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BKWSU video clips

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2006
by button slammer
This is from the BKs : Google Videos Clips. Somebody plays the part of Dada Lekhraj. Google Video for Brahma Kumaris

Thx for the link Bansy,

Is this your idea of a cruel joke or something? You should realise this kind of posting should only come with a clear health warning. The carpet under my PC workstation has had to be replaced because of the deep furrows caused by my toenails curling, and locking uncontrolably. The parallasis crept insiduously up my body towards my brain, chillingly locking down my bodily fuctions. I couldnt stop the video clip by clicking as my hands had frozon solid to the keyboard. It was only with the greatest effort that I called upon the Supreme Being (as I know him to be) for help, at the very last moment just as the deathly chill was about to infect my brainstem I spontaneously headbutted the monitor, destroying my screen but saving my sanity ... ahhhhh ... I remember now why I left the BK mainstream. do not get me wrong, the same thing still goes on in PBK, but just in a more subtle way.. :oops: Please be more careful and take greater resposibility for your postings in the future. I forgive you, this time. :)

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2006
by bansy
Yes, sorry, thanks for the health warning check. Hope you have a full recovery.
I actually found them humourous and cheeky. I wonder what BKs really think of these clips. Watch out, there could more of the Lekhraj Kirpalani look-alike ... must be well sought after :?

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2006
by howiemac
I found the depictions of the Golden Age more alarming than the destruction footage ... :?

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2006
by ex-l
howiemac wrote:I found the depictions of the Golden Age more alarming than the destruction footage.... :?

I found them deeply disturbing, ditto both Destruction and the Golden Age, and utterly irresponsible. Disturbing in the manner that the BKWSU use such blatant self-glorifying, immature, propagandistic mind control. And by the look of it ripped off a few Hollywood movies.

This is like Aldous Huxley/"Brave New World" mind control stuff. I am expecting them to start introducing "Hate" movies of Virendra Dev Dixit at any moment. [Read the book if you do not understand that reference]. It is not Sattvic at all. What with the editing out of individuals and re-writing of Murlis, it looks like to me the BKWSU are entering into their Cold War period and acting like little Stalins trying to defend their kingdom of BK followers using 'carrot and stick' fear and enticement.
    Does anyone know what the complete production is called? How long it is? Is it available to BKs only?
It is cruel to point out but what made me laugh - and despair - the most was the final titles, did anyone else catch it ... "The Bigining ... ". Quite.

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2006
by tinydot
I noticed that too. It is hilarious!

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2006
by atma

Wow The proof is in the bkpudding.


PostPosted: 28 Sep 2006
by amaranthine
OMG ...

this is the funniest thing i've seen in a long time - i love it

you are all taking the **** thought aren’t you - i know Indian service can appear unsophisticated but this is so evidently not an official BK video.

it looks to me that some guy went to Madhuban with a video camera, shot a few scenes - possibly for some kosher reason which i doubt included publication, got home and cut together this silly nonsense. i bet half the people in the video don’t even know they are on the internet, especially not the Western Sister dressed in Hindi garb.

i mean for goodness sake take a look at this video ... 2395936941

it’s by the same guy - are you telling me this is BK too!? i don’t think so!

reality check guys...

i am beginning to wonder if there is some sort of paranoid schizophrenic thing going on in this board - seriously

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2006
by ex-l
amaranthine wrote:it’s by the same guy - are you telling me this is BK too!? I don’t think so! Reality check guys ... I am beginning to wonder if there is some sort of paranoid schizophrenic thing going on in this board - seriously

Hmmmn, the tiger looks like it is on tranquillisers. That is the problem with Bollywood these days ... everyone is on drugs. Even the animals. And especially the set designers ...

I don't know Amaranthine, the Brother who looks like Lekhraj Kirpalani is very well know in the BKs and has been in Gyan for a long time. There is no way he would have played the part without top level encouragement, if only to guard against the ego of it all. Knowing the system, he would have had to take Shirmat. Those are obviously BK locations, the maker has had high level co-operation of the Centers to have BKs dressed up in mufti as a citizens as well as classes full of meditators. It is fairly high tech and big budget for an amateur movie what with the animations, BB and X-Ray eyes and all, even despite the ripped off Hollywood footage. My Dollar would go down on it being officially sanctioned.

