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More Mike George

PostPosted: 23 May 2006
by ex-l

I found this quite interesting.

Another BK Whitewash website ; ... uality.php

Religion tends to be Structured
Spirituality tends to be Free flowing

Religion tends to be Male dominated
Spirituality tends to be Androgenous

Religion tends to be Oppressive
Spirituality tends to be Emancipating

Religion tends to be Conforming
Spirituality tends to be Metaphysical

Religion tends to be Institutionalised
Spirituality tends to be Individual

Religion tends to be Doing
Spirituality tends to be Being

Religion tends to be Patriarchal
Spirituality tends to be Equality

Religion tends to be Social Control
Spirituality tends to be Liberating

Religion tends to be Culturally defined
Spirituality tends to be Transcendent

Religion tends to be Separating
Spirituality tends to be Bringing Together

Religion tends to be Applies to some
Spirituality tends to be

Religion tends to be Exclusive
Spirituality tends to be Inclusive

Religion tends to be Dogmatic
Spirituality tends to be Flexible

Religion tends to be Ego (based on attachment to beliefs)
Spirituality tends to be Humility (which emerges naturally with the freedom of non-attachment)

Religion tends to be Controlling
Spirituality tends to be Allowing

The 'tendency' differences between
Religion and Spirituality

Religion tends to encourage habitualised rituals
Spirituality seeks discover new levels of meaning behind all practice

Religion passes on knowledge to others and encourages believing
Spirituality facilitates self knowledge and encourages experience (insperience)

Religion is a product which comes with a whole package of beliefs, rituals and dogmas.
Spirituality is a process to discover the true identity and nature of the inner self

Religion is about external practices and show
Spirituality is about internal practices and self awareness

Religion worships the highest state of consciousness
Spirituality aspires to become the highest state of consciousness

Religion says “you should”... “you have to”
Spirituality says "I will"... "I am"

Religion tends to attempt to control followers of it’s belief system
Spirituality recognises that it is impossible to control others and that everyone is innately a ‘free spirit’

Religion tends to resist and deny the validity of the beliefs and ways of other religions
Spirituality accepts and respects everyone regardless of their beliefs though it may not agree with their ways

Religion venerates the gurus, teachers and priest and puts them on a high pedestal creating an elite hierarchy
Spirituality respects all and venerates the self respect of every individual, creating a family feeling

Religion offers a false and temporary identity: “I am Hindu” “I am Muslim”
Spirituality restores true permanent identity – “I am a peaceful soul”

A religious person often feels threatened by different beliefs
A spiritual person enjoys and accepts a wide variety of beliefs while remaining strong in their own practice

Learning from religious stories is based on the past experiences of others (e.g. was Jesus angry at the money lenders… I don’t know I wasn’t there)

Learning from spiritual stories is based on the present ‘insperiences’ of the self (I am angry and I insperience the suffering that anger is. I am also now aware I am the creator of my anger therefore I can learn not to create it)

More Mike George

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by ex-l
Ooops ...

Someone missed out the BKWSU link on their website again! I am not sure quite what the geographic references are, perhaps they are centres he has visited or places he would like to go on a paid holiday to ...

UK – South America – France – Turkey – Middle East – USA – Australia – Netherlands – Canada – Switzerland - Scandinavia

Its Spiritual Teacher Mike George again.
Mike George is a spiritual teacher, author and motivational speaker.
For the last twenty three years he has coached, guided and facilitated the personal and spiritual development of people in companies, communities and corporations worldwide. In a unique blend of insight, wisdom and humour, Mike brings together the three key strands of 21st century – emotional/spiritual intelligence, leadership development and continuous learning.
His publications, now in 15 languages, include Learn to Relax, The 7 AHA!s of Highly Enlightened Souls, Learn to Find Inner Peace and In the Light of Meditation. He is Director of the Spiritual Intelligence Unit ( and Founder of The Relaxation Centre. (

His seminars and retreats are renowned for the balance between fascination and fun, depth and dialogue, laughter and lightness. "When true self awareness is recovered the struggle ends and your peace and humility are restored. You see the utter beauty of the underlying harmony which lies behind your illusions of chaos. You smile the smile of enlightenment, and go about your life quietly, earnestly and knowingly!"

And he offers paid services. I wonder how different these are from usual neo-BK service events? I suppose "one-on-one" coaching is a bit like have your own private senior Brother to talk to on a hourly rate, of course;
One-on-one coaching allows the individual to enter the process of developing their spiritual awareness, understanding and intelligence according to their current levels of awareness.


