DJ honored with Bharat Gaurav Award?

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DJ honored with Bharat Gaurav Award?

Post06 Jul 2014

Dadi Jankiji Will be hounoured Bharat Gaurav Award announced by British Govt this July 2014..

What did she ACHIVE? Announced by British government?

Indian Institute of Event Management Research (IIEMR) is the first of its kind in India with an exclusive focus on Event management research, education and training in the Event sector. Youth empowerment and Event Management are at the core of Institute’s philosophy. The Institute has created and established Event Management as full-fledged discipline and undertakes high quality training, research and consultancy, and offers undergraduate postgraduate programs with specialization in Wedding ,Sports ,Corporate Events In order to serve the people at large in a better way, also its first institute in India who is coming up with a 15 days certificate course in event management also IIEMR is in the process of expanding its services in different parts of the country.

Managing Director of IIEMR Mukesh Mishra who is a prominent event industry expert and founder of the biggest cultural carnival of India Jaipur Marathon says “Our Institution courses have been designed , to educate, equip and enthuse people to achieve excellence in event management .We hope to inspire a new generation of event professionals to succeed in their careers, We will produce trained and qualified work force for the event and entertainment industry also a research study to improve or develop new and practical methods of Event Management . IIEMR focus is to bring India on a higher footing in the Events Industry by constructively utilizing the talents of our youngsters towards one of the fastest growing industry. (it grows at 30%)

IIEMR is the first institute in Asia to start Event Management Research . The main credit entails of IIEMR is that the Institute have credible promoters from event industry who knows well what exactly required for a successful event management student . The world class faculty is unmatched; The elite guest speakers have no comparison. The institute will sends its students for training to over 100 events in upcoming year including the Ambuja Jaipur Marathon , Royal Weddings , Cine Awards, Jaipur Jwellery Show , Filmfare , IPL, Décor India ,National and International Exhibitions , etc. If this perennial list is not enough IIEMR will do in-house events which will give students a real edge with on-hands event experience on huge events which makes the event organizational skills of IIEMR students unchallenged in the country and With all this rich experience students get easily placed and many form their own successful event management companies.Besides the elite Diploma in Event Management (DEM), Post Graduate Diploma in Event Management (PGDEM), IIEMR offers the specialization in Wedding Management , Sports Management , Corporate Events and CSR Events .Persons equipped with knowledge of all the fields is in better demand, and they are not only easily absorbed and promoted, but they are preferred for managerial positions. There will be a definite requirement for such multifaceted trained personnel in the entertainment industry . IIEMR with its solid creditability, vast research, and its vast contacts is the magic wand that shall open the doors of these huge fast growing industries for students.A powerful placement cell is there to assist students to get placed.

This Summer do something different –IIEMR introducing a 15 days, certificate in event management course that runs during the summer. It is designed for those who want to explore the event industry, develop their event knowledge or acquire transferable skills for the is suitable for students, new workers or those considering a change in career.

CEM is taught by tutors from leading Indian academic centers for event management, who share IIEMR's passion for encouraging and developing event excellence at every level. They teach from a huge range of industry experience, from working within the industry to running event management agencies and supplying services to large-scale events.

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Re: DJ honored with Bharat Gaurav Award?

Post07 Jul 2014

Why they are looking for fame? Is some award a certification of their spiritual quotient? Fame & spirituality are no where close. Looking for awards is itself a Dehadhyas, in spiritual context. It is only good if we believe in worldly achievements as opposed to philosophy of BKWSU which dictates more about getting away from all forms of worldly achievements.
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Re: DJ honored with Bharat Gaurav Award?

Post07 Jul 2014

... "Event Management" ?

When was the last time Janki Kirpalani put on and managed an event!?!

The Bharat Gaurav Award, aka the Pride of India Award" is certainly not a British Government award. This seems to be on a par with all their Limca Book of Records efforts ... and more self-publicity. They seem to think "being famous" ... aka tiny fishes in even tinier ponds like the "event management" world ... is some how serving humanity.

I don't know the Hindu term or concept of dehadhyas. It appears to mean something about a false sense of self importance. But for a cult who teaches its followers not to chase name and fame ... it's leaders appear to spend an extraordinary amount of time of accepting name and fame.

I think part of this activity ... which is typical BK activity ... is to convince the followers that their leaders are somehow special.

But they still do little to nothing of any practical benefit.

Fame, and chasing fame, is sort of like a snowball effect. Once you have a little bit, you can use it to collect more and very shortly you are famous for just being famous and everyone else wants a bit of it so you get more, and soon no one remembers why you are famous, or what you did ... you're just someone who appears on the rostrum.

Personally, I'd rather give an award to all the latrine diggers who at least do something practical to serve humanity and spend no time and no multi-million dollar budget advertising themselves.
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Re: DJ honored with Bharat Gaurav Award?

Post08 Jul 2014

Sounds like a serious case of ”networking for cross-promotion”.

Institute of Event Management is obviously a commercial enterprise, likely run by a BK or a ”co-operative” soul as they like to call them (someone who is ”on their side” and will speak up for them).

IEM say they are a new organisation, so what better way to promote themselves than to highlight their association with the PBKIVV who, after all, are all over India and across the world, and do little else other than put on ”events” a.k.a service programs, big and small!

IEM probably think they will get some students from this cross-promotion. After all, BKs know that if they can organise a big event successfully they'll go up in ”serviceable soul” status and may get invited to join the ”IN” crowd, the ”middle management” insiders who get to be patted on the back, given extra toli, invited to special meetings etc.

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