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Bad vibes and psychic attacks

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2006
by sparkal
Not sure whare to put this, it is not directed at anyone in particular.

As someone who is very sensitive to spiritual vibrations, I have experienced a variety of feelings since posting on this forum. I would especially like to thank those who have been sending loving vibrations, and indeed, it is an interesting experience feeling the laughter of others. It makes me laugh. But for the last 3 days, I have been feeling anger from an external source. Someone is angry = crying.

This is what children do, and adults. Why don't you come on to this forum and do your crying like others. Others who are willing to express such feelings to the whole world without guilt and shame. Expressing things which you are not allowed to express in the BKs, or the world for that matter, I mean, it is not proper, is it? It would make me seem foolish if anyone saw my negativity, it is shameful and wrong. This is spiritually retentive, that is what it is. The sort of thing which could lead to bodily illness even. The BKs deny any need to express these feelings, and it has and no doubt does cause mayhem.

Brahma Baba used to get souls into a gathering in order to air their differences and clear the air. Express their feelings in front of the others. I have never known this in my BK existence. Actually, once only and then it was I who instigated it. But everyone felt the benefits of lightness. A load off their back. A glimmer of a "family feeling" which is far from the mad rush of filling one's apron with poisoned apples. These angry vibes woke me this morning for instance. It was still dark and I did not get to bed till 1-2 am. Someone has a problem, and I am supposedly to blame. It could be a collective of vibes from different sources. Ignorant types. Ignorant of what is causing their sorrow.

I have found that smoking hash blocks the vibes of others out, but I refuse to do it any more. The withdrawals are too severe, causing me to upset others which causes bad vibes. (You see how it is done? expressing ourselves in an honest way, without a poker up the back or stiff upper lip?) Don't talk to me about respect from others. So, communication. Direct communication. Yippee. At last. Even if it is at a neanderthal level of spirituality, it is a start none the less.

BKs, communication or the lack thereof is one of your biggest failings. Those who do and can express themselves are judged and chased. You can all learn an awful lot from such souls. Anyway, these vibrations which have been bugging me for a few days, they are now verging on psychic attack. NAWTY NAWTY. This is a bad idea. A very bad idea. No matter what anyone has said or done. You will regret it later. You may even try to undo any bad wishes placed on others in such a situation. You may decide that you don't want to take their life and so will go for their back or something else, to teach them a lesson of course. I was feeling it going into my kidneys etc this morning. So, that is where I draw the line. I may have no option but to reverse the charges with interest if it continues. Is that how you think? whoever you are? Fight fire with fire? I have a sparkal Star Wars system which deflects it back with increased voltage. Grow up and accept responsibility for your situation.

The Father/Mother Brahma may help, or Grandpa Shiva is comforting when we feel low. But what would I know about these relationships, I am not a REAL Brahmin. If you have any say (or not) in a centre, and there are unresolved issues between souls, sit down and face them head on. Be brave. The power to face. Don't back out in fear of your weaknesses being exposed (again). This is ignorance of the fact that you are not your weaknesses. If you fear them being exposed, (they are anyway) it means that you lack a worthwhile detached experience. In which case, you would be better putting your energy into attaining this than going around grinding on others in your mind, obsessively, like a stuck record. Of course, the BKs no doubt have their own internal blame culture, exclusive according to the hierarchy, of course. Indeed, perhaps holding a position out in the world gives one the right to blame. Here we go then, lets sing the company song shall we-- JUDGE BLAME PUNISH GUILT- judge blame punish guilt- judge bla....

The question is, does anyone really care what the BKs are up to? When on the inside, it may appear that way. From the outside, it is a question of WHO?! I remember going to my local prison to take classes in meditation. The prisoners slagged me off for what I wore. It was not whites in total, but that fawn, beige nonsense. They had more respect for me when I eased off and got a bit more casual with my appearance without turning hip-dude. Let's call it "corporate hippy", for argument sake. It is better than being a corporate thug.

I eventually stopped due to internal conflict in the centre. Another Sister installed. This time someone who had no experience in living the Brahmin life never mind in running a centre. I don't blame her. She did very well under the circumstances. And of course, it would have had nothing to do with London, as they leave centres to deal with their own affairs. Karma and all that. And still, better than a filthy Brother. (Oh I can feel the angry vibes coming already, better get some spiritual insurance from these universal loving beings. You know, the unconditional one's who are surrendered to GOD.) GET A GRIP!

