Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: critics

Post07 Jun 2013

Firstly, there are few positive aspects as well and I do appreciate efforts to bring these out:
    1. The forum provides a platform for interaction between ex-BKs. Leaving the BK path is not easy and when you know there are others in the same boat, it comes as a big relief.

    2. The forum has brought out a new dimension of BKWSU history and some facts that may haven't been known to many BKs and potentially forced some BKs to reform the organization which is a good outcome.

    But unfortunately all of this gets fazed under the "propaganda" in a "tabloid" and "sensationalist" style through misrepresenting and exaggerating - this reflects some sort of mission to destroy BKWSU (image) by any means.
And, to add to the criticisms, ex-l you had advised me in a separate thread to come up with criticisms:
    1. In a view to advise family members of BKs, often only one side view is taken and advise is given as if it is coming from a relationship counsellor. The family members are fed exaggerated and draconian picture of BKs. If a relationship is about to break because of someone in family taking a BK path, this is like adding fuel to the fire and create further antagonism in the family! There is no evidence that such unprofessional counselling has saved any family relationship - is it not? In my view this is quite dangerous in relationship matters.

    2. Typically the family members of Indian BKs come on this forum. Western ex-BKs advise them on the relationships between husband /wife and so on without understanding and experience of the full cultural context of how relationships work or break in India!

    3. And the biggest facade is the below:
    BK info wrote:This forum is to support ex-BKs, those BKs who want to leave and are exiting, and the friends and family members of BKs.

    This is good work provided this is the real intention of the forum but it is a lie which can easily be understood by reading 10-20 posts on the forum. How?

    a. "to support ex-BKs": When a person wants to exit, giving them a platform to express is great but here advantage is taken of their vulnerability in that state and a lot of negativity is fed against what they want to leave and spreading antagonism against BKs. Imagine in broken relationships when one partner wants to leave, insistent complaining and criticising about other partner may be temporarily a relief but it makes the scar wider and longer in the heart! If the true intention was to support ex-BKs, there would have been a some encourgement for those people who have left BKs without any negativity against them and moved on! Encouragement is only provided to those who can criticise, complain and demonize BKs.

    b. "those BKs who want to leave and are exiting": BKs are not encouraged in this forum generally so what does this mean? Leaving or joining BK path is an individual's choice, is not it an undue influence on people?

    c. "and the friends and family members of BKs": Except feeding negativity about BKs, what support have you provided to family members? How many families have you saved from breaking and built harmony ?

    4. BK knowledge is presented as if its all about Destruction completely overlooking the efforts of thousands of spiritual aspirants towards self improvement, transformation and purification; for whom BKism makes perfect sense and they have accepted it with full sincerity and made a conscious choice.

    5. BK knowledge is presented as if its all about Destruction completely overlooking the benefits of BK meditation which have been experienced by thousands to overcome stress and achieve better mental and physical health. There are hundreds of examples where BKs have done excellent work to save lives by scientific application of meditation. Please read below experiences of non-BKs who got benefitted and tell me what's wrong with this?
    6. Name of the website itself is to attract people searching about brahmakumaris on the internet! Many newcomers come to this website not by choice but get misled that this may be the Brahmakumaris web-site! And what is offered to newcomers who knew nothing about Brahmakumaris before - of course, persuasion to stay away from BKs. How does someone know whether contact with the BKs would have been good to such newcomers or bad? In the times of increasing stress, more and more people are looking for solutions and for many that solution may be lying with the BKs. This is why the title of the website should be changed if the intention is how it is stated. Has any newcomer being honestly told that this is not the official Brahmakumaris web-site?

