BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

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BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post02 Aug 2012

"Baba says – neither do I become worshipper nor worshipworthy. That is why neither do I wear garlands, nor do others have to offer me garlands.

Then why should we accept flowers? You too cannot accept. As per rules, it is the right of those deities. Their soul and body is pure. It is they alone that are entitled to accept flowers. There in the heaven there are fragrant flowers only."

- (Revised Sakar Murli dated 28.06.06, pg 2&3 published by BKs)

Here is one.

simplicity-300x250.jpg (28.72 KiB) Viewed 25340 times
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Re: BK self worshipping

Post02 Aug 2012

Always expect the BKs do do the opposite of what they say.

Honesty, who do they think they are fooling? It is sure not what I signed up for.





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Re: BK self worshipping

Post02 Aug 2012

A typical cult bosses scene ..!!

Dadi Janki trying to imitate The Pop of the Catholic church in Rome, by wearing a golden crown and whatever accessories to go with it.

Where is; purity, modesty, simplicity, humbleness, which are supposed to be basics of BK teachings ..??!!
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Re: BK self worshipping

Post02 Aug 2012

This pics are gross and showing so much tackiness! Being indians, perhaps they will not wear designer's shoes like the pope, rather, designers' sandals;).

What is it all about? Do they think they will please and attract more customers (adepts) with this pomp and show?

So the agenda being anti-simplicity, what kind of souls will be inspired to come close to such an organization? As usual, quantity is more important than quality and Yogi souls will keep at safety distance. In fact, they are repelled by all the external show off.
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Re: BK self worshipping

Post03 Aug 2012

Good to see everyones hard earned donations are still being used wisely!
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Re: BK self worshipping

Post06 Aug 2012

That sort of crap is one of the big things that turned me right off BK life. The amount of money wasted on superficial pomp and splendour in direct conflict with the teachings and basic spiritual principles. I think those at the top have just got fed up of waiting for the Golden Age and decided to make their own. It is in very bad taste though and reeks of corruption. They have become so materialistic and egotistical it is sickening.
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Re: BK self worshipping

Post06 Aug 2012

It is worse than you think, guys.

According to Arjun at BK-PBK.info ...
The photos that you have uploaded are from a recent programme held in Madhuban where nearly 1,600 BK teachers who have completed around 20 years of service as a surrendered Sister were honoured. Each teacher was given around 40 gifts (including a golden badge worth 15000 rupees and other household articles).

I have come to know that most of those teachers gave to Janki Dadiji (as a representative of the Yagya) more amount than the worth of those gifts.

The teachers collected amount from the BKs, gave to Madhuban and got back gifts and then again organized programmes in their respective centers to show the gifts to all their students. What does all this have to do with knowledge?

Many poor teachers who could not collect the requisite amount missed the chance to be honoured (although they wanted to be there) and there were also some such wealthy teachers who did not like this Bhakti ritual and did not attend this function deliberately.

I have come to know that the next programme on the agenda of BKWSU is to honour those teachers who have completed more than 30 years of being surrendered. Naturally, the amount to be exchanged and the number of gifts will be bigger and more attractive.
Apparently Dadi Janki was not in favour of giving real gold badges, but Sister Munni (Dadi Prakashmani's close aide) persuaded her to do this.

At the time of surrender ceremony BK teachers are given gold plated badges. But this time it was real. I don't know the logic behind this. If any teacher loses her badge due to any reason, the Yagya stands to lose more than 15,000 rupees.

15,000 rupees is $ 269 (USD). That would a total $ 430,450 on jewellery alone. If the gifts were greater, we are looking at an expenditure of $1,000,000 +, plus accommodation and travel etc.

On the money side, another report has recent been given to me but is current unconfirmed, and it is that Mohini Dadi in Madhuban, also known as "Little Mohini" or "Beachball Mohini", came into the Yugya was 100s of lbs of actual gold, literally gold bullion, that there are photos of this, and they keep a store of such gold and donated jewellery. Apparently she, like others, came from a very rich family.
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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post06 Aug 2012

Yes, many teachers in the organisation gave all of their property and wealth to the Yagya. Giving them gifts does not make up for the deception that led to them giving all to the Yagya. That only the rich ones were allowed to go is further evidence of a corruption spiritually poverty within organisation. Those that have been in it the longest need intensive help not a gold badge.

The organisation has more money than it knows what to do with and if it is going to operate a worldly rewards system it should give the "gifts" to all who have been devoted for the required time, not just the ones that donate the most cash.

The long term surrendered members mostly do not work and have already given all to the Yagya on surrender. New donations must mostly come from student donations.

Real spiritual love involves helping those who are less well off. The caste system seems to still be very much in place within BK organisation. The materially rich are rewarded and the poor are considered unworthy. The centres get more and more plush and luxurious and the spiritual feel drains away.


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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post07 Aug 2012

Facebook Mike Thompson wrote:I am frequently asked questions like this and so to hopefully serve any whom wish to ask but do not here is may sharing of Question & Answer ... [always check my sharing with Baba];
my friend & Sister wrote:Hi Mike,

actually am quite taken aback by the fact that gold was distributed for those who hv been wth BK for 20 yrs and there is some truth in pope similarity. BK is a simple living high thinking org, so what happened here?