Formal two and three day introductory courses are available for small groups tailored to the particular needs and current awareness levels of the group. For a sample outline of a two-day introductory course for organizations email:


A variety of retreats provide participants with a deeper immersion in the principles of spiritual intelligence and practice of meditation. See


An increasing number of people in an organisational context are now aware that the deepest motivation for every human being is a sense of meaning. An increasing number of organisations are therefore putting in place the kind of educational opportunities, systems and procedures which assist people to find greater meaning in what they do at work. The Spiritual Intelligence Unit serves to assist in the identification and implementation of the appropriate education, systems and procedures to help individuals find deeper meaning in their work.


The Unit also serves to bring a spiritual dimension to the initiatives and projects of others in the commercial, social and voluntary sectors.

"So How Intelligent Are YOU ... Really?", Mike asks ... I guess it all depends on whether you believe in the 5,000 Year Cycle, quick change from Heaven to then Hellish dinosaurs 2,500 years ago, Destruction in 1976 or God speaking through little old Indian ladies?

And then ... oops, he did it again, no overt mention of the BKWSU. Is this Bhakti or Gyan? Are course attendees he own devotees from the Copper Age?
Mike George is a spiritual teacher, author and motivational speaker.

For the last twenty three years he has coached, guided and facilitated the personal and spiritual development of people in companies, communities and corporations worldwide.
"In the simplest terms enlightenment means to awaken, rediscover and realise what is TRUE both in an absolute and a relative sense. It is to go behind appearances and beyond the learned beliefs you have assimilated. Truth is that which never changes, and that which never changes is all you can be certain of. Rediscovering the ‘truth’, and translating it’s certainty into to everyday life, becomes the daily practice of a consciously awakening being. It is a practice which sustains your gradual enlightenment and it can also trigger an awakening in others".

Well, it looks like all those years at morning class and listen to Sister Jayanti paid off for some!

I mean you have to admit, the line HAS become awfully blurred ... would this not be considered selling Gyan in the old days? I wonder what Jayanti's day rate for conferences might be!?!

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by Mr Green
Mike used to cook spagetti which we jokingly named 'Mike's shirt wrecker' as the sauce was always so watery that if you dropped anything back on your plate it would splash all over your shirt ... it happened nearly every time you tried to eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by ex-l
Mr Green wrote:Mike used to cook spagetti which we jokingly named 'Mike's shirt wrecker' as the sauce was always so watery that if you dropped anything back on your plate it would splash all over your shirt ... it happened nearly every time you tried to eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

OK, well we will remove the "Kitchen Intelligence Unit" from his CV. Anyone cooking spagetti and tomato sauce in an environment where everyone wears white Kurtas and saris is not, I am afraid to say, enlightened yet. Unless, of course, he is getting backhanders from Proctor and Gamble for promoting Washing Powder.

Stick to potatoes in white sauce, Mike. In fact, here is a recipe for Fettuccine in Creamy White Sauce;
Fettuccine Alfredo. Cooking time (approx.): 14 minutes

300 grams (12 oz) dried uncooked fettuccine pasta
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup(s) sliced mushrooms
1 cup(s) milk
4 tablespoons double cream
1 tablespoon(s) chopped fresh parsley
1 cup(s) parmesan cheese grated
salt, nutmeg powder and peppercorns powdered coarsely to taste

Cook the fettuccine pasta in a pot of boiling salted water for about 8 minutes or till tender but just underdone. Drain and refresh in cold water. Drain well and toss in a little hot butter in a pan. Keep warm.

For the Alfredo sauce, heat the remaining butter in a saucepan and saute the sliced mushrooms on medium-high heat for about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and saute for a few seconds on medium heat.

Reduce heat, add the milk and mix well. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to very low and add the cream. Stir well and cook stirring on very low heat for about 2 minutes or till the sauce is thick enough to coat the spoon. Put off the heat and mix in the cheese. Season with salt, nutmeg and coarsely powdered peppercorns. Keep warm till serving time.
At serving time, mix the fettuccine pasta in the warmed Alfredo sauce till it is well heated through. If the sauce is too thick, mix in some warm milk and serve immediately.

Vegan options available on request, as long as being vegan is not Bhakti any more.

Take me to your leader

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2006
by ex-l
Spiritual leader Mike has actually gone backwards in The Cycle and is making his bucks [250,000 sold already @ $15 a shot] selling not Gyan but Bhakti. OK, may be Bhakti with a sneaky bit of Gyan slipped in. If a standard royalty is 10 to 15%, I can see why he is allowed to do it by the Seniors ... 12.5% of $3,750,000? I can hear those old Sindhi cash registers ca-ching-ing from here.

