Is life getting better or worse?

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Is life getting better or worse?

Post09 Jul 2011

Taken from Conspiracy Theory (was The Deception of the BKs). Click the video to play the soundtrack for this post!
Mike26 wrote:At least people are looking ahead to a more benevolent and freeing system ... the 21st century will be viewed as the darkest and most toxic chapter in human history.

Well, the 21st Century has just started, so let's hope it is not going to be that dark. It is hard to tell if the 20th Century was humanity's darkest hour, and or its turning point.

Thinking of all the advances taking place in life that run entirely contrary to BK theory of entropy and decline my question to others is ...

    Is life and humanity really getting worse or are things getting better? Personally or otherwise.
It took a long time for me, after my time in the BKWSU, to gain a positive and hopeful view about the world or even my own life ... but I think very many things have improved in the last 50 years by a long way, and are still improving. In my BK days, according to the Murlis, the End of the World was going to be sometime between 1986 and 1996 (The Murlis used to say, "50 years for Creation and 50 years for Destruction" ... later re-edited to "50 to 60 years for Destruction" ... now removed altogether I understand).

It is ridiculous to think I actually swallowed that but I think my life remained on hold for a long time after leaving the BKWSU "just in case" Destruction was going to happen (many people were concerned with nuclear tensions between the US and the CCCP, environmental problems and the Gulf War was seen as the start of the "big one"). It really is a highly disabling concept ... it really is just designed to make everything else except adherence to them futile. All we do can say for sure is that the Brahma Kumaris have hidden many failed predictions of Destruction and have been doing so since their very beginning.

I think the Brahma Kumaris basically prey on common fears and insecurities - and have been doing so since their very beginning. They cast a very pessimistic view of life and upon the rest of the "totally impure and ignorant" humanity.


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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post09 Jul 2011

Once I believed that it was God speaking I took for granted that everything he said was the Truth but I am not one who felt that it answered all my questions. Actually I always found that some of the beliefs could not easily be reconciled with my common sense. As God himself said that following his teachings was not a thing of blind faith but that it had to be understood, I allowed myself to not fully believe whatever I was not able to make full sense of.

For instance, I was never able to take all the numbers at face value, whether it was the 5000 years cycle, the 100 years Confluence Age, the 84 births or the 8, the 108, the 16,108 and the 900,000, etc. Another one was the idea that any sexuality was more damaging than murder. The idea that this period of time in human history had to be more hellish than the previous centuries and millenniums was also something I questioned.

How do we measure hellishness? How to compare today's experience of humanity's joys and pains to that of yesterday's? It seems to me that some things have improved whilst others have worsened and I do not see a strong general overall trend one way or the other. Of course this is only according to my own subjective and changeable sense of better and worse.

On a personal level I can say that I felt generally happier as a BK than during my pre-BK days. Note that I say “generally”, not “always”, as it is not black and white but multicolour and nuances.

On the other hand I can also say that in very many ways I consider my post BK life to be a significant step up from my life as a BK and I feel it is heading for the better, whatever it means to me, as I do not believe that everything that brings me happiness, peace and a sense of truth and fulfilment would automatically bring similar feelings to all.


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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post11 Jul 2011

Reading the messages on this thread reminded me of just how debilitating the BK view of Destruction is. It's a toxic concept, in my opinion, which engenders a host of psychological problems, robs people of life and living to unfold their real potential. The BKs are an apocalyptic cult whose proponents exploit the natural insecurity in people about the future.

My view, based on long research into the real workings of this world, is that this century is a turning point in our history. It will be characterized by a growing awakening among a large proportion of humanity and a consequent shift in human consciousness. In the West, the last 100 years has seen huge development in terms of technology, education, standards of living and overall economic prosperity. But this development in the West is somewhat illusionary.

Firstly, the prosperity of the Western countries like the US and Britain, has been largely built as a result of imperialistic conquest, the looting of other countries of huge resources, and the mass enslavment and exploitation of millions in Asia. It was slavery, and the myriad plantations around the world Britain established, that gave it wealth. The policy adopted by Britain was one of keeping nations impoverished in order to exploit them and resistance against any attempt to develop these nations' economic and scientific potential.

