BKs Sorting Out Difficult Relationships

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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BKs Sorting Out Difficult Relationships

Post06 Jul 2011

Well well, now how is this possible?

People who are not in a relationship or ever were sorting it out for others?

Presenting the workshop is Enrique Simó, who currently co-ordinates the activities of the Brahma Kumaris in Madrid.

http://brennybaby.blogspot.com/2011/07/ ... icult.html
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Re: BKs Sorting Out Difficult Relationships

Post07 Jul 2011

Some time ago, someone told us that Enrique Simó left a wife and child to join the Brahma Kumaris.
jann wrote:People who are not in a relationship or ever were sorting it out for others?

I think it is pretty fair to say "a religion that is considerably anti-relationship".

Looking at the summary, it seems just to be "Lesson One: The Soul" of the 7 Day Course, Enrique Simó being one of the elite Western BKs who were cherry picked for Brian Bacon's corporate coaching operation at the Oxford Leadership Academy ... which the BKWSU is still using to sell their religion and adherents.

The Brahma Kumaris have spend 70 years breaking up families, dabbling in other people's relationships to destroy them and blocking and controlling individuals' ability to form and maintain normal relationships. They promote celibacy, non-touching, non-eating of others food and total mental, emotional and physical detachment as a "cure" to relationship problems.

In my opinion, it is a con targeting individuals who feel insecure in relationships.

Does remaining "Om Shanti" alter relationships? Sure, of course it does. It is "good kung fu" to remain cool and detached if one wishes to get close, control, influence others, climb the slippery pole of power etc. But does it "resolve" all problems? Is there not a time to become passionate - in all senses of the word - about causes and individuals? To feel and share emotions ...

I think we should see religious training in two lights; one being the actual "spiritual value" (if there is such a thing) of calmness of mind, the other - usually unspoken one - being political. One of behaving in a correct manner so as to best advantage the interests of the religion in a purely social or material level.

For example, all the attention onto "acting royal", looking and dressing "normal", conservative and middle of the road" and conservatively "religious-like" the BKs make to have themselves and their beliefs accepted. To lose any strong personal stances, pro or con issues. To lose any personal interests - EVEN TO HOW TO SURVIVE IN OLD AGE. For the BKs there is no old age, only Total Destruction of Humanity. There are no needs for relationship when one is lulled into believing Destruction will come and save you from a lonely old age.

At the end of the day, the BKs will try anything to drag newcomers into their religion on any false pretence ... to relabel the same old stuff. This is just another one.

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