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Post01 Sep 2006

Would forum users like to share their opinions and methods of remembrance?
    If a current BK then it will be as you have remembrance.
    x-BK how you used to do it or still do or how has it changed.
    PBKs please join in as well, again how you used to remember as a BK and now as a PBK.
So far I think there are three main methods of remembrance prescribed within the Yagya;
    1. Remembrance of Shiva in the corporeal form of Brahma Baba, which I believe was the BK method untill 1969.
    2. Remembrance of Shiva in the Soul World Paramdham.
    3. Remembrance of Shiva in the corporeal body of Virendra Dev Dixit.
I understand all these forms of remembrance are of Shiva as a point of light.


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Post01 Sep 2006

Om Shanti.

I use both the 1-st and the 2-nd methods. 1-st method - when I need advice or my stage is not so high to reach Paramdham. There are no thoughts in the Paramdham, only pure Yoga. Remembrance of God in His true form gives more profit to the soul. So the 2-nd method is more preferable in order to become pure quicker.
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Post01 Sep 2006

Thanks and welcome BKDimOk :)

Can you tell in what year you started as a BK?

Does anyone know in what manner the various Dadi, Didis, Seniors have remembrance?


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Post02 Sep 2006

Thank you for your welcoming. I visited an introductionary course in 2003. Then there was a little break and in 2004 I started to come to the morning Murlis. As for Seniors, I suppose that they remember God as a point of light, but I do not know it for sure.
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Post02 Sep 2006

As for Seniors I suppose that they remember God as a point of light, but I do not know it for sure.

No, me neither, but I guess it would be point of light in Paramdham, as that is what is taught by BK course.

Even though this is not considered correct by PBKs, yet still they reach a very high position in Confluence Age and Golden Age, so it cannot be that wrong?
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Mr Green


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Post02 Sep 2006

I cannot remember ... get it!!!!

BOOMBOOM!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
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Post06 Sep 2006

'Remembrance' came to mean for me:
    * inserting of appropriate BK dogma(TM) into my mind whenever any logical doubts re "The Knowledge" were aroused
i.e. suppression of basic skeptical/logical faculties.

So needless to say, I couldn't stick at the "remembering" for very long before my 'excommunication' was suggested due to sheer intransigence! :lol:
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Post06 Sep 2006

OK, thanks for the views of Mr Green and Zhuk.

Who not remembering any more have at least added to the thread. Maybe BKs/PBKs don't think the subject is that important?
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Post06 Sep 2006

If I wrote this in 6 months time, it may not be what it is today.

We can have remembrance without performing any ritual whatsoever. The spiritual training I/we have received is designed to be part of our every moment. Sitting down to meditate at all is ritual, something which the path is designed to do away with.

The direction has always been that we ARE it naturally and must learn to meditate on the wing. We can ignore all time/ritual demands or notions and catch little Yoga snacks throughout the day. I say this mainly as a balancing weight to the ritualistic anything which can develop individually or collectively. Routine can be helpful for some it has to be said, or all at some point or other. One second of true remembrance is worth one thousand Baba-Babas.

And if I may speak for Andrey who has been sending carrier pigeons, (Hi Andrey. What are you doing hiding behind the curtains with a rifle? Peace man, watch those commies don't get you, or their capitalist puppet masters ...). He also says that Shiva is pure. And also that Shiva is the truth and not "I"/ "we". Oh yes, puppet masters, I trust Shiva, and Brahma. They can pull my strings if they wish.

    • While active
    • Ritual-meditation
    • Ritual- offering/ ceremonial (remember, offering food to God now could become offering children if it ever reaches its extreme and negative form.)
    • Crisis- there are no atheists on a sinking ship
No matter how loving our parents in life, they cannot give the experience that the spiritual parent/ child relationship offers. If the abused become abusers, then it works the other way and souls who have tasted Supreme love can pass that on to their offspring, be they bodily children or spiritual offspring, without putting pressure on our offspring to be the same as us at the same time. Just because the spiritual teacher withdraws the help which brings us wonderful experiences does not mean that God has changed any, it may just mean that we are being asked to carry our own rucksack for a bit, among other things, to show us what we can do, and what we cannot in terms of experiencing.

If I take my most elevated experience. It is unlikely that I can experience this if I am not it. We are now being asked to be it. What is more, the puppet master is asking us to reverse roles and be the puppet master, or, to use the power of the source, when we can be trusted. Child (or is it SON?) shows Father. Do you have the bottle? Can you tap into the national grid without freaking out?

If you are not ready for such responsibility, it may be better to hold back until we understand more and not produce too much wind power just yet. Because God does not remember me, does not mean that I should not remember God. Shiva may be the type of soul that could be elbowed out of the game by unscrupulous dealers, who will meet with destiny at some point. Only remember Shiva. Brahma will take birth at some point and so is passing the sell by date. The aim is that we all become Brahmas. Like the Father.

The aim and object is to bring spirituality into the self and therefore the world. Into our lives and the lives of those we interact with without this need that they also need to see what we are seeing. It is not easy to keep it all to ourselves. Then there is the coaxing from Murlis. Some souls out in the world may feel like giving me a doing for not being more forceful when they find out the true gravity of what is transpiring around them. Actors getting lost in the parts, identifying with the parts. Good remembrance should pull us out of the role playing and into the real playing, which has its own role playing within it.