The industrial revolution, much of which was opposed by ordinary British at the time, drove the imperialistic war machine allowing Britain to develop agriculture to the point where we could feed everyone, and the development of superior weaponry through which to dominate. It also spawned the workhouse, the slum districts, the death inducing coal mines and the general exploitation of most Britons by rich factory owners and industrialists. In those days, only a tiny minority benefited from the economic developments taking place. For the majority, life was harsh. Another source of Britain's wealth came from the opium it blatantly produced in Asia. Britain promoted the use of opium far and wide, growing rich from the suffering of others en masse. So this is the first truth about Britain's prosperity.

The banks also loaned huge amounts to other coutries with extortionate interest rates attached.

Therefore let's be clear, Britain's wealth development over the last century was founded on heinous, aggressive and inhumane activities around the world. The slow improvement in social conditions, environment, employment and educational conditions has been fuelled by the need for Britain to be able to compete and prosper in the world market. Britain has to produce, sell and consume. The system is a capitalist system that requires people to be effective units of production and consumption.

To ensure competitiveness for the country, people must be afforded a level of education, financial reward and environmental comforts to motivate high levels of production and consumption among the population. There must at least be the 'possibility' of real prosperity dangled like the proverbial carrot in front of a hungry producer.

In the old days, we could only vote and be involved in the political decision making process if we were land owners, rich and/or aristocrats. It was realized that a subject who believed he was free, who believed he was part of the decision making system by virtue of the vote, was likely to be a happy and high producer economically. In contrast, a person who knows he is a slave will not be an enthusiastic producer. People must at least be presented with the illusions of freedom, of power, of rights, of future prosperity. In this way, they aspire to goals which serve an economy in which only a very few truly benefit.

This is the second illusion to recognise.

We still have a system which only truly benefits a small collection of very wealthy people at the top of the pyramid. The system is planned to be disadvantageous to the majority of people. Taxes and a debt based economy only serves those who own and control the wealth in the country, so let's not be fooled by the illusuion of prosperity.

People in the West are waking up to this state of affairs and the real motivations behind it. Like the American dream, people realise you have to be asleep to be in it.

Britain was bankrupt at the end of WW2 and had huge loans from the US to survive. It could not maintain its Empire and so reluctantly approved independence for many third world nations. However, the exploitation of third world countries by America and Europe did not cease there but continued in other forms. These nations have struggled to secure any kind of real properity, often having to deal with Western backed tyrants in the process. Western manipulation of Asia is on a grand scale and the sweatshop is just one legacy of Western influence there.

To come back to the point. People are waking up to the scam, deceptions, illusions and lies we have been told about life and living. This mass awakening bodes well for the future because it is the impetus behind future positive change for us. However, the dark side of this century will be the struggle of the people to secure this brighter future against a current toxic system likely to be unwilling to relinquish its control over the system.

The combination of these two forces is an inevitable clash in the future. The result will be worth it but it will be a very hard won future.
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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post12 Jul 2011

Mike26 wrote:People must at least be presented with the illusions of freedom, of power, of rights, of future prosperity. In this way, they aspire to goals which serve an economy in which only a very few truly benefit ... We still have a system which only truly benefits a small collection of very wealthy people at the top of the pyramid. The system is planned to be disadvantageous to the majority of people.

When you talk about "illusions of freedom", I immediately think of all those dumb Hollywood action movies where the action heroes roll out all the usual homilies about "Freedom!" Yes, free to consume what they sell ... free to trash the environment ... free to invade any nation they want etc.

So are the promises of the Brahma Kumaris just another illusion tuned to suit the Indian mentality?

On a personal level, the End of the World did not happen for me after leaving the BKWSU. I think many BKs are held in by the fears instilled in them that if they leave some terrible calamity will come and get them. This is certainly what was drummed into us and what the god of the BKs say in the Murlis. It is rubbish. Hypnotic voodoo designed to ensnare individuals.

Look at Brian Bacon now ... out of the BKWSU, exotic and talented ex-BK wife, multi-million dollar business, homes internationally and jetsetting lifestyle. I was no way nearly so materially successful, and that is not the kind of life I would want, but I can honestly say I lived a very interesting, varied and fulfilling life, and seen much of the world.

