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Why masks?

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2013
by ex-l
The BKWSO BKWSU attacks critics
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Brahma Kumaris Info grew out of a community that developed around a very incognito ex-BK support forum and website called xBKchat which, we were told, the BKWSO pressurised the organisers and shut down.

In the beginning, individuals who had accounts there remade account here using the same online nicknames so people could recognise them. We weren't "anonymous" ... there was no premeditated intention to be anonymous. That is just what people joining internet forums do. Quite the opposite. We wanted recognised.

We never had any involvement or contact with the BKWSU BKWSO, we never attacked them ... shortly afterwards they started legal action against us in order to 'out', 'expose' and shut us down. They sought out individuals in order to target them.

An international team of the BKWSU BKWSO adherents start plotting against us and employed the biggest USA attorney in the field. One of the "yuktis" they developed, to diminish the seriousness or validity of our concerns and to put us down to their followers, was to make a big issue that we were posting "anonymously". Their followers now parrot that.

At no point since have the BKWSO BKWSU contacted us to discuss the serious issues we raise.

We offered to meet their leader but only under the condition of them withdrawing the legal action against us. They refused to do so ... even after we explained that it was a bad idea to allow a center-in-charge who have secretly married and carried out a relationship and bending or braking Shrimat and laws to do so.

If the BKs want us to be Anonymous ... perhaps we should be?

Who are Anonymous
BK Vasanti Patel wrote:From: "Vasanti Patel" <>
To: Simon Blandford, Alka Patel
Cc: Waddi @ Miami Brahma Kumaris, Maureen Goodman, Neville Hodgkinson, Judy Rodgers, BK Gayatri

Om Shanti,

Agree with Simon, but also one other major things is to do with talking to someone who is anonymous. In most places any complaints made by anonymous people are ignored - they have no real value and so we want to make thing real and work with real people.

But even putting this aside, our next response, if there is going to be one, has to make it clear that we are not interested in anything else except a personal meeting. As we can see on the forum they are having masses of discussion about this. They want us to continue with emails if not forum - but we cannot play ball with that one I don’t think.

Anyway, just some thoughts from me.
Om Shanti,

Just some thoughts.

We did not ask to discuss issues. We requested a personal meeting. If they are unable to oblige then they will have to pass on the invitation because we are not requesting anything else.

It might be helpful to clarify Alka's role since it seems to be an area of confusion amongst them.

Perhaps we can state that we would be happy to discuss an agenda for a personal meeting once a personal meeting is confirmed, but not before.

Good thoughts, Simon. The olive branch extended in the request for a
personal meeting has been interpreted as weakness and trumpeted as such on
the website. Perhaps JB could respond quite toughly along the lines of:

"I offered a personal meeting in the belief that it would help to improve
relationships. Beyond this, I do not have an agenda of issues I wish to
raise ..."

- Neville

You should have expected us