It raises an interesting question again of where the borderlines of BK and non-BK is. I can remember the days when doing anything that was "Bhakti" was looked down upon with scorn and no good BK would have any time for it what with giving course, doing Peace marches, leafleting and "exhibitions" on the High Street. But, of course, if a BK is off doing their own manmat courses* for cash then they will have no time to do service and so their status in the Golden Age will be reduced. I wonder what the PBKs will make of this. And as for BK touching other people by way of "massage". Disgustingly body conscious.

It would seem to me that Gyan is the magic ingredient in all this, the leaven in the rise. I wonder how much goes in "Baba's Box" after ... the old 10% tithe?

Book title : Learn to Relax
Mike George's guide to relaxation is an eclectic combination of several Eastern practices such as Shiatsu massage, Zen Buddhism, and Taoism. With 130 illustrations designed to help the reader to visualize serenity, George offers over 25 exercises to relax, quiet the mind, and turn off the world. To create a sense of physical calm and well being, George aims to take the best of many methods, such as massage, meditation, aroma therapy, and Yoga ... Offering almost 30 ingenious and easy-to-do exercises tailor-made for busy people, plus original illustrations to aid visualization and a friendly text that's low on jargon, "Learn to Relax" presents effective ways to ease tension at work, at home, or on the road. Stress counselor Mike George suggests simple techniques for breathing, massage, anxiety control, time management, sleep enrichment, detachment, and meditation, all designed to calm the mind. drawn from both eastern and Western traditions, this book's easy yet highly effective strategies reveal how we can put problems in perspective, deepen self-awareness, and celebrate the positive in life. wrote:* Spiritual Teacher Mike combines a variety of roles as he responds to invitations from individuals and organisations worldwide. He is a best selling author, international management consultant, motivational speaker and spiritual teacher who for the last 20 years has been coaching, guiding and facilitating the personal and executive development of people in companies, corporations and communities in over thirty countries.

In a unique blend of insight, wisdom and humour, Mike brings together the three key strands of 21st century – management/leadership development, emotional/spiritual intelligence and continuous learning. His publications include Discover Inner Peace and The 7 AHA!s of Highly Enlightened Souls and his latest book In the Light of Meditation has just been published in the UK and USA ... During this afternoon workshop Mike will take us into emotional intelligence (without becoming emotional) as he reveals the seven emotional confusions and clarifies.

Yup, it is definitely Gyan in a very pretty wrapper, see ; "A Five-step Meditation" quoted on the also BK Relax Kids site;
A first step in meditation is to be able to introspect without fear or compromise. This exercise takes you through an open door into the vast labyrinth of your unconscious so that you may begin to appreciate and love who you are. Sit comfortably in a pleasant room and close your eyes (You may like to recite the exercise onto a tape so that you don"t have to remember it.)
1. Withdraw energy mentally from everything around you - not to reject or resist, but to turn your attention inwards. You might think of how a tortoise withdraws into its shell to detach itself from the outside world, but carrying the experience of the world with it inside its shelter.
2. Create a point of consciousness. Focus on the centre of your forehead. Think of this point as a radiant star. This will transmit positive energy, making you feel good about yourself.
3. Affirm the positive energy through positive thoughts and images about yourself, such as "I am a conscious being", or "I am a peaceful soul".
4. Focus your energy on peace and let this become the object of your meditation. As you focus, you will give peace life, turning a thought into a feeling.
5. Experience this feeling by "watering" it with your full attention. This is the beginning of self-realisation through meditation.

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2006
by amaranthine
Hi ex-l

You seem to be a bit miffed that mike is doing well for himself. What is it that he is saying that is so bad and is what he is saying any different from any other self reflective/self development practice that is out there.

I've always understood that the line drawn between the lokik course and the Gyan course was the combination of i am a soul, as is god and that i should remember god - i do not think Mike's lokik stuff goes into that.

Mike's stuff is mike's stuff - it's not Gyan.

All the other stuff BKs do in my opinion such as postive thinking etc is a community service - not Gyan. its born out of Gyan but Gyan it ain't.

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2006
by ex-l
amaranthine wrote:you seem to be a bit miffed that mike is doing well for himself. what is it that he is saying that is so bad and is what he is saying any different from any other self reflective/self development practice that is out there?