I am incredibly happy to free from the slavery of the BKWSU and out from under the influence of some real idiots.
To come back to the point. People are waking up to the scam, deceptions, illusions and lies we have been told about life and living. This mass awakening bodes well for the future because it is the impetus behind future positive change for us. However, the dark side of this century will be the struggle of the people to secure this brighter future against a current toxic system likely to be unwilling to relinquish its control over the system.

As a "20 words or less" version of the History of the Western World, I cannot disagree with many of the facts. I certainly used to think the same way myself but now I wonder if life is quite as dark. Britain's empire has faded, and so too now is America's. Asia is rising again. More and more people are being "freed" by their own efforts and education. So far the internet has enabled many.

As you know, I don't buy into the conspiracy view of life. I think what you are talking about is really just "the way things are", the human nature in all of us ... natural selection in action ... I don't buy the "them and us" equation nor that it is all being done to an exacting plan.

There is only "us". We do this to ourselves. If we were in their shoes, we would end up doing the same or worse. Worse because we have none of their real world experience. And I suspect that "real world experience" would end up turning us into exact copies of them.

And I really do like being able to get up when I want, go to bed when I want, not having to go to tedious, tedious Murlis class or self-important service meeting ... just be an ordinary person like everyone else and go with the flow.

Thank the gods I am not one of the chosen few any more and not carrying the burden of "a global mission" to save the world.

If there is one thing I can thank the Brahma Kumaris for, it is curing me of religion and even wanting to be any kind of guru (... and, yes, the Brahma Kumaris are leaders are gurus, and many BKs junior wannabe gurus. The BKWSU is a guru factory, a guru pyramid sales operation).


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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post12 Jul 2011

Great song and one of my old favourites.

I have to agree about the BK illusion being just another illusion tuned to Indian mentality. It is tailored to the Indina psychology pretty well. Not surprising given the leaders are Indian. But in a way they are selling an old message; one that also takes many forms in other religions.

We all know the Christian notion of Judgement day etc. During the great plague of the medieval period which wiped out almost half of Europe, many interpreted the event as the great apocalypse; as Judgement Day. The "fire and brimstone" message of the Catholic Church features here too. There is something in our psychology which finds apocalyptic religions appealing.

The message that tells us we are sinners is no different in one respect to the message of the BKs that we are all impure and ravaged by Maya. Redemption lies in efforts toward purity, of living a 'good life' so that beyond this life the rewards can be reaped. All the psychology of religions, simply catering to the varying mindsets of diverse cultures.

The other hypnotic influence being tailored to Indian mentality is Western values and lifestyles. The selling of the big lies that ensnare Westerners and being fed to Asian countries. It is sad to see it despite widespread resistence to it from some sections of Asian societies.
I, personally, struggled with the Destruction motif. When I left I had to work hard to dilute the influence of this outlook. But, like you, nothing catastrophic happened. Crisis around the world did not spell catastrophe or Destruction. It was a huge relief to be free of this oppressive spectre hanging over me. I am very happy with how my life has evolved.

By the way, I am not really familiar with the Brian Bacon saga.

I don't agree that any person, put in the position of these Elites, would behave in the same way. I did carry that cynical view of human nature at one time. Certainly power corrupts and especially in a corrupt system. Corruption is so endemic to the system and to human nature it is difficult to conclude that all people would act in a corrupt way. The system itself has been engineered in this way. It is biased toward corruption but I do not believe this is the truth of human nature or the sum total of our potential. In a very different system the human produced would also be very different.

Evolution reduced us the level and perception of the animal - just another perhaps only slightly more sophisticated animal. It endorsed the notion of natural selection and survivial of the fittest, ideas which have been co-opted to justify millions of atrocities and injustices. We are so much more that this but have been conditioned away from any recognition and understanding of this. The Elites, and their minion cabals who exert the real influence, are fearful of the day when people recognize their true nature and potential.

This awakening is occurring as a write and will invite the people to say 'We are no longer the property of the State'. When the State insists you adopt a name (surname derives from the ancient word 'suri' a reference to a Syrian slave) and gives you a 'fiction name' spelled in capitals on official documentation, we are unwittingly agreeing to be the ultimate property of the state and liable to carry burdens of tax. I point to here to information never normally provided to people but if you research this issue you will understand the deception.
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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post13 Jul 2011

"Surname" comes from the French "sur" meaning "above" meaning "sur nom = over name" and began to be used by common people around the 13th C ... about 700 years before the current tax system was invented. Where on earth do you get all that stuff!?!