Jealousy in the centre while two Sisters fought for supremacy over GOD'S property. They like to call it Brahma's really. That means it is theirs or Hindi, meaning that universal God and universal spirituality are not welcome at the BKs. Now I understand why I am not either ... prison ... and of protection from the no doubt secret society warden who did not seem to have my safety at heart though there was no incidents. So, let's send those ex-military boys into to the prisons since they are so hard. Hold on, they are probably involved in putting them in there in the first place. I may try to get back on to that one, without BK interference this time. I write in the hope that others do not make the same mistakes.


Sort it out sooner than later. You may find that it works. That you get more respect. That you have something that almost resembles a true family. That souls don't go around confused as to what on earth is going on. You should have sat down with me a long, long time ago and explained certain things DJ. Even if it hurt me. COMMUNICATION. Souls need more than crossword puzzle clues. It is their life. They are real, live, thinking beings with feelings even. Feelings are not exclusive to the upper classes or caste's. Nor is bottling up/suppressing our feelings.

I thought women were the best communicators. Is that not part of the package with only women being allowed to run centres. So what about Australia? Or Leeds for that matter? I cannot be botherd hitting on individuals today. Especially this bloodline genetic crap. Oh boy. Observing it is like pulling teeth. What about spiritual bloodlines for a change, or is that too fair? CONFUSION- this is Maya's first port of call. Confusion separates us from the protector teacher Father, and our own sensibility, then it has us on our own, spiritual divide and rule. Then we can end up in a tail spin.


Because there is such a high concentration of middle and upper class twits in the BKs, this communication thing is lacking. Working class souls (what an insult) who are more open are considered to lack humility. (Huh, you bunch of anal retentive snobs). Understand that it is you uppity snobs who have the mental problems. I would rather be here in front of the world making a fool of myself than keeping it in in the BKs. Find a way of expressing the self, even if what comes out is ugly. It has to come out anyway. The arts are very good for this. Something which the BKs have looked down on and feared certainly in the past. I would love to be wrong in terms of now. The cause? "If I express myself, I fear that it will involve sex lust". GROW UP!.

These working class lowlife could teach you a thing or two about communication and honesty, not to mention humility, even if it is a little "in yer face", man. So what. At least you know where you stand with them/us. The issues outlined in this post will be present in all human groups. Also, I have not attributed blame to any specific source with regard bad vibes. There are a number of possible sources, such is the velocity of my output to others. It is a waste of time I am thinking. Or do we plant seeds?. Change the self to change the world.



Name and fame.


Time up

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by sparkal
Wait, I am getting a trance message coming through, yes, a little child in grey school shorts with a pea shooter, and they think that God is on their side, they think that they have a rite. It would not be the 33rd Scottish rite by any chance would it? No one has the right to stand on others, and get away with it. Sisters or Brothers. The drama is now turning the tables on you. The drama has a rite. A rite to fairness. As do those who have been bullied and abused. Now, put that pea shooter away before you choke on something.

I am the conditional type. If you stop the psychic attacks, I will write only spiritual things, about those who walk over others. Those who think that they have the rite to do so. The game of self transformation is about getting our weaknesses working for us, not against us. I have an idea, why don't you turn your vibrations towards the wolves in sheep's clothing who have been abusing within the BKs and getting away with it?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by sparkal
When I launched this thread, I was given PC no. 23 in the library and thought 'oh oh, here we go.' We all have the right to express ourselves. The time for secrets is over. The time for abusing others is over. The time for suppressing others is over. The human race moves on now, because we are moving on within ourselves.

I don't want to teach, I want to learn and for others to learn.

So the spiritual warrior fights on the battlefield of ones own mind. Challenging our own weaknesses is the bravest thing we will ever do which is why the rewards are so great. The spiritual warrior uses silence and love as weapons, the aim being self respect, self transformation, self benefit. All these will bring benefit to the world. There is no greater weapon than that of humility. When we fall into conflict with others, it means something has become unhinged. We have lost our self respect which means losing respect for others also. The soul who has true love and respect for the self and not for others is very unique, if such an individual exists at all. As we fluctuate so much, we may be a mixture of both. There is no need to fight with governments or to become a martyr, this is not a spiritual warrior. Self transformation is at the essence.

