Google boy

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Google boy

Post11 Feb 2014

'Google boy' a celeb in Haryana Village

CHANDIGARH: At an age when most children are just graduating from alphabets to words, Kautilya Pandit can name every galaxy, reel off Australia's GDP and talk about Indonesia's politics.

In Kohand, a village in Karnal, Haryana, Kautilya, all of 5 years and eight months, is often called 'Google Boy'. His parents say the child spent his toddler years relentlessly throwing questions at them - where, why, who, how about everything around him. At one stage, his extraordinary powers of comprehension and recall had scared his parents enough to approach the psychology department of Kurukshetra University. They were told that the child's IQ stood around 130 points against 92-110 of a normal kid and should pay particular attention to his schooling. It was tiresome and intriguing but their patience with his questions appears to have paid off. Kautilya will be on the Kaun Banega Crorepati hot seat on November 8, Children's Day. He has been invited to KBK as a celebrity. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, it appears, is impressed with the child.

"That genius kid Kautilya Pandit, just above five years and answers questions that many scientists and knowledged (sister in charge) persons could never (answer)," Bachchan posted on Twitter on the night of October 25 after recording the KBC capsule featuring Pandit in Mumbai.

On KBC, Kautilya barely took a second to answer every question lobbed at him. In Kohand, he is now a celebrity. "People land up at home every day to be photographed with him," says his Father Satish Sharma, who runs a private school in the village.

Sharma says there is nothing mysterious about his son's penchant for trivia. "It is because he is keenly interested in learning anything he can about different countries," he says.

It all began, says Sharma, early this year when he decided to encourage children in his school to break the record set by a little European girl who could point out 150 countries on the world map. "I asked all the students to bring an atlas to school so they can be taught the location of various countries." By evening the next day, Kautilya had mastered the world map. Twenty days later, he knew the atlas like the back of his hand," said Sharma.

Kautilya's curiosity about the world around him grew rapidly. He started picking up trivia about countries, capitals, their economics and geographic zones. When you meet the Class I student, he asks you seriously if India can become the world's biggest economy by 2018.

Kautilya, who has two older siblings Mridual (9) and Deeksha (7), obviously works on his genius. After school he diligently sits down to read for an hour. His "best friend", he says, is his grandfather, JK Sharma, a retired teacher. "For a few months, I used to wake up at 4am to go for a walk with my grandfather and discuss my studies with him but these days, I get up at 6am," says Kautilya.

For his exceptional intelligence quotient (IQ) and memory, Kautilya was recently awarded Rs 10 lakh by the Haryana government. But the real challenge for the Sharmas is ensuring that the child gets the kind of education he deserves. "Sometime Kautilya says he wants to become an IAS officer, at other times, a scientist or astronaut," says his Father. The fickleness, at least, is natural to Kautilya's age.

Why is this boy looking so scared? With all his knowledge he just knows these people have evil vibrations ...

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Re: Google boy

Post11 Feb 2014

How bizarre ... their social climbing includes even child VIPs. I wonder what they told him when he started asking about the dinosaurs? Boys love dinosaurs. Google Boy “Kautilya Pandit” and his parents were invited to the BK headquarters. It's just the BKs serving themselves again keeping the media spinning.

I cannot speak Hindi so have no idea what he is saying but he's on their 'Peace News' video channeled (see first clip). He does not appear phased by them. In the same clip, the BKs meet with Miss World contestants in Bali ... (No swimsuits, the runner up won a part in the 'Hot Tub Time Machine 2' movie.

India throws up these genius kids on a fairly regular basis. They are normally focused on mathematics or memorising. One never hears of them again in later life. I wonder what happens to them?

I like his moves ... Google must be loving the free PR.

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