    7. If the real intention was "to support ex-BKs, those BKs who want to leave and are exiting, and the friends and family members of BKs", then why does the website show "Truth about BKWSU", "independent thought about BKWSU" and not "A support forum for ex-BKs, exiting BKs and friends and family members"?
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Mr Green


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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post07 Jun 2013

I don't agree, I think this site is a great resource and friendly
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post07 Jun 2013

Mr Green wrote:I don't agree, I think this site is a great resource and friendly
More later ... I am sorry, Moreclearernow, I don't have much time and energy right now to answer
but, Moreclearernow, many of your accusations are very vague, wide and undefined. I have no idea what you are talking about most of the time and so you will need to be much more specific. I mean, what on earth is "nasty talk"?

... Sorry, comment should have been addressed to "Andrey/Littleo" whose post has been saved and returned, but moved 'off forum' as the question was directed to Moreclearernow.

Oh, yes ... I've love to publish the tabloid newspaper of the BK movement. I'd call it "Brahma Kumari Filth" and publish all the really bad but factual true stories about the BKs. It's just what they need. The Hindi community would love it.

However, here, I think we are more like Private Eye (political satire) than The Sun.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post08 Jun 2013

Criticism is the oldest and strongest "Sanskar" of Brahmakumaris. For last 75 years they are criticizing Kaliyug and people who do not follow them. They call people Shudras. In olden days they used to curse Congress Party men and Gandhiji as Kansa and Kauravs. But now you can see Brahmakumaris chasing these people (Kansa and Kauravs).

What a transformation !!!!

Success of this site have hurt the BKs' big big EGO. They are self-claimed Godly people with self appraising publicity. Brahamkumaris are very, very weak people, so weak that by eating someone's food their all yogic earning becomes ZERO. They can not tolerate criticism as it can effect their money gathering business, so they have put a team of PR and IT people to handle this.

For self-praising lectures and Godly knowledge, the Dadis and Sisters are in-charge but when Questions are asked, 'The Big Team' comes for the rescue.

This site is not for criticizing BKs, but a medium to discuss about BK and their knowledge.

If some BK or their team or their well-wishers want to participate in this discussion, they are welcomed. (Fake IDs are also accepted).
The basic question mark on BKs are :-
    1) Mr. Lekhraj's age - why BKs are trying to change Lekhraj's birth date ?
    2) Why BKs are hiding their history and OLD Sakar Murlis ?
    3) World Destruction prediction - why all the predictions failed?
    4) Do they still believe in world Destruction ... and when ?
    5) If the World Destruction is sure, why are they spending people's hard earned money on purchasing freehold properties and making five star resorts?
    6) People donate money for charity in the name of GOD, is it right to spend that money on luxurious life style ?
    7) It is publicized by BK's PR team that thousand people are benefited by BKs knowledge. But at the same time this forum have stories of BK victimized people. Have any BK or BK's team tried to contact these person to find what went wrong ?


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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post08 Jun 2013


You give me the impression that you are on a "mission" here, rather than a free willed participant and open minded contributor ... Someone, who comes in with preconceived ideas and thoughts, hangs tightly to them, and adamantly refuses to let go ...!!
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post08 Jun 2013

dany wrote:Moreclearnow, You give me the impression that you are on a "mission" here ...

A mission which has lasted over 3 years, is becoming increasingly irrational and personalised at attacking me and my integrity (as usual) ... clearernow, an unbiased view ... (came into Gyan around 2000, he claims 5 years in BK, now 8 years out of BK) ... and brought about the following resolution which was welcomed by many members ... (below).

I don't mind criticisms but I am irritated at ...
    a) having my time and energy wasted having to pick up and correcting such individuals who persistently twist and manipulate who I am, or what I have said, to try and make their point, and
    b) are in denial or deliberately misrepresenting the Brahma Kumaris and what they are about.
Especially when ...
    a) there is a beautiful world of kind, intelligent, creative, sincere wonderful people outside
    b) there are greater needs and better 'goods' I could be doing.

Clearernow/Moreclearernow ... perhaps BKism gives you some kind of ego satisfaction, perhaps it makes you feel more special, gives you the tools to be a guru, perhaps in India BKism has now become some kind of superior caste ... I don't know (the social status of BKism and public opinion towards it in India would interest me). But, listen ...