When we experience these more powerful energy's and states of mind, we may well Miss use it, which teaches us how NOT to use it. The key thing here is to learn from our past mistakes and move forward. The soul who performs psychic attacks upon others is lacking understanding in one way or other. The understanding of why a certain thing is happening. Our ego's have become control freaks and so confusion and fear give way to anger and irresponsible behaviour.

Perhaps all need to think about how they are going to bring these natural powers and quality's into action and out of theory. Experience out of knowledge. Positive out of negative. We can and will do it. We are used to doing this through religion, something which is not going to work for us this time as this is the real deal, the time of quantum leaps, the quickening. How quick are you moving forward? Faster than we think.

Problems can arise when some move faster than others. Bursts of acceleration into new areas of consciousness. No one else is likely to notice this and are likely to assume that you are just the same person with the same understanding. It is worth bearing in mind as we can assume that others experience the same as we do. It is not the case.

So there needs to be humility and understanding from both sides within the world spiritual family. To see only "MY" faction as being the real children of God is very misplaced and dangerous. We can see the results of this around the world as it erupts like a boil. Our minds also erupt as the sickness and residue of the past is purged. Being sick over others never goes down well, we are unlikely to be invited back. It does however show us what was in there and why we felt so bad prior to the purging. We feel better immediately afterwords. Some sickness can take a while to go.

We are in the business of healing the self. Love is the healer. If I may suggest, give your self a big and loving compassionate internal hug, you deserve it. On a personal level, I don't so much hate secret societies, (I may give this impression) I simply recognise that all of these institutions have ran their course and it is time to move on and approach life in a new way. These bodies are also aware of this. And the same with the BKs. The moment it stands still, is the moment the boss will do something about it.


PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by Mr Green
They call it 'having Yoga for those poor lost souls'.

Psychic attacks

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2007
by proy
Mr Green wrote:they call it 'having Yoga for those poor lost souls'

Yes, it can even just be two or three BKs sitting together. I think they do not know what they are really doing most of the time. Most of us have experienced it. Often we get woken up in the morning by the vibes. Technically it is psychic attack.

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by sparkal
Someone woke early this morning and filled me with piercing foul anger. Was it someone who got up to meditate to change the self/world but chose a darker path instead? I am going to stop looking at BKs and start looking beyond for the culprits. I suspect some are allowing themselves to be used to cause sorrow to others.

Many things have been going on, and the result is BKs squabbling with each other. How convenient for some. The divide and rule brigade. Some souls beyond will definitely suffer big time at my hands alone. What about you souls with the attachment to anything BK or belonging to Baba?

I will come to no conclusions until I know more. I include the likes of sex abuse. It is time to find out about what is really going on around us. The anger in question MAY be coming from a BK source, is it someone struggling with some form of attachment and needs to give them self a shake. If it is someone worrying about financial/capital loss? Well, I don't care to be honest. You should not be profiteering out of the BKs anyway and it will destroy your game sooner or later. Make sure you know what you are doing if you are sending me piercing anger (it feels female, it is tight and nippy).

So, what if I start competing with you, what if I decide to destroy your life even because you are P' ing me off? Do you fancy a bit of that? It would be far worse than being exposed on a forum for being a greedy #######, or someone who has been allowing greedy #######, encouraging even, to operate, to suck from the BKs. But then, that is what those who encourage this do thenselves, suck from the BKs.

So, is the nippy anger in question from someone who is kept by BK money? (surrendered). So, your decision, can you afford to take the chance? I will not stop writing on this forum just because of someone's attachment. The changes have not even begun yet, but they will.

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by Mr Green
Hey, chill out already.

PostPosted: 10 May 2007
by sparkal
My last post may, of course, be innacurate. We never know where vibes come from. There may be others up at that time, especially those in my life where the drama seems to be off loading at the moment. Indeed, I am beginning to wonder if those around me are being manipulated to cause chaos in everything. Sounds paranoid, but, like other things in the drama, once we start looking at what we had not seen before, we start to see a whole load of other things. I am not trying to apologize or justify anything here either.