I've always understood that the line drawn between the lokik course and the Gyan course was the combination of I am a soul, as is god and that I should remember god - I do not think mike's lokik stuff goes into that.

mike's stuff is mike's stuff - it's not Gyan

all the other stuff BKs do in my opinion such as postive thinking etc is a community service - not Gyan. its born out of Gyan but Gyan it aint.

Hi amaranthine,

thanks for your reply. I hope Mike et al come forward and answer for themselves. I have to admit I have more respect for you coming onto a forum like this than I do for all the neo-BKs doing all their polished VIP ass-kissing and good PR. And I appreciate the opportunity to engage openly and directly with BKs, without having to swallow gallons of whitewash. At the same time, I have to say I have a whole heap of respect for all the other Brahmin souls that have come forward to discuss all the controversial and intricate matters here, how ever they are and have been labelled. As someone said on the Australian BK forum, there might be a few surprises when it comes to the numbers being handed out. I am very impressed at the courage and detail with which individuals examine issues on this forum AND talk honestly about their personal issues/experiences.

Your response is interesting. You presume a negative, a jealousy of a sort. I am not so sure about that. If you want me to be frank, I find the current BK environment very muddied, to the extent of farcical. And I would add in here that one thing this forum has brought back to me is an acceptance that, a) I probably am a "Brahmin Yogi Soul" and b) an appreciation of what it means to truly be a Brahmin or Yogi Soul. This because I have had the opportunity to interact on and off forum with a few very royal souls making efforts beyond my own.

You say, "mike's stuff is mike's stuff - it's not Gyan". But that it blatantly not true.

If you spend a few minutes on Google, which is all I did, and pull out a few book or seminar quotes, as above, you will time and time again read pure to diluted Gyan. Look again, "Focus on the centre of your forehead ... Think of this point as a radiant star ... This will transmit positive energy, making you feel good about yourself ... Affirm the positive energy through positive thoughts and images about yourself, such as 'I am a conscious being' or 'I am a peaceful soul'".

Now tell me, which bit is Mike's and which bit is Baba's?

What I have seen in my years as a Brahmin soul, is the gradual slippage of Gyan from its pure Yogi form - with very clear distinct principles or Maryadas - over to a kind of New-Agey, Western-sensibility mush. And now that has been tightened, as quite a number of different ex-Cult or pop-psychology individuals did, into corporate coaching and marketing packages at hundreds of dollars of hours. From Sat Gurus to business gurus ... Really what it boils down to is ethics. Where are the organization's, and individuals that re-defined that organization like Mike's, ethics? OK. In Yogi terms, take the Gyan out of Mike George and what have you got? Bhakti? A Brahmin is making money selling Bhakti? This is certainly how the Seniors used to teach us. Selling Gyan? Selling Baba's knowledge? Would any one have dare tried it and would it have been tolerated? Why is it now? Heck the organization even sells their "best selling international author's" books at full retail mark up, i.e. it is taking a mark up AND the limited company "information service" is levied management charges from the BKWSU.

Put the Gyan into Mike George, Ken O'Donell, Brian Bacon etc send them out to do a presentation or personal coaching for some big wig corporate guy or head of state ... where is the live current coming from, the USP*, the money shot? Is it the Kali Yugi, impure-intellect, political-savvy ... or is it the live essence of BK Gyan and Baba's knowledge and vibrations? Which makes them special? So what if in their coaching session, they start to teach;
    "Create a point of consciousness. Focus on the centre of your forehead. Think of this point as a radiant star. This will transmit positive energy, making you feel good about yourself. Affirm the positive energy through positive thoughts and images about yourself, such as 'I am a conscious being', or 'I am a peaceful soul'"?
So who and what was Mike before he became made a Brahmin? The answer on a lokik level is an advertising copywriter but on an alokik level ... the answer is nothing. By Gyan, a last birth, impure, body-conscious Kali Yugi Shudra soul, is not it? Would you not have to say what he is now was made by Baba? So, from a BK point of view, is it ethical to turn around and sell that? Or to cut and divide over who gets it for free and who pays hundreds of dollars an hour? Or to ask what is "free", and what is just a "loss leader", in marketing terms?

In the beginning, there was straight Gyan. Like it or lump it. Then came straight Gyan with a little bit of arty, psychology and philosophy cautiously mixed in when the Seniors were not looking until it became acceptable as "good for service". Now we have the arty, psychology and philosophy with a little bit of Gyan mixed in. Now Gyan is being packaged off and sold as "personal good" by some - and that seemingly has become acceptable by the Seniors. The West broke the East's mould of Peace Marches and prove the idea of buzz word campaigns. Now the campaigns are taught instead of Gyan.

