Is The Knowledge like "the milk of a lioness"?

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Is The Knowledge like "the milk of a lioness"?

Post31 Jul 2011

One of our Reporter from Shantivan reported this to us.
Today, on July 29, 2011, Dadi Ratanmohini was reading Murli in Shantivan
and she said something interesting. A point came in Murli - "the milk of lioness can be stored only in a Gold vessel." After reading that point, she asked everyone in audience in the Murli class "has anyone of you seen this?"

There must be around 3000 BKs there in today morning Murli class in Shantivan because it was being conducted in Diamond Hall. When there are less BKs in Shantivan, the Murli class is held in Conference Hall, which is smaller. There are Yoga Bhatthis going on for BK Teachers right now at Shantivan so there were so many BK Surrendered Sisters present. None of them raised their hands, nor said that any of them have seen this.

Then Dadi spoke, "even we have not seen this and we heard it only from Baba."

These words triggered me and I searched on internet and found this link - Wikipedia Snow Lion.

Now, what I understand from this is that - this example is also a falsehood. Basically, they want to say - if you want to prove yourself with Golden Aged intellect, then never have any doubt on this BK Gyan which is like milk of lioness. There is another hidden meaning too, "if you want to get milk of lioness, bring vessel of gold" = "if you want God's knowledge & blessings, then offer gold and your property".

While reading today's Murli, Dadi RM also jumbled by saying & reading Murli -- "what will happen in future, that we will come to know as it happens ("Brahma Baba" did not know what is going to happen so he said - let's see what happens.)" Then, Dadi added in her speech or the same was added in Murli too -- "How can Baba reveal everything about future to you all now? Baba will tell only when the time will come. By the way, Baba had given us vision of Golden Age and how swayamvar and everything will take place in Golden Age, etc. in the beginning of Yagya itself."

What a great gambling mixture by Lekhraj Dada & these Dadis ... In many parts of India, Dada means Grandfather and Dadi means Grandmother (wife of Grandfather) ...
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Re: Is The Knowledge like "the milk of a lioness"?

Post31 Jul 2011

I think you will soon tire of trying to make sense of the Brahma Kumaris "Knowledge". It is a jigsaw puzzle of bits and pieces taken from all over the place assembled together to look like a religion in order to, as you quite rightly point out, ensure an income for its gurus. Oh, I am sorry. The BKWSU "does not have any gurus" ... income for its "not-a-guru" gurus.

What is interesting about this piece is that it *might* relate to a Jewish fairy story and, if so, the first Jewish reference I have ever heard of from the BKs. I don't know of any references to "milk of a lioness" (sherni ka doodh?) in Hinduism but I am sure it exists in folk stories. Perhaps it relates to Durga or ShivShakti who rides on a tigress/lioness and is Lekhraj Kirpalani own creation, milk generally being a symbol of purity and nourishment.

I agree with your general interpretations.

One symbolic "dream dictionary" suggests ...
Drinking the Milk of a Lioness : The person seeing this is to become prosperous. He will also overpower his enemy.

Both very BK sentiments. As usual, the BKs are ignorant of the world and just plain wrong. They have never heard about it because they never go out of their own world and never read books.

"Drinking the milk of a lioness" appears in Africa myth/fairytales too. This one from Senegal ...
The Wife, the Marabout, and the Lioness

A wife wanted to gain the favor of her husband, who had multiple wives, so she went to see a marabout. He told her, “Go into Kâgne Forest and bring me the milk of a lioness.” With a gourd and a piece of meat in hand, the wife went into the dense forest. In a clearing she saw a lioness nursing her cub. The woman gave the meat to the mother lion and began petting the cub, singing sweetly all the while. The mother lion, entirely contented, graciously offered up her milk.

When the wife returned to the marabout, he exclaimed, “Aha! Have you gotten the milk of a lioness?”. “Yes, here it is!”. “How did you get it?”. “I gave meat to the mother lion and pet her cub, singing sweetly all the while.”

“Very good,” said the marabout. “You have earned your gris-gris. Do the same with your husband and you will be his best friend. And if he does the same with you, everyone will be happier.”

From the Yiddish ...
Mazel and Shlimazel: Or the Milk of a Lioness

One fine day, Mazel (the spirit of Good Luck) and Schlimazel (the spirit of Bad Luck), are strolling through a small village. Mazel boasts to his companion about his popularity; he is welcomed by all, called upon often, and loved by everyone. "No one ever calls for you," he tells Schlimazel. Scoffing, Schlimazel claims "The world is ruled by the powerful, and what takes you a year to create I can destroy in a second." So they strike a wager: Mazel will brighten the life of the poorest man in the village for a year. At the end of the year Schlimazel will have one second, just one second, to ruin the man. The man is not to be killed, impoverished, or made ill. A cask of magical wine if Schlimazel wins, if Mazel wins Schlimazel must go away for fifty years. They find the poorest man, Tam, and Mazel goes to work.

Through extraordinary good luck (of course), Tam rises from sleeping among toadstools to sleeping in a king's palace. The man the entire village once laughed at becomes the king's trusted advisor and Master of Horses. The fair Princess Nesika, the king's only child and sole heir to the throne, falls in love with him. Tam becomes renown for his wisdom, talent, and skill. Minstrels travel the world recounting tales of Tam's great deeds. How can Schlimazel possibly undo all this in one second?

The king falls ill, and only one thing can cure him: the milk of a lioness. Bravely, Tam sets out, Mazel still secretly at his side. The successful Tam returns to the king, and suddenly, the year is up! Schlimazel pops in, and true to his word, in one mere second Schlimazel manages to utterly ruin Tam's life.

Mazel wallows in guilt and Schlimazel drinks himself into a stupor with the magical wine. Once unconscious, Mazel returns to Tam's side. After all, with the bet completed, Mazel is free to do as he wishes. With Mazel's deft assistance Tam's life and reputation are restored. Mazel sticks around for a while, but now we are told that Tam no longer needs Mazel: for those who are diligent, honest, sincere, and helpful are indeed lucky forever.
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Re: Is The Knowledge like "the milk of a lioness"?

Post31 Jul 2011

I'd rather have cow's milk in my tea, I'll leave the milk of a lioness for its cubs.

As for "The Knowledge", ask a London black cabbie.
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Re: Is The Knowledge like "the milk of a lioness"?

Post07 Aug 2011

Dear ex-l,

Thanks for sharing those fairytales.

By the way, I was not trying to make sense of the BK knowledge but I was trying to uncover the truth behind that interesting Murli point and thereby uncovering the real truth behind their so called "true knowledge".

From another perspective, getting milk of lioness is a matter of dreams only. The reality is that we do not get even cow's milk so easily in urban areas because most of the milk brands sell either buffalos milk or mix milk (mix of cow's & buffalo's).

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