Answer ...
Facebook Mike Thompson wrote:It's very simple xxxxxxxx Bhen ji, if we look at others Baba is not ABLE to LOOK AT US AS MUCH AS IF WE COOPERATE WITH HIS TASK. A BK BY VIRTUE OF BEING AN ANGEL & DEITY is axiomatically THE MOST human of humans in terms of every possible experience. So many consider themselves surrendered as the follow Shrimat in a lokik way, NO onion, garlic, sex LUST [Brahmachariya], and eat satvic foods but they are still sufering anger, possesion lust, food lust, etc etc etc & The etc's are as unlimited as Drama.... First of ALL if you wish to surrender to Baba have you told Baba ? HAVE YOU GIVEN BAP & Dada AND ALL 108 complete permission to help you help Shiva Baba's task... do you put this task FIRST & FOREMOST with ALL your heart [irrspective of OUR weakness our being you me, and all of us]. To the extent we do this is what makes us the msot pukka... if you want to be a subject look at others, if you want to dance with Krishna in the first birth do service service service anyway possible Mansa, Karma Yoga & THREE FEET [tell anyone and everyone AS MUCH AS YOU CAN THEIR SUPREME PARENT HAS COME BACK AGAIN !!] SEE BUT do not SEE BE DETACHED AND LOVELY. I only entertain xxxxx & keep like Baba my hopes for Him the highest... This is Manmanabhav and Shrimat will be perfected the best by knowing the self, being totally accurate with Baba in Honesty is our responsibility being response able will make it happy along with what was already said here... Remember we are the rivers of knowledge ganga, jamuna & Brahmaputra, but The Nile, [DE NIAL] is The LONGEST Om Shanti "Himmate marda Madde Khuda"

Shiva Baba Loveleen Yããd, Pyãr, Sneh, Preet, Lagan Pranãm aur Namaste...
Meherbani mike
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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post07 Aug 2012

Yeah, I think Mike was on this forum for a while ... until we booted him off for being completely spaced out.

What an example of the incoherent mush the BKWSU turns the minds of vulnerable individuals.

You raise an issue and they turn it around and make it your weakness for having to ask, and then threaten you of becoming a second caste individual if you dare persist in the idea.

But this is just mental illness ... what on earth is going on!?!
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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post07 Aug 2012

I agree. What a load of twisted drivel he spouted in response to reasonable question. A more honest answer would probably have been that it was a desperate attempt to keep hold of those who have been living a lie the longest. The centre heads who have been bringing them in students and money the longest are also the ones who have been manipulated the most, disappointed the most and seen the most disturbing things that could bring the organisation down. People who have been doing the Seniors service for decades are very much fed up of waiting for destruction and some of them blatantly are trying to create their own Golden Age right here. I think many of them must have realised the teachings are a pack of lies. I think that like any long term abusive relationship they have become afraid to get out because their suffering is familiar. Their will has been broken. Also they enjoy a certain false elevated status within organisation. The management are just seeking to pamper these peoples egos with gold badges. They want them to fear losing this elevated status. They don't want these people leaving and defaming them spilling out their secrets.

For someone who has been in it for over 20 years it would be so hard to admit it was not OK, to leave and start again with nothing in a worldly sense. They must be terrified of what would become of them if they left. They must feel trapped playing their roles while deep down knowing it is wrong. They are in hell, BK organisation created that hell for them and think a gold badge might ease the sting a bit.

I wish these unfortunate trapped souls could find the strength to leave. Maybe they have already lost 20, 30 years or more to organisation but they could still enjoy life outside and walk out of that hell. There should be a refuge set up for them to ease transition.
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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post08 Aug 2012

It is Olympic time and as a useful comparison ...
How much does an Olympic gold medal cost?

With a minimum six grams of gold and a large chunk of silver, the answer is about £450.

Even an Olympic gold medal is not real gold.

Interestingly, this topic was first raised on the PBK / post-PBK website and there a BK wrote that any child starving was their own fault, that they must have been criminals in their past life, and so therefore he was not interested in giving charity to such causes.

This the general opinion within the BK movement and why it can spend so much money on gold jewellery rather than genuine social upliftment or being concerned about child welfare? I remember it being against their "highest advice" to give to other genuine charities. Giving to charities, they claimed, karmically bound you to the other individuals which would hold your spiritual progress back.

The BK was against child welfare ... or even survival ... on the grounds it would only encouraged them to breed or lead potentially vice ridden lives. They said the gold for the jewellery was not bought but came from jewellery that had been previous donated to the BKWSU.

Early, we discussed this practise where BKWSU leaders encouraged the poor to give over their gold to them.

In India, the poor have a habit of buying and given gold as they wealth, especially to their daughters, e.g. as dowry, in the same way as the gypsies do in the West. I was not surprised to discover the BKs targeting it.

It still costs to have gold melted down and remade into jewellery badges. I wonder which company was awarded the contract, if it was some BK's company, and if there were backhanders involved?
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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post08 Aug 2012

Based on the olympic medals, let's say one BK badge is 4 gm.

4 gm times 1,600 equal 6.4 kg of gold ... a tiny fraction of what the BKWSU is given and holds.

1 kg gold is current about £ 33,000, so that is £ 211,200 worth of gold ... plus smelting, manufacture and distribution. Imagine the security costs for storing and moving that much of gold about

So the BKs pay to store and move kgs of gold and make jewellery ... rather than save the lives of starving children

I wonder how much they donate to the Village Outreach Programme in one year and which offers better good for society or even better PR?


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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post24 Aug 2012

On the money side, another report has recent been given to me but is current unconfirmed, and it is that Mohini Dadi in Madhuban, also known as "Little Mohini" or "Beachball Mohini", came into the Yugya was 100s of lbs of actual gold, literally gold bullion, that there are photos of this, and they keep a store of such gold and donated jewellery. Apparently she, like others, came from a very rich family.

They keep a store of such gold and donated jewelry? Like a showroom? A shop? Do they sell it?


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Re: BK Gold and spending on self worshipping

Post24 Aug 2012

ex-l u r now online as i can see . is there a chat feature here to talk live ? jann i do not think they sell it but they must be keeping it themselves as the loot stuff has to be kept somewhere for their own benefits later on.

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