We presume it is acceptable as it is "good for service" ... as in it brings in the rich, the powerful and the famous. And all of a sudden the BKs have woken up to the fact the real power houses are NOT the politicians and the popstars BUT the corporate hell hounds that run the multi-nationals. Which is their's and what is Baba's? Is Self Leadership Management Brian Bacon or Brahma Baba? If it is the wrong Bee-Bee, or even a Bee-Gee, what are the Bee-Kays doing punting it? Is this spiritual evolution? [ and noto bene ... if a corporation is interested in the free BK SLM courses, it is Brian and Mike's outfit Oxford Leadership that takes over and invoices for it. That makes the BKs SLM a "loss leader" for the OLA. Does the local BKWSU centre get a commission for that referral or does it go to the headquarters who offers the use of the retreat centre?]

The interesting questions then to ask, from a Brahmin point of view not worldly one is;
    • how it is decided which Brahmins get to be chosen for this special induction into the hundred of dollars an hour coaching league and which don't?
    • how is it decided which Brahmins are allowed to sell Baba's inspired music with direct visual and graphic references like Bliss marketed by BK Lite Lynne Franks in the Daily Mail, e.g.; "now will you show us the way from the darkness and fear from the twisted beliefs".
    • are all BKs offered these opportunities and empowered though wealth and status - or are some kept down at the serf level to do the local service, leafleting and pot washing?
    • where does the money go?
    • does the center get a cut?
    • does the center get the cut? And so on
I am not saying it is wrong. I'd just like to see open statements, the new rulebook, eglatarianism and accountability.

What it does seem to signify is that, in worldly terms, some "BKs are more equal than others" and there are layers and layer of unspoken or confidential decision and policies being made - entirely contrary to orthodox Maryadas or Baba's Shrimat - which the vast majority of "grunt"* BKs are excluded from and never informed about.

In other words, there is one BK for us and one BK for them.

You may well be a true blue BK souls and all respect to you. I know how tough it is. I am just the kid who is calling out that the Emperors and Empress make not be naked yet but they are performing a slow striptease in public. But, you know, give it a few years more and we will all see how it turns out. I might be wrong.

Lastly, how is it decided which BK's personal businesses are promoted by being allowed to use the Country Mansion and which don't? Why not the BK tradesmen and mechanics, estate agents and accountants? It is all a little image conscious and classist, is not it?


* "grunts" = infantrymen, the foot soldiers of war.
* "USP" = unique selling point.

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by amaranthine
i've no problem with individuals incorporating Gyan into their work - and thus getting paid for it. i would think it odd if this did not happen.

What i personally would be uncomfortable with would be setting up a business that taught that god was a point of light, and that through connection with this being and by also considering yourself to be the same, you could begin to transform yourself. in my opinion this is where the line is.

i would also say that selling courses that mentioned The Cycle and thus setting yourself up as some sort of guru - based on this way-out knowledge would be crossing the line too, but i don't think thats much of an issue, as i don't think you'd make much money!

So if anyone wanted to set themselves up in the coaching scene and did not do the above, i honestly think no BK would show any resistance, i reckon you'd even be encouraged.

I think its worth remembering that 94% of all souls don't 'take' Gyan, but these individuals will eventually need something, and watered down Gyan maybe one way of doing that. Maybe at this point in the drama we are reaching a point were most of the BKs have had their introduction and now the emphasis is on this sort of service.

and no doubt service and the organisation will continue to change and mature in the future, as i think it should.

Preferential systems

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by ex-l
amaranthine wrote:I've no problem with individuals incorporating Gyan into their work - and thus getting paid for it. I would think it odd if this did not happen ... I think its worth remembering that 94% of all souls don't 'take' Gyan, but these individuals will eventually need something, and watered down Gyan maybe one way of doing that. maybe at this point in the drama we are reaching a point were most of the BKs have had their introduction and now the emphasis is on this sort of service.

and no doubt service and the organisation will continue to change and mature in the future, as I think it should.

Well, I think the proper answer is that whether "you have a problem" or not, is not the issue. That is lokik and manmat. The answer is whether it is alokik and Shrimat. Has Baba said in the Murlis it is OK.

It would hae been absolute disservice not so long ago. Is it "service" if the teacher is being paid? There seems to have been a change of heart in the organization regarding this too that they start to accept donations for their course quite openly. It appears to me that this watering down is in full swing and that there are generations of individuals that might have have done umpteen Positive Thinking, Self Management Leadership, Awareness courses; thinking of themselves as RajYogis, or Raja Yoga followers/supporters but who have never actually "Done the Course" or come face to face with the Maryadas.

