New BK fronts?

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New BK fronts?

Post15 Jun 2013

Peace Village, Inc. Eugene, Oregon and Peace Out Programme.
36 weeks of activities and lessons that integrate peace and conflict studies into core curriculum standards of education

Navajo Peacemaking / Safe Schools Project
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Pink Panther

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Re: New BK fronts?

Post16 Jun 2013

The real shame of this sham is that it will validate for the Christian lobby their claims that Yoga in schools is a front to lead children away from "the true faith".

I have read that some US jurisdictions have introduced what we might call "secular" Yoga as an option for sports for kids who don't want to be competitive or don't enjoy team activities, with some success. But fundamentalist Christians hate Yoga as it is "Hindu" and has a rich non-Christian philosophy/theology that is everything Judeo-Christianity teaches against (polytheism, reincarnation etc).

If the Peace Village, or other BK sourced program gets into schools, and the Christian lobby discover who's behind it, that spoils it for all those other Yoga teachers etc and the kids who benefit.
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Re: New BK fronts?

Post16 Jun 2013

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't see any BK connections to the above organizations. Navajos are the wrong kind of "Indians" to look for BKism but I would not be surprised to find the BKs looking for them. Many BKs were interested in the Hopi tribe because they also had the concept of soon to end Cycles of Times.

As for "Yoga fronts", I accidentally came across the latest 'Jordan Carver Yoga DVD' and was completely hypnotised by it, however, I am absolutely sure it is nothing to do with Hinduism. It's a huge front for something though.

It's a great shame that the Americans cannot see physical Yoga for what it is, a great stretch and strengthening programme. I've done Yoga classes and have been reduced to a sweating, shaking wreck at the end of it. In fact, I am sure if I did a Jordan Carver class, it would have the same effect and I would take days to recover.

The point I am making here is how silly the whole religious thing gets, even the idea that exercise is mystical and leads to enlightenment. Although t certainly leads to making you feel good ... Jordan would be a good test for any BKs Brother stage.

I would be the first to admit that the Christian Fundamentalists in the USA are an even crazier and far more dangerous cult than the BKs. In one polemic, I read them huffing and puffing about how hatha Yoga promote Sun worship and so therefore is evil ... whereas sitting around eating one's self obese, going out hunting for sport and killing Arabs is perfect cool with their Jesus. What they are talking about it merely a series of exercises which is called Surya Namaskar and has zero to do with the worship of anything ... unless Jordan Carver is doing it.

It strikes me their contentions are rooted in America's own form of insular racism, and stupidity, they cannot separate anything Indian from something religious from India. It's the same kind of kneejerk logic which believes soft drugs all lead to heroin ... and mother's milk to alcoholism.

All religion leaders are involved in the same game ... territorial expansion/domination and the taxation of their adherents. It's primal behaviour, no different from antelope-eating lions on the plains but just at another level, in which any other religious leaders entering into their territories are perceived as threats to their income streams.

And quite rightly so because that is exactly what other religious leaders such as the Maharishis and BKs of this world are doing ... going hunting for other people's antelopes, or even kids and wives. They are seeking to expand their hunting territory, the Christians are seeking to defend theirs.

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