We can remember while living normal lives, we don' t all have to be institutionalised in our living, and of course there is the unspoken subject of bringing souls into this world. Sorry if that embarrasses you, I know how sinful it is, and how ashamed one should no doubt feel about having children. I can also understand that this has nothing to do with switching off sexually, and also in a "family" way in order to be with the spiritual parent. They are not stupid, they know about these things and have decided to sit it out. Fair enough. Why eat onions and garlic if you are celibate? Why entertain anything to do with pro creation if you are not at all interested?

Is there room For God if I also have children? To what degree has The Knowledge closed us off from areas of the self that we really need to be in total control of and not cast to the wilderness in hope? Parts of the personality which cannot be foisted off with the 'work your fingers to the bone' approach. I can develop spiritually without self abuse and denial. I can develop spiritually by considering "the centre" to be the centre of my forehead, or, in the centre of my head. You are the head.

Will I be judged if I remember God? NO, you may judge yourself though, something which is not part of the teachings, something which is against Gods wishes. Why do we fear and avoid that which is good for us? Is it because my head has been filled with dodgy crap from this world and I need to discriminate better as to what is and is not? Why am I giving myself such a hard time? Do I think that God does not know what is in my heart? The one who only ever see's my true natural pure and only self?

It is I who puts me down. I have only ever known God to try and lift me up. No one else has ever done this, ever.



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Post07 Sep 2006

This is such an important topic as Remembrance is in every Murli, but yet ther are so few replies or members BKs, PBKs, ex-BKs not sharing their experiences, are you not able to share your loving remembrance, in fear ? PBKs have a similar thread in the PBK section "remembering Shiva in Virendra Dev Dixit", but PBKs can also offer to share how it is different remembrance is from being BK and being PBK.

Sometimes I find I have to remember myself as a soul first. Then I don't need to put effort to try to remember where Shiv is because Shiv remembers me. The connection is 2 way.
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Post07 Sep 2006

OK - Bansy has shamed into replying to this thread...

When a BK, remembrance was, for me, Yoga with Shiva in Paramdham, visualised more as an intense light, rather than as an infinitessimal point (i.e. the light rather than the soul). Over time and practice this light moved from outwith me (visualised as up in the 'heavens', or somesuch) to within me - sometimes in the head, sometimes the heart. Now I simply focus on that light within - which i assume is radiated by me the soul, in connection with Shiva and his 'heavenly host' of angelic souls - I see it like the cells in a battery all operating together as one unified spiritual light - I am a weak and fluctuating part of that battery. In fact this is how I now conceive of God - as the combination of all souls together functioning as one. It is actually irrelevant to me whether Shiva is God or not, or whether I am connected to Shiva or some other Godly energy source... the truly divine are all combined. 8)
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Post07 Sep 2006

I realised at one point that I may well be having Yoga of the mind (imagination), which can be valid, but the direction is to have Yoga of the intellect. These words will mean something different to each individual. One method I remember working to some degree is to imagine the self as a point, and take it smaller and smaller and smaller, there is no limit, you just keep moving into the point. We can do it with the self and Shiva. Infinitesimal. Beyond measurement.

Then we could say, Shiva is there right now ... and think in the direction of the Shiva who is there right now, in time, at the moment. In this one, we are viewing a being who is out of time, yet using time to realise the experience, which is not the same as imagining myself to be in the Soul World with Shiva. Both methods combined can be powerful. I feel that as time has gone on, the aim is to bring the Subtle Region down into this one. Why go all that distance when Shiva and the Soul World are here, one thought away, right next to me. So many miles away, is giving ourselves a hard time.

I would like to add that, within BK centres, there is fear of the potential embarrasment if I reveal how I have Yoga to others. There is no one way, let us boot that one into touch. Whatever works, is better than nothing. If all you can manage is a feww Shiva Shiva's throughout the day, then it is better than nothing. I have a block at the moment. There is this subtle and underlying feeling that I am unworthy of God's love and company. THIS is the enemy. It must not be allowed any persuasion within the self. It is strong and comes up with good reasons for not looking in the mirror. The thing is, when I look in the mirror, I see my own beautiful reflection most time than my ugliness.

Time to sort this illusion nonsense and lack of self respect. Another area is, do I feel like a victim? Shiva's children are not victims, get shot of it, it is a lie. Happy Yoga, and if Shiva ever challenges you to a flying race, turn the offer down.

The fastest soul in the West. :wink:


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Post07 Sep 2006

I recall this shocking incident on the departure from a centre of an anonymous ex-BK who exclaimed "If the Supreme Soul has forgotten to remember me for 4900 years, why should I remember him now ?" He argument was that we were "force fed" the point of light theory, yet no-one knows or can see the metaphysical, so it was just a theory for the rest of this life, so you were living on a theory.
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Post08 Sep 2006

There is much separation involved in BK teachings. It may help at first, but we may benefit more from bringing everything together now into one. This could be the experience for me personally over the years, that the spiritual life and the worldly life are all becoming one. Is this not the aim, to bring spirituality into our awareness, thoughts, words, actions naturally? Living a stiff path may provide a solid foundation, but I still have to exist in the world, so it all has to be practical also. Perhaps I/we have no option but to chuck it all together and let it float to the surface.

Bring the 3 worlds together as one.

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Meeting in Subtle Region

Post10 Sep 2006

What about;

4) "Meeting in Subtle Region"

as a method? My feeling is that alleged Yoga in Paramdham is actually Yoga in Shankar Puri.

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