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What Mount Abu locals think about the BKs & SML history

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2011
by ex-l
An interesting background story into how the Self Management Leadership course started from direct BK service into a corporate product having considerable impact even into national politics and international companies.

As far as I can see, Brian is called "Brother Graham", Jayanti Kripalani is "Sister Daisy", Ken O'Donnel is "Ray". I am not sure who the male follower in Mount Abu is.

It also gives a rare impression into what Mount Abu locals think of the BKWSU ... no one except those making money off the BKs have anything positive to say, most are negative. Most see the BKs are a money making venture. The paper, although flattering and, to some degrees deluded over the early history and the godliness of it all, clearly portrays BKs as a power seeking organization.

Possessing knowledge: organizational boundaries among the Brahma Kumaris by Richard Musselwhite. A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the University of North Carolina.

I find it amusing how despite all of them know about us no one ever tells us about these things being done, or tell those studying the BKWSU about us (or the PBKs etc).

Re: What Mount Abu locals think about the BKs (also SML hist

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2011
by ex-l
The god of the BKs say that when the end comes, there will be only Brahma Kumaris living in Mount Abu. According to the BKs, Mount Abu residents won't be staying there much longer. From the dissertation above, here are a few reflections on the BKs from the Mount Abu locals.

It is amazing how that despite having no communication with the locals, and living 1,000 of miles away in tens of different countries, both they and we have come to the same conclusions about the BKs. Actually, it is not a surprise at all because it is true.
... all the Mount Abu residents with whom I spoke were negatively impressed.
Mrs. Patel gave several theological reasons for why no Mount Abu residents were Brahma Kumaris. She said Mount Abu residents do not believe their God is the same God to whom the Brahma Kumaris are dedicated, and that their spiritual practices amounted to little more than "autosuggestion," which yielded “two second enlightenments” at best ...

Mrs. Patel also objected to their social and financial practices. She claimed they recruit new members by telling them that they are "one of ours," instead of empowering them to look within themselves and discover their own true selves.

She said the Brahma Kumaris advise their members to abandon greed but then take their adherents' money for themselves. She said they relentlessly proselytize rich people and do not relent until they convert.
Mr. Sharma claimed that “no locals are Brahma Kumaris” and said that the Brahma Kumaris hospital in town “served mostly their own people,” bringing little benefit to the town ...

He said, "at first everything seems alright because they do not ask for anything. But then when someone in the family dies, the deceased wills all their property, land, and money to them."
Two other shopkeepers with stores nearby Mr. Sharma's independently expressed similar concerns about the organization's financial strategies. After observing that "not a single Mount Abu resident is a Brahma Kumaris," one of these shopkeepers added with apparently heartfelt distress that they are doing absolutely nothing for the poor.

He said, "they will not even allow a poor person to sit next to them." The other shopkeeper also said that "no Brahma Kumaris live in Mount Abu," and that "no local residents go there." He said that "only foreigners from India and abroad go there." He expressed his view that the Brahma Kumaris "are only about the money." During one of my first visits with Mr. Sharma, he even went so far with his criticisms as to say, "I hate them. They are politically very powerful. They are members of the United Nations. If we don't like something, there is nothing we can do."
Mr. Deva then turned to me and said that he and his monastic order had frequently invited the Brahma Kumaris to participate in public debates about any subject of the Brahma Kumaris' choosing, but that the Brahma Kumaris had always refused. In Mr. Deva's opinion, this was "because they know nothing about these things. The Brahma Kumaris and traditional Hindu religion are opposites."

Brahma Kumaris teach that all religions, including Hinduism, are thoroughly misguided and that the most misled of theologians are those who cling polemically to their scriptures.

Re: What Mount Abu locals think about the BKs (also SML hist

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2011
by ex-l
Has anyone else ever spoken to Mount Abu locals about what they think about the whole BKWSU thing? Are they aware the BKs aim to push everyone else out of town?