Advice to someone considering joining the Brahma Kumaris

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Advice to someone considering joining the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Jul 2012

Let's accept someone, for whatever reason, decide life in the BKWSU is better than their current one.

On the basis of your own experience, what advice would you give someone considering joining the Brahma Kumaris?

It is too easy to say "just don't", because some always will, so at the top of my list would be ...
    Don't give up your own physical health, keep fit and exercise, eat and rest properly
    Don't give up your education and keep studying worldly subjects throughout your life
And, for those looking at "surrendering" ... keep a savings account with enough money in it so that when you want to leave, you have enough to re-establish yourself in the real world. It is not a sign of "not surrendering" or a lack of faith to do so.
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Mr Green


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Re: Advice to someone considering joining the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Jul 2012

Don't give them any money, they have a lot more than you.



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Re: Advice to someone considering joining the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Jul 2012

Join and discover true happiness but be cautious of who you listen to. A seed of negativity quickly becomes a tree.
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Re: Advice to someone considering joining the Brahma Kumaris

Post06 Aug 2012

I agree keep your money safe. They have way more than they need already.

Getting enough sleep and rest is very important as has been said. You cannot think clearly when exhausted. Be aware that hypnosis is a process of planting suggestions in to minds and it works best when defences are down. When you go to a hypnotist you are consenting and informed of what will happen. A hypnotist attempts to put you in a relaxed state and you are willingly vulnerable in order to plant requested suggestions. The BK organisation promotes sleep deprivation and unquestioning compliance, just be aware you will be vulnerable to being manipulated by those who wish to plant suggestions in your mind.

If you choose that way of life fair enough but also be aware sooner or later you will be expected to preach it to others.

Be aware that there is a high emotional cost to being in an organisation where you are not free to express love in a natural way.

If you are looking for a retreat from life it is not a good solution. BK life is full of heart ache and dilemmas and is not an escape from them. You will be made to feel guilty and dirty and also trained to think of yourself as superior to the rest of humanity. So many conflicting ideas create chaos in the mind.

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