For whom do the Maryadas exist now? Or has Baba chucked them out too?

And what about all those generations and individuals who were discouraged from even started and pursuing a proper careers or business, on the basis of mere graft and intelligence, because it might be a "pull on their intellect" or take them away from doing the senior Sisters' beckoning 24/7? And there still are more than a few souls stuck in that mould. Is it just "tough", "their karma" ... not so much as an explanation nevermind apology?

I would like to discuss also the subtle twist from "I am a point of consciousness" to "create a point of conscious" too ... but it seems to be that anything goes now as long as there are paying customers. It is this kind of ability to twist, market or water down that is subtly rewarded and promoted within BKs now. To be a Raja Yogi teacher is to be able to do all this external spin now. The whole focus seems to be on the external. I, the soul is the number one lesson. These guys are also introducing God, the soul; albeit in a subtle way. Surely, the whole thing of watering down and adding in your own mix is dilution and not maturation?

God, I can still hear the voices of the very same Seniors Sisters that are going along with this condemning or opposing the same and encourage individuals into serfdom ... where I now hear the cash registers ring for some. What message does it send out to the world what Raja Yoga and the BKWSU is? I mean, if it is that good, why would not a BK soul want to do it all as pure, free BK service - or be doing service in their spare time rather than running their own business? I'd just like to know the hard cash factors though, to really see what is going on. The organisation must be getting a cut. And know how the preferential systems for some work.

I am sorry but we are seeing some of the problems that arise when individual are initiated, hit Gyan but are not protected by knowing the full package.

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by primal.logic
Mike George is a spin doctor supreme. He and Jayanti have been ******** in the Subtle Regions for years. No surprise he gets the benefits he does.

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by amaranthine
As Baba has neither said this mike george sort of stuff is OK or not OK i'll repeat a previous point.
amaranthine wrote:What I personally would be uncomfortable with would be setting up a business that taught that god was a point of light, and that through connection with this being and by also considering yourself to be the same, you could begin to transform yourself. in my opinion this is where the line is.

I don't see how it is against Shrimat to incorporate Gyan into all aspects of your life, including your working life.

And again to repeat myself, the thing that is never charged for is the explicit explanation of how to connect with the Supreme Soul and to have Yoga.

early for the Copper Age

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by ex-l
amaranthine wrote:and again to repeat myself, the thing that is never charged for is the explicit explanation of how to connect with the Supreme Soul and to have Yoga.

I'd argue that it was there, I'll pull out the reference to the "connecting to the source or power" bit later*. Check out the BK copyright terms below ...

So how does the George, O'Donell and Bacon operation get around the Maryadas that Brahmins are not suppose to talk business, or use Brahmin connections to promote their money making business? Is it one rule for them and another for the grunt BKs, like the Hindu BKs that are being whacked by bamboo sticks at Abu Road to keep them in order?

The popular front of Western BK seems to have become one big cross-promotional industry with loss leaders hosted at BKWSU retreat centers;
    Oxford Leadership head hunts pukka BKs internationally who promote the multiple personalities of best selling spiritual teacher Mike George =" Buddha in a business suit " (to quote cross promoted genius coach) who promotes Relax Kids who promotes Bliss Music who promotes Soul Power Seminars who promotes Global Retreat Centre who host Oxford Leadership seminars which carry references from "Doctors" and "Teachers" who all turn up at Values meetings or the UN with a different label to the one they wear at morning class ... whilst waiting for the Nuclear Holocaust and Krishna to arrive ... Can all this be done without some verbal co-ordination? I'll scratch yours if you'll scratch mine?
Come to think about it, it is all very white/WASPish too, and as with the JAM session, it all seems to be co-ordinated to remove any whiff of Shiva and the whacky Kalpa. Lekhraj Kirpalani is considered safe, as he is dead and therefor cannot embarrass them by wanting to drop flyers from a helicopter or write letters to the Queen. Lekhraj Kirpalani is ripe to re-packaged and mythologized as a saint by these people ... but that is contrary to Shrimat again. And even the pictures of him that the BKWSU use he is very white as well. Facial hair included. If they are all off becoming gurus and starting their own religions, is not that starting a bit early for when the Dinosaurs come back and the Copper Age starts?

I should do a search online and find out who the directors of all these companies are one day ... and it has to be said that my guess the whacky Kalpa has only been dropped because it is bad for the credibility of their money making business. We hear Jayanti is alreadys saying that the number of years is immaterial and we all expect it to be airbrished out of Gyan soon.

