely not listen to the bullsh*t BK tell us and do not get distracted by their imaginary philosophies.

I know, even if we expose their videos, some BKs will still tell that ' THIS IS Baba'S WISH' but common people will understand. We will design and keep this site ready for google keywords like "hate brahmakumaris, truth behind brahmakumaris, f*** brahmakumaris etc" because of too many visits this site will be on top of search for brahmakumaris, and hence even if someone wants to be a BK he/she will visit this site first and will be able to make their own decision.