The spirit of BK loathes humanity and this world, wants it destroyed, and has always done so. It wants now 7 billion individuals annihilated. The so called god of BKism is like one of the Biblical tribal tyrants ... a jealous god who can accept no other, a chosen tribe superior to all other impure religious who believe they alone will inherit and rule this world for 2,500. That is BKism ... the rest is just subterfuge and marketing.

You say you disagree with all that and do not believe in it ... fine. Go to the BKs and get them to remove it. Not hide hide it, but remove it. Not deny it is what they believe and why they are doing what they are doing. Get them to sign a piece of paper saying it is not true and they will stop using it to encult individuals.

Then come back to us and tell us how you got on.
clearernow wrote:I was on the path during Y2K and many enthusiastic BKs predicted 2000 dates - But I did listen to all the Murlis live around those days and not even once this year was mentioned in them.

In my 5 years of BK life, I myself preached the principles to many souls but I did not emphasize on Destruction! I emphasized on the beauty of meditation, connection with God and the experience of relationships with God that can be experienced in meditation.
Admin wrote:Notice to BKs

In response to recent increasing tensions between BK members and non-BKs, BK members will now be required to prove some kind of commitment to the website's purposes;
    Documenting the BKWSU and its original teachings, or
    Providing evidence of being actively involved in the reform of the BKWSU.
Faith-based evangelism on behalf the religion on its own will no longer be accepted.

From the beginning of this forum, BKs, PBKs and the members of other BK splinter groups have been welcomed to discuss and explore issues relating to the BKWSU. It is understandable that for many the information and views presenting on this forum are challenging but our interests lie in helping those who wishing to leave the BKWSU, not support it.

BrahmaKumaris.Iinfo remains a unique, independent resource documenting the BKWSU. Unlike the BKWSU, we have very limited resources and prioritise helping ex- and non-BKs.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post08 Jun 2013

Response to criticisms.

1. Agreed. Thank you.

2. Accepted, thank you but reform has been far too slow, against every resistance of the BK leaderships and has not gone far enough. It never will because they are fighting it.

Tabloidism is the best response to the BKs' exaggerated self-importance and pride. In fact, if it was not for the difference of sensibility of most Hindu (core BK donors) I would use far more indecent language and portrayals.

The "sensationalism" is really not sensationalist enough. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg as far as BK corruption and wrongdoings.


1. Families need to be aware of the subtle, persistent and concerted efforts the Brahma Kumaris will make to encult their family members and extract from them their free labour, money and property.

Families should show no compromise to the parasitical Brahma Kumaris and prepare for the worse, that is, they are going to lose their family member. It is like a medical case where there is 99% the patient will die. 99% of the time, it is the ethical thing for the doctor to tell the family.

Experience has shown that once an individual has been infect with the BK virus, the family's chances of avoiding losing them, and property and money, are very, very low.

2. Simple. BKs show stop breaking up families in India. They should stop acting like parasites and stealing other people's wives and children.

3. a. The best way to get out of BKism is to get everything BK out of you.

Really, you are just promoting demi-BKism here ... a BKism where the BKs get 30 ... 40 ... 50% of a person where they cannot get 100% of a person. We promote that the BKs get 0% of a person and those people get 100% of themselves back again.

b. "undue influence" - possible the most ridiculous thing you have written. Undue influence is a legal term, go and look it up. We take or gain 0% from anyone leaving the BKWSU. We promote individuals freeing themselves from the BKs undue influence, an undue influence which they would use to take 100% from an individual is they could.

c. How many families? I have no idea of the impact and influence we have. I would say we help the most individuals and their families by stopping individuals going into the BKWSU in the first place. Once an individual is initiated and enculted the prognosis is very poor. In that case, we prepare family members individuals for the worst and encourage them to protect their wealthy and property from the BKs.

4. BK knowledge is all about Destruction.

5. BK knowledge is all about Destruction. They rest is just marketing.

6. The website is clearly stated as "independent" and provides extensive info about the BKs. It says on the label what we are and do. The registration process clarifies this and individuals made to agree to it.