It'll all end in tears ... "tears of blood", as they say.

* try Mike George's book website;

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by amaranthine
In the Light of Meditation

This is a BK book (Gyan) published by a lokik publishing house. Are you suggesting that its given away for free?

Mike George Lies [ ...ooops spin ] and BKWSU copyrighting

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2006
by ex-l
I am really sorry, and I apologise to everyone that has put their face on the line for this website, but I have just read something that I cannot stomach and I have no fear of call it BS. If folks think it is too strong language, then let me or an Admin know and temper it.


I was looking at the BKWSU's COPYRIGHT on BK Stephen Currie's BKWSU front website called promoting a Mike George book called "Learn to Meditate" published by O-Books ( ... who also did a rights deal with BK Relax Kids and lists BK Nikki de Carteret as one of their authors). Price $19.95; commission rate ... 10 to 15%? This refers to another thread in which we were discussing him selling Gyan. To counter amaranthine's point, the book introduces God, Cycle, Golden Age and all the rest - as most BKs would know as I dare say it is boughtand given as presents to loikiks, mics and VIPs widely. I wonder if it is published by O-Books because it is better for PR to be disassociated from the BKWSU than to be published by the BK Information Services? Or if makes more money that way? Or if it is not such as hassle over who owns what rights?
BK Mike George wrote:Why Raja Yoga meditation? What can I gain from this course?
Raja Yoga Meditation is one of the oldest forms of meditation. Kings in the East were trained in this meditation to prepare them to rule their kingdom wisely. It was recognised that if they were going to be rulers of others they first needed to learn to rule themselves, be the masters of their thoughts and feelings and to be able to fully control their physical senses.

Raja Yoga encompasses and synthesises all types of Yoga – hatha Yoga, karma Yoga, bakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga. It is probably the most effective way to understand and empower one's true self and discern the significance and purpose one's life. It is also the most important stepping stone to restore one's personal relationship with the Source, with God. However it is not a religion, more a personal process pf progressive experience.

One of ... ? Now, what is going on here is the usual fudge where the BKWSU fake a connection between what they are doing and presets in the public's general awareness relating to Patanjali's Raja Yoga WHICH IS SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. This playing on the marketing line that anything that is "ancient" or 'easter" must be spiritual and good ... the case is out on that one. Now "Raja Yoga", as the rest of the Yogi and New Age worlds knows it, is about 1,700 and 2,200 years ago. It was not taught to kings. It was practise by renunciate. What is he doing re-marketing it into individuals minds based on utter fallacies? This is where the spin comes in. And this is not a BK Mike spin, this is "Ancient" BKWSU spin. BK Raja Yoga is at a maximum 70 years old - and I doubt that actually figure. That hardly counts as "ancient". But what he is alluding to here is the BK belief that,
    a) by studying BK Raja Yoga, BKs only became Kings of the Golden and Silver Age
    b) that BK Raja Yoga is the most ancient of spiritual teachings because it was taught 5,000 years ago according to their theory. Just last Cycle, 5,000 years ago. But why, "one of ..."? Are there other 5,000 year old BK Yogas we are not being told about?
Now that is "half-truth", playing with people's minds. Telling white lies that BKs can "ho-ho" about, because they are in on the joke, but non-BKs are left utterly miscontruing and mis-valuing what is being said. I think in jokes between superiors [Brahmins] to inferiors [Shudras] are nasty. Truth be, I was suckered into the BKWSU because I fell for this very same trap, way before BK Mike George added finesse and nice artwork to the spin. I thought that was going to learn Raja Yoga not be induced into a relationship with a disincarnate, channelled spirit - which is what BK Raja Yoga is. I wish they had thought up their own names for everything instead of selling traditional ones and playing on the confusion or abusing the openness created in other minds by doing so. And, for the record, the eight "limbs" or steps of Raja Yoga are actually: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. What he is spinning here is early BK "everything is Raja Yoga and Raja Yoga is everything" kindergarten churnings.

Now, to get on to the subject I was interest in. I see the BKWSU and its front, or commercial operations, are moving into the gamut of copyright laws. How exactly international copyright laws apply to a 5,000 year old disincarnate spirit called Shiva living in Paramdham, I do not know. But it would be an interesting bit of case law to try and apply!?! :wink: What is clear is that those human individuals that have stuck to the doo-doo like flies for the longest clearly consider it is THEIR property and are looking to, or going to, exercise THEIR human copyrights. As an example, they refuse and withhold Murlis from non-orthodox Brahmin souls such as the PBKs.