If we think back to the 1930s when Lekhraj Kirpalani believed the End of the World had come and started his religion, there were 2,000,000,000 people on earth. There are now almost 7,000,000,000. He and the BKs call them "flies", claiming that they come for one or two births only. Yes, tragedies happen but many more times people are being fed, educated and medicated now; people have more rights, fewer diseases and are less likely to die from preventable causes and childbirth; we have central heating, clean water, sewage systems; children go to schools, not down mines.

Look how upside the BK thinking is ... during the Roman Empire, which the BKWSU teaches was 50% more "pure and spiritual" than today, the Romans had a approximate life expectancy of 22 to 25 years. Is life now better or worse than living in the Roman Era?

Around 1900, the world life expectancy was approximately 30 years. Today it is about 65 years, with some nations living well into their 80s.

Literacy during the Roman Era was around 3%. Now in Europe it is over 98%. Literacy in India at Lekhraj Kirpalani's time was about 10% (lower for women). Now it is around 74%.

Is illiteracy "more pure and spiritual" than being literate?

As an aside, I wish someone with a more mathematical mind than I would sit down and do a population based on BK theory to see if mathematically it is in any way possible, e.g. 900,000 in 3,000 BC, 2 kids and 150 year lives, progressing through the known tragedies such as plagues until today. I suspect it does not add up at all.


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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post13 Jul 2011

ex-l wrote:As an aside, I wish someone with a more mathematical mind than I would sit down and do a population based on BK theory to see if mathematically it is in any way possible, e.g. 900,000 in 3,000 BC, 2 kids and 150 year lives, progressing through the known tragedies such as plagues until today. I suspect it does not add up at all.

You are right. It does not add up. 900,000 at the beginning of Golden Age, if they would only have 2 children, would amount to 1.8 million only at the end of Golden Age, not the 20 million we were told. Then, from that 1.8 million, at 3 children per family all through the Silver Age, as per BK theory, we would end up with approximately 110 millions by the end of Silver Age (500 BC), not 330 millions as we were told.

BK theory does not give specific numbers for the population from the Copper Age onwards, except the 5 billion total number of souls, which has been changed to 5 1/2 billion, then to 6 billion ...

Sorry but you cannot trust God on numbers ...
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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post13 Jul 2011

And another typical big hole in their "Knowledge" is where ... when there are is large catastrophe like WWII (60 million people killed), the Black Plague (as many as 60% of Europeans or 75 and 200 million died) and the genocide of 100 million Native Americans etc ... do the souls of all the dead individuals go until they are able to be reborn?

One could look at the population curves and see where they too don't match again.

I suppose we could labor the point and look at all the other indicators of the standard of life, improvements in healthcare, education, human rights all of which happened without "God's" involvement (or at least the god of the BKWSU) and all of which have ABSOLUTELY no precedent from within the BKWSU.

I cannot be bothered too. I don't buy into the dark neo-millenarianism of conspiracy theory. Life is getting better, for more people, every day.

Remember how the BKs claim that "everything is remembrance of the Confluence Age" and BKWSU? Well, where do science, law, civil rights, democracy etc come from? Certainly not by the example of the Brahma Kumaris who are still live and believe in a unchallengeable and parasitical Theocracy ruled by "divine decree".


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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post13 Jul 2011

This issue of numbers and population was a point I often detated with the BKs. i use the word debate loosely as often I would just receive a pitying look followed by long drishti as though my intellect was just too cluttered to see things clearly - which really meant their point of view. The other issue often contested was all that nonsense about the age of the world, the planets, dinosaurs etc. Usually I'd get the same superficial answers from people who clearly had no real understanding of these issues and no real appreciation of the point I was making. I once listened to a BK viewed as knowledgeable try and explain the flaws in the carbon dating process. He had no real grasp of the science at all.

I remember around the early 90's being told that all souls are here now and the population could not be expanding.