The Brahma Kumaris exploit vulnerable individuals and do not have solutions for them. They actually target them. Vulnerable individuals should be protected from the Brahma Kumaris

7. We have by far the best record in portraying the "Truth about BKWSU". The header is the header for the whole website including library and encyclopedia, not just the forum. The registration process for the forum and other notes clarifies its purpose.

When the website first started we attempted to bring all parties together but, due to the cultic nature of the BK religion it was not feasible and so, step by step we have had to focus our limited resources on where the great needs are.

The response of the BKWSU and BK has been to attempt to destroy it, spoil it, and where they have failed, to ignore it and poison opinion against it.


Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

dany wrote:Moreclearnow,

You give me the impression that you are on a "mission" here, rather than a free willed participant and open minded contributor ... Someone, who comes in with preconceived ideas and thoughts, hangs tightly to them, and adamantly refuses to let go ...!!

Hello Dany,

So criticizing BKs is openmindedness and criticizing BK Info is not? Our experiences shape our ideas and thoughts - for others they may come across as "pre-conceived" and adamant. Some of the members out here did not have good experiences with BKs, come up with persistent criticism and blame on the BKs and if given a chance, they would perhaps like to destroy BKSWU. Fine - that's their conceived notion!

At a particular point of my life when I came across BKWSU, I was going through a series of critical and fatal diseases. Doctors had told me of little hope to survive. Within the first year of application of BK principles and with the power of meditation, everthing turned around in my life. I am not only alive and kicking and but ROCKING in all spheres of my life - all thanks to my asscociation with BKs. I will be indebted to them through out my life.

All I can say is that If I had come across this forum at that time (thank God it did not exist at that time), had got influenced (by its claim that this is the Truth about BKWSU by showing one side of the story) and stayed away from BKism, I wouldn't have been alive today. At least medical science had given up at that time. So representation of opposite points of view is important for any forum that claims it to be "independent" views about BKWSU!!!!!!!! No?


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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013


If BITTERNESS is not the basic motivation for those who write in this forum about their bitter BK experiences, what other motivations do they have ...??!!
    BITTERNESS, for wasting their lives, or important part of it, by following a deceptive and false cult ...!!

    BITTERNESS, for dismantling their families, and breaking social ties ...!!

    BITTERNESS, at having been exploited, lied to and deceived ... time after time ...!!
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

dany wrote:BITTERNESS ... BITTERNESS ... BITTERNESS ... to have been exploited, lied to and deceived ... time after time ...!!

Fair comment, dany. Individuals *should* be very angry at what happened to them and at what the Brahma Kumaris are doing to society. Righteous anger ... wrath ... is *pure* motivation.

But you have to be a little bit 'clever' with the tricky BKs and call it something else, like "dedication" or "determination" or reformative transformation ... you know how the BKs love to twist words to give them new meanings and will pick up and use against you anything they can call "negative".

The truth is "negative" to BKs.


Any benefits gained through Brahma Kumarism have to be offset against the losses and waste and ultimate aims and objects of the religion. Given the ultimate aims and objects of the religion is the death of 7 billion human beings and a highly unlikely promise of 2,500 years of exclusively ruling the world in heaven.

I'll step out here and say, none of the benefits some individuals have received from their interaction with the Brahma Kumaris is worth a single family being broken up by them, nor one suicide of which there have been many.

You were invited and allowed to post your criticism and other criticism have been made before, so there is no restriction to that. Dany does not specifically refer to your critique but your general conduct, and I concur. Without offering proper arguments, you come across a little like a 'born-again Christian' ... an exaggeratedly defensive "I was lost but now I am found!" kind of manner ... and your habit of twisting and distorting others statements is irritating and spoils discussions. Please stop doing so and come to earth.

Please be specific ... what "critical and fatal disease" (you mean "life threatening", fatal would have killed you) and which part of the lifestyle effected you?

