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World Population to hit 7 Billion Next Month

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2011
by ex-l
According to the United Nations, of whom the Brahma Kumaris are desperate to tell everyone they have some tiny connection to, the world's population is to hit the 7 billion early next month.

According to the God of the Brahma Kumaris it is 5 billion. The existences of all the rest are as insignificant as flies or little insects. They hardly count as being humans.

Of course, we don't really actually know what the god spirit of the Brahma Kumari is alleged to have said because the faceless scribes up Mount Abu have been tampering with the books, posters and channeled messages again. But, over the years and according the the Brahma Kumaris, "God" - the Ocean of Truth, Knowledge and Wisdom - has wrongly predicted the world population to be 4.5 billion ... 5 billion ... 5.5 billion (any advance on 5.5)? But we know it is not God at all but some little Indian bod in white kurtas sitting there with a pencil and rubber, or now a computer, re-editing the Murlis in secret. Truthâ„¢ is something much more flexible to the BKs than the rest of us. True is that which suits our business best now.

What is the population now according to the BKWSU or, like the date for Destruction, have they just removed all specifically embarrassing information out all together?

Re: World Population to hit 7 Billion Next Month

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2011
by ex-l
What interests me is why "God's" inconsistencies don't bother BK adherents. Should not God and Truth be consistent?

And why does not the leadership tampering and re-writing the Murlis bother them? It is a miracle to me. A symptom of their total mental slavery to whatever the leadership, not even their god, says.

"Everything is accurate according to drama (even the inaccuracies)" and "Don't think, don't question (especially what we are up to behind the scenes)".

Re: World Population to hit 7 Billion Next Month

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2011
by Mr Green
exactly, thinking for yourself is called manmat and is seen as a form of arrogance, one of the branches of Ravan

Re: World Population to hit 7 Billion Next Month

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2012
by AscensionAddiction
The last updates of the Murlis I heard (about 3 years ago) metioned 5.5 to 6 billion, and then they seemed to just drop out altogether. It was this obvious error in God's knowledge along with the belief that ETs don't exist that finally got me to question the whole thing. When I've asked BKs about it they have said things like, "Baba is not very good at numbers" or "You don't have to take everything literally". I think it is only a matter of time before the presence of ETs becomes apparent to the public at large and I am fascinated to know how the BKWSU will react to that one. I tried to introduce it a few times when I was with the BKs but you can see the intellect just shutting down.

Re: World Population to hit 7 Billion Next Month

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2012
by ex-l
It is amazing how quick the BKs are to invent excuses for the failures in wisdom of the Ocean of Wisdom and deflect reasonable questions. Now they say such speculation is "serious discouraged" ... yes, discouraged but discouraged by whom? Human beings tired of losing face.

"Yes, Baba is the Ocean of Wisdom", they say ... "but not that kind of knowledge". How convenient.
AscensionAddiction wrote:I think it is only a matter of time before the presence of ETs becomes apparent to the public at large and I am fascinated to know how the BKWSU will react to that one.

It all depends on whether they are useful for service or not, but I expect the BKs will send them toli and try to invite them to a conference at Mount Abu like any the other VIPs ... and there will be lots of speculation over which alien "must be a BK" or not.

In the meanwhile, someone from will send the aliens a letter warning them of what the BKs really believe ... and one or two BK centers-in-charge will be secretly probed by them.

Beam me up, Scotty ...