Regarding surname - a small point surely for us to get lost in but like all subjects they are often multifaceted stories. The word SURI a reference to a syrian slave apparently predates the French use. I am sure you are familiar with the history of Europe and the migration of people from areas like Turkey, Greece and Iran into Western Europe in ancient times. I refer in particular to the dynasty of Merovingian Kings - a Salian Frankish Dynasty occupying Gaul from the 5th century to the 8th century. The roots of the Merovingians appear to be with the Arcadians, many of which are said to have been at the battle of Troy. The word Suri was a widely used by many peoples of the mid-east area as a reference to a slave. Some historians believe the word was carried with the Arcadian people into Gaul. As we know many Indo-European languages have their roots in Indian and Middle Eastern cultures.

There is a slightly incorrect belief that most European peoples like the English, Germans and French were originally Germanic and Scandinavian tribes migrating and invading Europe. It is true that tribes like Goths, Francs, Jutes, Saxons etc belonged to a vast number of Germanic tribes occupying Europe after the Roman Empire began to crumble but many trace the origins of these people much further back to the so called 'continental celts', not to be confused with Scottish celts. These were a mysterious nomadic people believed to have originated in East.

History is interesting.
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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post13 Jul 2011

Mike26 wrote:Regarding surname - a small point surely for us to get lost in ... The word SURI a reference to a syrian slave apparently predates the French use. I am sure you are familiar with ... the dynasty of Merovingian Kings ... the Arcadians, many of which are said to have been at the battle of Troy ... Gaul ... As we know ... a mysterious nomadic people believed to have originated in East.

Please stop injecting all this Conspiracy Theory, and mentality, into every thread and keep on topic as best possible. Merovingians ... Pyramid builders ... Gold Standard ... Freemasons etc, there are other website for that stuff.

By "Conspiracy Theory mentality" I mean these huge leaps in logic and faith that take you from French surnames to Syrian Slavery and then on a contract with the devil and evils of the Internal Revenue Service if you use a last name (what about Indian or Chinese surnames that date back before then?).

Conspiracy Theory mentality works much like Brahma Kumarism. Using established words or ideas as if they have some great power and meaning to add weight to incredibly loose, broad and unprovable theories. There is also a risk of something being "ancient" being automatically more valuable, the same trade the BKWSU does with its "Raja Yoga". Just because something is "ancient" does not mean is it great. The ancients of all nations lived short, brutal, uncomfortable lives filled with fear, superstition and ignorance, without few laws and rights and were given to regular genocides. I don't get what is so good about the past.

Back on topic, one of the wonderful things about life that is getting better is our knowledge of the modern, ancient and natural world, and a vast collection evidence to support it, e.g. the historical Troy dating back to 3,000 BC and contradicting again the BK theory of an entirely traceless heaven on earth existing 2,500 years ago.

Would Brahma Kumarism have ever taken hold if the "spirit entities" ... or whatever they might be ... not have preyed on a cloistered bunch of uneducated women first? People that literally knew nothing about the world except for Hindu myths and housekeeping, nothing about archeology or paleontology.

It is a joke really but if a spirit entity had told these women that giant lizards once roamed the earth for millions of year they would not have been interested or believed in it, but they would believe their businessman-guru-hearthtrob was God, Krishna and Narayan.

The religious fundamentalist gives us an interesting view into the human mind and its ability to blank out what it does not want to see or what challenges its perceptions. Sit a BK down in front of great pile of dinosaur bones, or bones encased in rock that is millions of years old, and what would it do? Disappear into a trance of denial I suspect.


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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post14 Jul 2011

Sorry but that is plain nonsense.

The migration of peoples from the east to Europe is no leap of blind faith but an historical fact as many historians would be keen to illustrate. The Merovingian kings and there roots to Arcadians again many historians have supported.

I have mentioned nothing at all about the devil, Pyramid builders, gold standard or any such topic. To fail to recognize the many historical connections between events is to deny the facts. I studied ancient history and history in general is a special interest for me. Much of established history has been shown to be a distortion of facts, and incomplete through deliberate omission of information. As Voltaire said 'History is merely a fable that has been agreed upon'. Figures in the past would pay a writer to write down a preferred history, a doctored history that presented that figure in a better light to the other. To what official records and facts about history do you anchor your own faith in events. Your own supposed logic and understanding of facts? Official accounts - those doctored and sometimes wildly inprecise bastardizations of history?