Please be professional and offer a scientific explanation. Do the science on it.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest that negative thinking, or even evil thinking, does not effect one's life. Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao ... all lived to fine old ages. Personally, I don't meditate and I've never required any medicine for 30 years beyond a course of anti-biotics for a toothache which no amount of positive thinking would have helped me. Plenty of individuals live into their 90s without doing so ... so, be scientific, what was it that benefited you?

Was it Brahma Kumarism or was it becoming vegetarian and not drinking and smoking, for example? Compare become vegetarian *and* meditating against being vegetarian and *not* meditating. Qualify and quantify the differences. Was it what you did, or they believe?

This is the problem with all of the BK PR and publicity ... it's just one side, exaggerated evangelism designed to sell a hocus-pocus madhouse of a religion. The BK medical wing's intention is to promote BKism not medicine.
    Show me one paper, one article, one class where the Seniors admit there are problems with their cult and how they have strived to overcome them. (Shivani once almost admitted the child sex abuses happened, but that is all I can think of).
Another problem is, on the other hand, Brahma Kumarism has strong negative reactions in some individuals. It has caused mental illness and breakdowns; it has caused suicides; it has broken families; it has wasted lives and careers ... it has sent thousands of people running around mad on wild goose chases to "earn inheritances" before End of the Worlds that never happened, and so on. What research have they done to resolve and avoid such problems ever again ... none. They don't care as long as they get some money, some free labour out of each and every individual. If it costs them their life ... then they were "weak bricks" according to the BKWSU.

If Brahma Kumarism was a medical treatment, it would either be removed off the market, or it would come with a 'Government Health Warning' on the packet (which I would welcome).

Until the Brahma Kumaris
    a) remove those harmful elements,
    b) work out where and why their treatment goes wrong,
    c) in what kind of patients, and
    d) clearly and honestly publish their ingredients, warn of the dangers and protect individuals from them
they should be quarantined from the rest of society.

They are acting like the crazed addicts and pushers of a drug pushing it to children, young women, the old and weak, targeting the uninformed developing nations, just like the cigarette manufacturers.

Our business is helping individuals exit BKism and protecting others from it. It strikes me that your business of promoting and defending it ought be best done by address the problems in BKism and having the leaders remove them ... starting with the End of the World, 5,000 Year Cycle and the 2,500 year old dinosaurs.

In short, my removing the institutionalised ignorance of the BKs. Until it happens, we won't let the BKs rest.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013


Interesting name. 5 years in, being a pukka BK, but it took more years out to become firstly "clearer now" and, from what you say, the longer you have spent out of the straightjacket, to freely mix and match for yourself as you see fit from your life experience, choosing to keep what you like and discard what you don't like from different sources, the "moreclearer" you become. Doesn't that say something?

You say you don't care as much about the vinash teachings (and other stuff) as you do about the benefit you've gained.

In a similar vein of self-examination that ex-l asked of you, please ask yourself (no need to reply) - what aspects of your practice could you not have gained from another similar practice - whether from a group or from self-discipline?

I put it to you it's the BK stuff you've let go of, or never appealed to you, that actually distinguishes the BKs from other religions and groups (yes, they are a religion by most definitions of the word - even they'll 'admit" it when it comes to claiming tax exemptions!).

In your case, I freely acknowledge that when certain changes and disciplines are needed in one's life, having a "support network" really helps. Just like you don't want to hang around with boozers if alcohol is your problem, so you find sober companions, I can understand that "spirituality" can fill a hole that may otherwise filled by more harmful methods of succour.

The critique here is primarily focused on the implicit entrapment of the BK way and teachings which they exploit in the name of "glorifying Baba" and "serving humanity" - which is code for entrapping more people to do more of th same.

