Some BKs lost it! BK have cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT etc

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Some BKs lost it! BK have cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT etc

Post10 Nov 2013

It should be forbidden by law to "sell" vulnerable people a so called cure for cancer!

This really has to stop!
Friday, 8 November 2013
HELP PLEASE! Need 3 feet land and few hours of your valuable time.

Need 3 feet land and few hours of your valuable time
Chahiye...teen pehar ki prithvi....aur din me kuch samay

Nowadays people are affected by mental afflictions which is the major cause of physical illness. Even doctors agree that 90% of all diseases are psychosomatic-connected with mind. If we consider the past life issues, almost 100% of all diseases are connected with thoughts-emotions.

So, it will really benefit the mass if we can offer services like Psychology Counselling, Hypnotherapy and seven days course without expecting people to become a regular student. By this way we help people live a healthy life mentally and physically not spending much money on diseases which can be healed in a natural way.

Of course if they are interested, they can become a regular student otherwise they can read the online messages to keep them connected with spiritual knowledge.

The counselling can be free unless they need special attention for specific issues.

Going for a house or big space and regular maintenance may cost more even in terms of time from the students, but having a small clinic, it will cost less and at the same time more convenient to benefit many in our own small ways.

It is like a personal Clinic set up, where Doctors visit for one or two hours in the evening after their day's work.

Even we can have this set up either owned by a single person or 3 to 4 BKs can do it together sharing the cost and time.

The Name board can be like this:

RED CROSS - SYMBOL TO BE MENTIONED, to be in English and Regional language at Top and bottom

SIZE: LENGTH: 6 FEET AND 8 INCHES, WIDTH: 2 FEET or convenient size


Cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT, Migraine, BP, Liver, Heart and Kidney problems, Asthma, Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Suicidal, OCD

Contact Phone and Address

This board can be provided even at their homes if there is no objection from other family members.

If any of the members have this set up already, kindly inform us, I will mention their address in my website and Brothers and Sisters who can invest money but do not have time or they have only time to serve others, please let me know, I can update them in the website and post it in website, and share the link in facebook time to time.

Even Non-Bks and others who want to help people can asked to invest in such services, the profit will not be shared with anyone else but will go to them only, even if there is no profit, it will boost their morale doing such selfless service.

By posting in website, people who are interested can reach their nearest available Clinic.

If training required, I can give training for Counselling within a day or two, even otherwise Baba's knowledge is more than sufficient.

You can contact me at or sharing your ideas and interest to invest money or time.

Please visit the link to know about the small step taken long time before:

This is the same page that does its own Murli edit ... leaving things out. And a RED CROSS symbol to hide their true face?
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Re: Some BKs lost it! BK have cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT

Post10 Nov 2013

If training required, I can give training for Counselling within a day or two, even otherwise Baba's knowledge is more than sufficient.

*If* training required ... emphasis on "if" because "Baba's knowledge is more than sufficient".

Amazing ... this attitude has remained unchanged since the 1930s ... All it takes is one hour introduction and you can become a spiritual teacher, according to the BKs.

And now you can cure cancer too ... just give us your land and your life.

First they rip off the United Nations, now they are aiming at the Red Cross.

How can we stop these idiots? They're drunk on their own delusion ... intoxicated and poisoning others.
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Mr Green


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Re: Some BKs lost it! BK have cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT

Post11 Nov 2013

ex-l wrote:
How can we stop these idiots? They're drunk on their own delusion ... intoxicated and poisoning others.

so true


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Re: Some BKs lost it! BK have cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT

Post11 Nov 2013

Cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT, Migraine, BP, Liver, Heart and Kidney problems, Asthma, Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Suicidal, OCD

Mama died of Cancer, Dadi Parkashmani of neurodegenerative disorder, many Seniors are diabetic, with severe hypertension, and many (if not all) need psychological help for depression etc. BKs are not for charity, but in this case, why not let it begin at home?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Some BKs lost it! BK have cure for Cancer, Diabetes, ENT

Post12 Nov 2013

Like addiction, the hardest part about dealing with mental health matters is admitting one has a problem. Especially if one identifies as more senior/more meritorious than those one would turn to for help.

Physical health problems can be seen as separate because, well, they believe "soul and body are separate” and bad health is some cosmic karma that has nothing to do with actions and inaction of lifestyle, even though many of the physical health issues are symptomatic of mental & emotional conditions, hence behaviours.

Many modern medical doctors tend to prescribe for the symptoms and rarely treat causes which are to do with lifestyle. People stick to the doctors who suit their beliefs. if a doctor nagged them about lifestyle, they just change doctors.

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