Divide and rule is the name of the game, divisions weaken the structure.

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2007
by in the night
I hear you sparkal ...

Sometimes I feel the same and I just want to cry?? ... but it doesn't help. So the only thing that keeps me going is the deep realization that goodness is the true life energy and although interference is also very real ... it is only that ... fricking interference!!

All we need is love (in whatever form is OK). And by that I mean ALL, the good and the bad ones out there.

So, let's keep up the good vibes or you spokes will just feel soooo lonely :D.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2007
by paulkershaw
in the night wrote:All we need is love (in whatever form is OK). And by that I mean ALL; the good and the bad ones out there. So, let's keep up the good vibes or you spokes will just feel soooo lonely :D.

Surely it up to each individual then to work on this for themselves and work with self-esteem and self-image and 'learn to love the self' ? ...

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2007
by di
Just thought I would let you all know, neither my mother, my son nor myself have had any more disturbances in the house since he left over a month ago.

There was a residual 'feeling' of unsettledness and uncomfortableness that would catch me unaware for about a week but then, nothing. Everything settled.

I am glad he took with him whatever he allowed to attach to himself. We all have uninterupted sleep without very intrusive beings 'challenging' us or disturbing us now. In the end, we just compared notes. The entity was getting frustrated before my ex left. It had even begun knocking on the windows to try to disturb us ... we ended up laughing it was that pathetic. All talk and no action ... blowing hot air in the wind ... mind you we had asked for assistance and followed that advice!

creating a good atmosphere

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2007
by alladin
Hi Di! Congratulations!! It's good sometimes, to be in one's own positive energy, is not it? And in your case, some change and peace was well deserved! Lots of love.

Re: Bad vibes and psychic attacks

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2007
by bro neo
sparkal wrote: ... communication or the lack thereof is one of your biggest failings ...

Is not that the truth for the world. If everyone would communicate like Stephen Covey talked about in the 7 habits, empathetically, then the world would be so beautifully grown. Unfortunately, if we watch CNN for an hour on any given day, we can see the world is still largely controlled by the limbic (emotional) brain rather the cortex (thinking).

Expressing emotions is not difficult, expressing the right emotion, at the right time, at the right person, for the right reason, is. A Western philosopher said something like that.

So, IMHO, we should focus work on our own emotional and spiritual development. Or in other words, learn to interpret and express our emotions appropriately so that we can maximize what we want and need in all of our relationships rather then seeking to always have others understand us or seek justice. The best offense is a good defense.

I sometimes have dreams where I am attacked by demons. Sometimes hordes of them. Not the classic Hollywood demons but usually formless, embodiments of attack, dread and pain. Although in my waking hours, for the most part, I (try to) rely on logic and rational thinking, the only thing that saves me from those horrors is my active and present Yoga with the Supreme Righteous God, as I understand God.

Love My Self

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2007
by proy
paulkershaw wrote:Surely it up to each individual then to work on this for themselves and work with self-esteem and self-image and 'learn to love the self' ? ...

Although I still get woken up at 5am some times I take your approach Paul. I think, "So I am awake, now what do I want to do." I have lost my fear of these possible psychic attacks and attempts at possesion by entities known or unknown (and certainly not wanted to be known by me).

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2007
by paulkershaw
I feel that Neo and Proy are sharing some important points. I am now certain (after reading these threads) that many ex-BKs seem to get woken up at different times (and granted it could be some left over residue from having to do Amrit Vela).

I, myself, also get woken up early some mornings by etheric 'visitors'. I've had to develop the trait or habit of deciding for myself who I'll allow around me and often have to reject or chase unwanted entities; either because I do not know them or they are making me feel uncomfortable, which I don't appreciate. So I send them on their way.

This could however, also highlight other threads which are talking about hypnosis and if we as BKs were actually being taught how to 'channel' through the practice of BK Raja Yoga and now that one has started one cannot close it ... Another reason why the BKWSU should be more open about their practices and also institute a clear and decisive exit programme policy in place should anyone decide to leave ...

Probably though the majority of practicing BKs do not even consider their experiences as such and only once they allow in other belief or lifstyle considerations do they start to question what is up with their heads and hearts. For most its perhaps easier not to have to do so.