They are not like a hospital or a shelter where you'll be encouraged to leave as soon as you are well and independently capable, so your place and resources can be used for the next ailing 'soul". They are about keeping people in, creating dependency and surrendering one's ability to freely choose one's life choices to a purported higher authority. Fortunately, you have exercised your freedom to choose a "lower status" despite the implications for your 'eternal fortune". (When I say "they" it's a collective pronoun, a result of the culture born of their teachings, not individuals "encultured"). You may not have been influenced by "vinash", eternal status and other aspects of the mythology, but others are. Anyone can check in to the Hotel California, you checked out at the time you like'd, but not everyone can find the way to leave (sadly some see only one way out).

You're content to have personally benefitted from what their "industry" means and want to see it continue unharassed so that others may also benefit, regardless of what it's done or does to others. Your attitude to criticisms of BK Corp is like those who profit from investing in fossil fuel industries and say "but my weather today was pleasant, I don't believe the hype from science (?!) about climate change. Please turn up the aircon so I can help generate jobs and prosperity for others like I enjoy", Meanwhile Tuvalu and Kiribati, two pacific nations, analogous to disempowered fragile people and families, are increasingly inundated by the rising sea levels and 100% of their populations will become refugees of climate change.

It's the damage being done to the disempowered that this site is about, the "corporation" doesn't need any help here to report projected profits and business plans directly to its shareholders.

One more thing before I forget.

Do you really think anyone, by visiting this site, is "counter-converted" on the basis of what they read here only? No. How many pukka BKs who read this site stopped being BKs?

My guess is either none or very few.

Anyone who is "influenced" is only finding resonance here to some pre-exisitng instinct or other intuition, an unarticulated feeling that something within them doesn't square with the BKWSU life, or they have something clarified here that something was out of tune with their own sense of truth or morality, or needed courage to know others move on and do survive & prosper.

Call them "easily influenced" or "weak" or whatever, but that only means the BKs want to be the ones to influence such "weak willed souls" who they believe are unable to make life decisions for themselves.

If you had read this site when you were going through your crisis, my guess is that you'd have had the smarts enough to have found other ways and means of support to get through your "dark night of the soul". Don't sell your Self short by giving them the credit. That's what such "entities" thrive on.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:At a particular point of my life when I came across BKWSU, I was going through a series of critical and fatal diseases. Doctors had told me of little hope to survive. Within the first year of application of BK principles and with the power of meditation, everthing turned around in my life. I am not only alive and kicking and but ROCKING in all spheres of my life

Oh, really !!!! What a miracle. You should tell this to BK Dadis, you do not know how precious advertising and publicity model you can be for BKs. You can bring more and more people to BKism and you will be rewarded a Golden Palace for your service.

Hope I'll soon see you and your story on cover page of GYANAMRIT and PURITY and your experiences on BK's TV channel.

BTW, if fatal and deadly diseases can be cured by BKism, why they built Global Health Research Centre at Mumbai and Abu Road ?????? :shock:
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

Why? Answer: To look after all the old Dadis and Didis and Dada whose illnesses were not being cured or helped by BK Raja Yoga despite decades of practise ... and get someone else to pay for it. Source: Dr Ray Bhatt, one of the original Janki Foundation people.

One point arising from all this, which was made by Pink Panther earlier, is that those things that benefit individuals within Brahma Kumarism are universal things, or taken from else where ... but for some individuals the Brahma Kumaris are their first experience of them and so they remain influenced by or grateful for the Brahma Komaris afterwards.

It does not mean Brahma Kumarism was actually what helped and save them though. They did it themselves.

I argue that the BKs are knowingly using such things or campaigns as "loss leaders" in order to promote their real agenda or disguise their intentions.

The god of the BKs did not come to earth to cure diabetes or heart disease. He came to earth to destroy all other religions and conqueror India for 2,500 years. (Hitler only even aimed for a 1,000 Reich!).


Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

This site likes to reform the BK, to influence the BK, but by the reports we receive, it seems BK is going worse and worse, so the influence seems not very good.