Paul Craig Roberts, a former member of the Reagan administration recently wrote in 'The new Orwellian definition of conspiracy theory', that these days Conspiracy theory is defined as any alternative perspective or view, no matter how well substantiated, that differs from the official account of events'. You seem to me to fall into this very camp. I think the real issue here is your own irritation with having a member of this forum who is not only very knowledgeable but ready to inform people on this forum of subjects you deem off topic and irrelevant. You seem keen to deprive members who are interested in these topics (and some have indicated their interest) of the opportunity to think about these topics for themselves. That is a rather oppressive stance in my book.

By being so plainly dismissive and intolerant of these subjects you simply put yourself in the position of all those people in the BKs and in establishment positions who want to discourage open and free debate about these issues. Their reason for discouragement is fear - a fear that people will learn that there is a broader and more accurate picture to be seen. You remind me of the judge in court who keeps shouting 'irrelevant' everytime someone tries to inject information which illuminates broader aspects of a case. What you are trying to do here is no different than those BKs who are so ready to dismiss information and facts that do not fit into their cosmology or threatens to undermine their position. Surely you realise the similarities.

Perhaps you should let others decide what is relevant on this forum and not constantly put yourself in the position of judgeing for others. This simply smacks of the same oppressive tactics used by BKs. Let others speak and decide. Has it occured to you that others might actually enjoy the broadness of the threads and the inclusion of these thought provoking topics? Or is this simply about your own irritation as someone who has exerted somewhat of a monopoly on this forum? Do you believe you are really so senior in status to others on this forum?

The information I and my colleagues provide on forums and in newsletters are designed to provoke thought and debate by offering information about events and the real way in which systems work not available from manistream sources. This is information which encourages awareness, freedom of thought, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the lies and deceptions upon which official accounts are based. You appear in your comments to be just another individual who wishes to obstruct people from such an opportunity.

My motives are clear. I care deeply about others and this world in which we live. I want greater freedom for others and their children, a freedom from deception, manipulation and exploitation. I want to see people released from a carefully crafted system of slavery and for them to know what it truly means to be free. you appear to one of those people who demean such motivations as though you have become too cynical to acknowledge that not all people are like the BKs. Some of us are genuine. Is it the case that you can only respond to such genuine motivations by labelling people as messianic, would be gurus, or peddlers of just another empty ideology? Are you that cynical? Some of us simply want the deception exposed, the bigger picture to be seen, and more freedom for others. Thats it. A healthy and courageous aim discouraged by so many with corrupt agendas - including BKs.

In your last contribution to this thread you suggested life was getting better - is better for many. Well, that depends on where you live and where you stand. Half the worlds population living on less that 2 dollars a day - remember. A worldwide pandemic of depression and other mental health disorders. What about the highest levels of medication use ever recorded around the world. Let's no forget the plummeting standards of living for people in Europe due to austerity and cuts. There are climate changes, droughts, massive floods, radioactive leaks from at least 4 nuclear reactors around the world, the highest levels of cancers in 50 years, highest levels of diabetes, Alzheimer's and lung diseases.

We have food which is now nutritionally deficient in essential vitamins and minerals due to intensive farming practices. The highest levels of obesity in Western countries yet shockingly high levels of malnutrition among obese people. We have more children medicated with drugs like Ritalin than ever before. Children as young as 4 on these drugs. Canada the biggest exporter of deadly asbestos to India, the highest suicide rates in the industrialised world with workers in China's Apple factories having to sign agreements they won't commit suicide before they are allowed to work - so great is the suicide rate there.

There have been a 60% increase in earthquake activity in the last 2 years. Pensions are being plundered, people made to work longer before retirement, more wars and conflicts in the last 60 years than ever (more that 250 since the UN was founded) before. Europe is on the brink of another financial collapse and America ready to default on a massive deficit. Somalians building their houses out of sticks. People are living longer but getting sicker. If you were to go to Africa or many Asian countries and ask them if life is getting better you might not get the response you suggest. And you suggest others bury there heads to real facts - laughable.

The BK view of a deteriorating world is not that far from the truth but not for the reasons they would have you believe. We live in a corrupt and toxic system which promotes suffering and becomes increasingly hazardous to human welfare and happiness. That is the reason - plain and simple.

