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When we change the world changes?

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2012
by AscensionAddiction
I used to think that I did not have to do actually do anything externally in the outside physical world to bring about change. I actually looked down on practical day to day work to make the world a better place and saw my own subtle inner efforts as being superior. The philosophy was that if I experienced certain spiritual states that would have some sort of ripple effect and inspire great transformation in the world.

Now here is a different take on that. If my consciousness has not changed to a degree that it can even inspire myself to go out and do practical things to make the world a better place then there is no way it is going to be able to have any significant effect on any one else to do it. If all my inner work has resulted in, is me thinking change is going to happen without me actually having to engage with the problems as they exist today, then the only effect I am going to have on others is to maybe influence them a little to do the same as me. If this consciousness spreads the result is going to be that no one is going actually do anything.

If I change my consciousness so that I start performing actions in my local community that bring about a real tangible change, whereby I and others in my community come together and actually start to do things differently and start to live differently, e.g. growing organic food and taking our money out of the big banks, then things are not only going to change in my immediate environment, my local community will become an example for other to follow. Then, and only then, are we looking at a change of consciousness that can really influence a wider global change.

If I have not begun to change my immediate world, if I am still engaging with the system that I see is the problem, then no matter how fantastic my inner experiences may be, I can be sure they are having exactly zero effect on the process of world transformation.

So if you are engaged with a spiritual practice, as I have been, where you are encouraged to focus on your inner experiences to the exclusion of manifesting significant change in your practical day to day life, if you are being told not to worry about how the removal of the dysfunctional system will take place, because your consciousness will do it, or because others are going to do it for you, then I would be very sceptical as to the agenda of that spiritual teaching. Is it there to inspire real change or is it there to get as many people as possible, who have good intent to bring about change, engaged in inner practices that will have zero effect on others, other than to encourage them into a similar level of apathy.

You cannot inspire change in others that you haven't manifested in your own life. A new economic system, a new agricultural system, a new sense of community; none of these things will manifest from the spiritual efforts of people not directly engaged in the necessary activities to build these new systems. They will be done by people who have changed their consciousness such that they themselves are inspired to make those changes in their own immediate environment.

This post is part of my process of getting myself to do what I am suggesting, as I think I have been using inner spiritual work as an excuse to not get my hands dirty, fooling myself that I am actually doing a higher service than others. And what better way to avoid doing the work than to add to my philosophy that the world is going to transform all on it's own any year now anyway due to external forces far greater than little old me.