I think the site mainly aims at uninformed of little informed individuals who search for information in the net, to be forewarned not to go to BK, to be prevented to go to BK. Here we are aiming for numbers to gain credits.
Secondly it aims to families of BKs who have already seen fight at home, who search for support. Here we find a good material for PR. Every problem is welcome, it adds to the list, it adds force in the argument, it adds color to the picture.

In fact unnecessary fear is instilled both in the family members and in the uninformed people.. Nothing so bad can happen by one going to a BK center. Don’t lie. But it is better someone is not experienced and not thinking, so he can be spoon fed. Will you tell someone…Go and see for yourself? Why not? Out of care? No, out of fear. You have to protect the image you create. This image comes only from you and they have to buy that. If everyone goes and checks, he will have his own idea. Do you need this? Definitely teachers are not requested.

What I see as damaging and not a good sign, apart from trying to kill the opposite opinion, is the fact that people coming here start to imitate the ways of each other, they seem to become to look like one and the same, they resemble each other, their ways…it means they follow each other, they influence each other. But maybe this is only natural for every group. So we have a group here. They do business, they have an aim etc.

The site presents itself as tabloid. This is important for to go into the depth of the problem. Media has to manipulate reality to convey a message, because it uses the short form. The image has to be full of color, moving, impressive. Enough said. Destination reached.

It is not the problem with this site, but of the media era. People read the internet and believe easily what is written in capital letter, because people care for them so that they are not confused. Actually it is good to be confused, because it means you are thinking. There is no need of thinking and discussing, because everything is ready made in our world. You just have to eat the food someone else has chewed for you.

With such style, deeper discussion is unnecessary distraction. Colors, different than black and white can confuse people, if it is black or white, so this is not needed.

If it is a matter of counseling, then it uses the shock therapy. Counseling atmosphere requires peace, attention, time. Someone who is ill requires all the time in the world to heal. If we are influenced by the virus of BK and we are sick, by coming here we are rather rejected, we waste their time. Yes, a person heals himself. But then why is information fed so strongly to people. I have not seen any BK with such mission consiousness and such fundamentalism as here where people are on a rush to save other people, to reform the small BK world.

Compared to the larger world, Is there more or less of suicide, child abuse etc. Where do we need to reform first. If our house is burning with small flames but the other house is burning with big flames, where will we go to put off the fire first. Of course, where the need is greater. Why it is supposed we are more capable of influencing the BK world, rather than the outside world. The enthusiasm with which we are adviced to go and reform the BKs and we are accused of for what is wrong there, because whatever is wrong there is wrong, because we did nothing to reform it, so I can put all the sins of the world on your head. You did nothing to stop the killing of whales, cutting of threes, 25000 people or maybe only children, what was the statistics, dying of hunger every day. Why don’t you move yourself and do something about it, but you are wasting your time here with some stupid forum. People are dying because of lack of sweet or clean water. What are you doing about it posting here?

Child abuse, sex abuse, money and property abuse, mind control, false predictions of the end of the world. I have drawn a quick picture of the BK, but this picture does not show what is unique, because these we see everywhere. If we show this to someone would he recognize the BK in this. No, because the essence is not there.

The site has changed, maybe the BK has changed. I have known it still from the past. Now discussion is not possible, because times are different. Now is the time of the clear messages. Discussion needs time, it goes into depth, you see things in various perspectives, there is no time for that, because in today’s world, the bad ones are bad and the good ones are good.

I think the site needs to oppose such tendency. In the world of fantasy, where films draw unrealistic pictures of the world and reality seems more strange than fiction, unrealistic image means flat image, clear image, fast image, simple image. It is disrespectful to people who would accept that. We should not spoon feed, but let others think and take their decisions. Here even your private life or your past is not left to you. You have to tell your experiences, because you have to receive interpretation of what happened because of what. Your experiences and opinions are not true, because...because…they cannot be true. Because everything speaks the opposite.

Now what we see on this forum is Captian America fighting the bad ones…from a distance.