For example, the quote below is taken from the same website. The copyrights are owned by not an individual BUT a limited company of which the directors are human beings just as the trustees of the BKWSU charities are the legal "owners". If - and only if - they were smart enough to get the original authors and artists to sign over the rights to their works, which if they did not means the copyrights remain with the human individuals that created them.
    • Who has elected these human beings as appointed title holders of the intellectual property of God Shiva?
    • Who has handed over rights to the intellectual property of God Shiva to them?
    • Indeed, who has the authority to?
    • How can those BKs like Mike, Nikki, Brian and others that sell bits of Baba's knowledge exercise their own personal copyrights over that knowledge and have they been have permission to use the same intellectual property as the BKWSU and BKIS ltd is claiming?
I am not a lawyer but if they have not been given proper license AND the BKWSU has not pursued them to stop using it THEN the BKWSU will have lost all authority over its intellectually property just as with Trademark Law and Nikki, Mike and Brian have no rights whatsoever ... so who are they fooling with their website warnings? And what is the official relationships between individual centres and Madhuban, the main BKWSU charities or businesses? Are they partners, employees, franchisees, licensees, stakeholders, agents ... ? What right have they used, exercised or established by using Baba's intellectually property? And did the individuals that contributed the words, graphics and artworks sign away THEIR copyrights and intellectual properties? If not they still own them? Did Lekhraj Kirpalani sign away HIS copyrights and intellectual properties? How much of the Gyan and Murli are his?
    • Has God Shiva ever appointed any individual or any organization limited authority to his intellectual property [Knowledge or Gyan?]
    • And are disincarnate spirits empowered and protected by law to own intellectual property and copyrights?
In my humble opinion, THE WHOLE THING IS A NASTY FARCE, A ONE-SIDED SMASH AND GRAB RAID BY A LITTLE MAFIA OF AMATEUR POWERMONGERS AND STATUS GRABBERS. I say amateur because they are obviously setting themselves up for a very big fall with this stuff. Now why, given the choice of setting an enlightened, ethical precedent and putting Gyan into the Creative Commons, with a Copyleft, GFDL, public domain or open content license where it could have been protect but made avaliable to all, have the BKWS chosen to take an aggressive-possessive stance of legal proprietary? Ownership. Ownership to the degree that they can lock up, hide away and attempt legal threats to others that want to learn, teach and share ... "God's Knowledge" ... not their knowledge. PROPERTY IS in this case THEFT from God, surely? Now why are some told they can only use this propery for "personal non-commercial use" but whilst other superior BKs are allowed to sell it and even take private business recommendation from local Raja Yoga Centers? Where are the defining guidelines for all this? Who gets to decide who is in and who is out? Who elected them and who gave over the legal authority to them to hand out such rights?
BK Information Services ltd wrote:This website and the copyright in all text, graphics, images, software and any other materials on this website is owned by or licensed to Brahma Kumaris Information Services Limited (“ILOM”). You may only use the materials on this website for your own personal non-commercial use. You may electronically copy or print extracts of materials from this website for such purpose only and without alteration, addition or deletion. Any other use of the materials on this website, including any reproduction or alteration, is prohibited without ILOM’s prior permission

It is interesting to see, looking at the site's gallery, how Mike is introducing a whole load of "below the line", subliminal BKWSU imagery to seed individual's consciousness with BKWSU theory;
    "point to point" = BK Raja Yoga
    "Faith" = Shiva Baba
    "One Focus" = Shiva Baba
    "Giving is Taking" = Yoga, Moksh, seed stage?
Bear in mind, this guy did work in advertising and still works in marketing. The images are all very pretty but the salient ones are all Baba's Gyan.

    • we talk about Madhuban as if it actually exists but legally, who or what is it?
    has the BKWSU paid its royalties on all that owned, copyrighted film and pop music it has been using for its public performances for the last 70 years?
Oh. Sorry. I forgot. It is swadesh for them and one rule for others ...
BK Mike George wrote:"These masks are at the core of the games we play in our interactions with family, friends, collegues and co-workers. Instead of being open and honest, loving and kind, we build barriers and play evasive or confrontation games ..."


All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers.

The rights of Mike George as author have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2006
by button slammer
My prediction is that Mike George will assume control when Dadi Janki retires. I suspect that through the use of NLP Mike has 'primed' the power badges for his imminent take over. They know it will be in the best interests of all concerned parties. :|