I believe people on this site welcome threads on thought provoking and controversial topics as an alternative to a sometimes pointless over-indulgence and excessive focus on the corrupt machinations of the BKWSU.
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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post15 Jul 2011

Mike26 wrote:.. many trace the origins of these people much further back to the so called 'continental celts', not to be confused with Scottish celts. These were a mysterious nomadic people believed to have originated in East.

Sorry ... who were the mysterious ones from the East, the continent Celts or the Scottish Celts?

I researched this matter deeply and here's one of the Scottish ones discussing religion ... and I think I pretty much agree with him (warning: do not click if you are easily offended).

To be honest Mike, I used to think just like you about 30 years ago. Brahma Kumarism was quite good in a way because at least it took my mind off things and into a wonderful mythical realm, which it does for a while until reality comes back to bite ... the reality being that it was all false, the leadership was stupid and corrupt, and that I was wasting my life investing it into their power and property acquisition game. Pretty soon after I realised, I left but it took some time to unpick the indoctrination and free myself from the chains and nihilism of Destruction which made normal life futile.

Only recently, I came to wonder if BKs adherents tend to suffer from some kind of mild mental disorder, a clinical state of depression or obsessive–compulsive disorders which pick up on negative things and blow them out of all proportion.

I used to say exactly the same things as you, about how sick the world was, how close it was to the End of the World, and it was probably why I was able to be sucked into the BKWSU. That was 30 years ago. The world did not end. The Conspiracy Theorists used to say pretty much the all same things and THINK in the same way then as they do now. All that has changed is that some new faces have come forward to take the place of some old boys that have died off.

They are still working the same business model and it is a business for them, and it is another cult with a following. I would like to ask you to look at these two possibilities regardless of any abstract "facts" you might throw out to "prove" your point:

    a) what I broadly call "conspiracy theory" really is just a business for a few and does fit very closely into the same mentality and social structure that cults exploit.

    b) it attracts and obsesses individuals with some kind of cult mentality or depressive-compulsive disorder or paranoia

The world is vast and chaotic and impossible to fully understand. But it did not end and I still argue that for most people ... historically far more people than even existed when Lekhraj Kirpalani proclaimed himself to be god ... it really is getting better.

I remember a tutor at that time challenging my view of the world and saying, "no", how he saw the world/humanity was as "a wonderful healthy organism which was still growing, and all that was wrong was it was the equivalent of a cut and infected finger or something". Something easily fixed. It really challenged my world view. I saw the whole body at 99% sick. I, too, at that time could bore the pants off anyone whose ear I could bend with "endless facts" about how terrible it was. But look at how amazing it still is ... look at all the advances. Look at the positive aspects.

So Apple have applied for a patent to stop thieves stealing and selling copyrighted material ... is that so evil?

So Microsoft ... which is who you are really talking about ... had to follow the law and bow to the wishes of the US Government and CIA security demands to do business. Look at the wonder of the creation of Open Source Software and install Linux on your PCs and phones instead ... the miracle of 10,000s of people, never meeting, no one telling them what to do, but working together to create a free, open and secure software for you to use.

So there are more wars, are their 6 times more wars as there are 6 times more people? Human beings argue and fight ...

Can I also humbly suggest that you have a tendency to attack me using a straw man argument misrespresenting what I say and ask you to stop?

I did not question the history. I doubted that having a surname was a symbol of Syrian slavery and therefore a legal binding contract with the IRS. I doubt that not having a surname will free you from paying taxes. And I think paying taxes is a good thing that pays for schools, hospitals, roads, sewage systems and all the rest. But, please, let's keep the Conspiracy Theory chat to one topic ...
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Mr Green


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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post15 Jul 2011

I think life is getting better
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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post17 Jul 2011

Look at all the no smoking in public places laws ... surely that is against the trend of "everything getting worse".

I never thought I would see that happening! Definitely better ...


Independent, free thinking BK

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Re: Is life getting better or worse?

Post18 Jul 2011

A decade or two ago 40,000 people (mostly children) were dying every day from lack of nutrition. Today this number has been reduced to 25,000. Still a long way to go but there is progress.

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