When I first came into contact with BK I was happy to find someone openly talking about destruction. Now the whole world makes films, talks about destruction, so maybe BK need to do something different.

I think the 5000 cycle needs separate topic.

There are BKs I know who work hard in the society and earn a living. They feed their non-BK family. These are not parasites.

Ager is justified, but anger is the only proof of being just.

It is true BK creates polarity. Although the world seem to change, but I find for myself that things I had disliked about the world before and after BK are pretty much the same. Whatever I have liked the world for, before and after the BK is pretty much the same. Anyway it is a crazy world.

It is true that one can practice completely peacefully and not harm the members of his family. It is often the other members who start the quarrel most often over the issue of purity or control. BKs should not be seen as provocateurs in this, nor the family seen as victim. There is freedom of individual religion. It is often the intolerant behavior in the family that is provocative. Fight needs two. I don’t deny the problems arising from the BKs, I know from experience, but you deny the other side of the coin.

The site is like a corporation with relation to its resources, where the credit goes to one place only, but it has been build with the effort of many.

    What is most absurd is that ex-l would readily distribute Murlis to BK followers. But this will only reinforce the cult in them, which has to be taken out of them. Someone explain me this.
But the argument….thinking does not affect health, one can think badly and live till old ages…see Hitler…this is just hilarious. It shows the mentality. This impressive childish mentality, fed by the stories in the text books, the fairy tales, where there is a bad guy and a good guy. Hitler is the bad guy, in fact for great part of humanity. But if you study history or everything more closely you will find yourself more difficult telling what is what, why is that, who is who. But you like the scientific approach, so I have to ask you for proofs about the bad thinking of Hitler, for to support your argument.

What I see to be worse is the personal attitude of ex-l, disrespecting any kind of human privacy, humiliating and embarrassing people, by treating BKs as second class people.

The site advertises itself as exposing. Expose (with the stress on he last letter, like from French) is used for something short. But I think the ethimology of the world speaks for itself.


to leave without shelter or defense, display of discreditable information
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

To be honest, I spent at most 2 seconds scanning over your post to see if there was anything worth answering. The only thing caught my eye was the question of why would I, personally, readily distribute (or help someone else distribute) Murlis to BK followers who, for whatever reason, could not attend a BK center?

Actually, I've answered this before more than once. Really your question only demonstrates how limited your intellect is, how negative your attitude is, and that you do not understand many things about either ex-l or the running of this website or forum.

It's simple.

Do you really have it in your heart to deny some little old lady who is too sick to go to her local center something that will give her comfort? Do you really have that small a heart? I don't believe in Christianity or Islam either ... but I would not deny, to take examples from the many requests we have had, a dying Christian a Bible, or a sick Muslim a Koran.

I find it difficult to believe that you cannot think that out yourself.

In addition, I believe in greater in principles than those of the BKWSU, such as 'equality of opportunity', 'freedom of information', and other democratic standards. I do not recognise the Brahma Kumari leadership's monopoly over their god, or any other god, nor the Murlis. It states clearly in the Murlis that any BK should have the right to copies, and so they should. If it is truly "God's" word, and is going to inspire all the religions of the next Kalpa Cycle like they say, then every human being in the world should have full rights of access. I am happy to fulfil that.

It's the most obvious and elementary thing to do ... have one big open database of every original Murli so that every individual can be on an equal footing with all information instantly at their fingertips.

Why would not you?
    Look, littleo, this is your last chance ... stop wasting my time. I've told you what is needed and wanted, what your membership as a PBK is conditional on.

    You go off and do practical work to add benefit to this website/forum, or your account will be deactivated. Do not waste any more of any one's time and stop injecting your poison into the proceedings.

    Come back when you can deliver a complete collections of text only Murlis*, or at the very least show considerable evidence that you are working on it ... and do so without eating up our energy.
* N.B. "text only" means 'text only'. No Word documents, no PDFs, no JPGs. No more discussion.

Do you understand? Any other response but 'ha-ji' and you are banned.

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