By why speculate or obfuscate?

You are in a position to ask, so please do. Whether you will get a complete and honest answer is another thing ... but I am sure that we would all like to know. it must be very well know in BK circles. Please report back.

And remember, the person that uploaded them and the person that made them are two diffferent matters. So don't let that confuse the issue. Its heavy propaganda. and talk about stoned, interestingly, in the other Mark Windows shot video, Jayanti seems to be selling [click here > ]eyes shut meditation.

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2006
by amaranthine
ex-l wrote: And remember, the person that uploaded them and the person that made them are two diffferent matters.

True - good point

OK, if it is the real deal why is it on google video and not an official BK site and where are all the BK credits etc.

I showed this to our centre coordinators, they thought it was hilarious too and also slightly embarrassing and irresponsible, like you they were of the opinion it might be kosher. i don't know though, i just think at most it was an internal bit of fun.


selling meditation eyes shut or eyes closed is fine by me

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2006
by bansy
World Peace Festival 2006 ... 1544&hl=en

Any soul here attend this ?

Just a Minute in London Wembley also here ... 8027613990

Nice to contrast the Western and eastern styles of presentation.

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2006
by howiemac

sieg heil!

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2006
by ex-l
bansy wrote:World Peace Festival 2006 ... 1544&hl=en

Any soul here attend this ?

Not me. But it nice to see that they are still using only the young good-looking women to do the "Avyakt dances". Very attractive.

I apologize in advance for being my usual self but, to me, it is all becoming a little like those Nuremberg Rallies we saw in the 1930s? Organized unthinking crowds, flags waving, Romaneque parade banners held in columns, controlled lighting, the personality cult of the leadership, the idea of a superior race of ubermensch ... the elements are all identical.

I mean, why spend the money on all those vain doo-dahs, and sucking up to the rich and powerful, when you could be using the money to dig wells providing pure water and sanitation to save innocent kids' lives ... or even just feeding the poor? Even being cynical, what would be the better PR, self-serving promotion or genuine charity?


I am sad to see even Jayanti Kirpalani has gotten into the "bigger badge is better" mode too with a football sized rosette although it is not as big as Gulzar's yet! There seems to be a subtle rank thing going on amongst the hierarchy. Got to keep the subjects in their place, eh?


70 years on, we may ust be at just at the start of it, but I imagine that that sort of crowd manipulation could all too easily turn into mass hysteria. I mean, what would happen if some PBKs turned up at the event?

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2006
by arjun
ex-l wrote:what would happen if some PBKs turned up at the event?

Omshanti. Anticipating violence from the BKs like the previous occassions, the PBKs preferred not to distribute pamphlets, but used posters to convey their message. They had put up posters on public places listing the differences between the BKs and the PBKs.

Many PBKs went to see the festival. Some even did service for the BKs like distributing tolis, explaining the stalls. And some interesting stories. The picture of one Ex-PBK (who is still an active follower of one of the ex-PBK groups) was displayed in the festival as an ideal Yogi.

One PBK who has more affinity for the BKs and usually attends BK classes despite the concerned BK teachers knowing of his PBK background, was engaged by them to do service at the festival because of his art of carpentry. He worked hard for them at the stalls before being detected by one of the seniormost BK teachers of Delhi and was chased away by her, despite the concerned BK teachers pleading with her to spare him for the services that he had rendered or could render in the remaining days of the festival.

With regards,

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2006
by Mr Green
i tried to watch but 2-3 seconds is all i could take :?

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2006
by ex-l
Mr Green wrote:I tried to watch but 2-3 seconds is all I could take :?

There is more ; ... 1520796393

This is a very pro, gee-whizz computer graphic version I have not seen before. Must be used as an introduction at Raja Yoga centers. If you have been in on the inside of the organization, it might just depress you again. Shame really, it all so seductive on the outside.

BK Denise of the guided meditations features heavily. I thought she got so sick with stress that she had to leave the BKWSU and go back to her lokik family to heal up.

Why did she go back?