Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

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Re: Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

Post24 Aug 2015

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:I recalled making a medium sized mistake at one center in Texas one summer ... A year later, one of the two Sisters used the same wiping on a California BK Brother. It was also his birthday. He plunged from the Golden Gate Bridge and sacrificed himself. I remembered having my weekly meditation chart read by the same cold Sister who scolded me in the public because I was having many thoughts of nude women.

Texas ... you were not under Hansa Raval were you?

Was she involved in this Brother's death?

That's some serious karma ... I am so sorry we were not there for him at the time. I had not heard of this time. They always keep them very quiet.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

Post24 Aug 2015

Dear PP,

Thank you for your interest in my post. The Brother's name is Robert. That's not Rob the famous San Fran lawyer, who has also been my friend. The young man's lokic Father was a librarian, I think at one of the universities in the Bay area. The incident occurred in the spring of 1980.

During the winter of 1980 Robert and several other California Brothers were in Madhuban and had meetings with Baap Dada. I was also visiting Madhuban during the late fall of 1979 and early winter of 1980. The two major international events at that time were the Iranian Hostage Crisis and the Russian Invasion of Afganisthan. I was a Madhuban when the Soviets invaded Afganisthan.

I have lived at the edge of the shadow of the BKs even before I was initiated into Gyan. It does not bother me at any levels. Did you see the movie: Ninja Assassins? Except for the violence and without ego tripping, I am like Rizo, in RJY terms. I have eaten the salt of the Yadavs and Pandavs.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

Post24 Aug 2015

Hello ex-l,

Hansa at that time was busy with her army medicine work and working with Simon to maintain the San Antonio center. She was also dealing with her divorce. Hansa at that time, the 1980s was in many ways my mentor, role model and big Sister. Over the decades I have observed her transformation from a young radical BK to the person she is today. It is not for me to judge her. Was she a great mentor, role model and big Sister at that time? Sure. However, there were always the behind the scene acts, which I pretended to ignore and respected her privacy. There was not much my Brothers and Sisters could hide from me. I came to Gyan with a black bag of magic, including skills in hara gi.
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Re: Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

Post24 Aug 2015

What was the drama over her infant child? What happened to him?

He must be in his late 30s by now.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

Post25 Aug 2015

I am unsure about the current status of her infant son. I did meet him in the late 70's and also saw her ex-husband a few times in the 70's. He was also an officer in the United States military. Her son may be in older than mid 30's.
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Re: Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

Post25 Aug 2015

I'd like to speak to them.

Nothing nasty, just a genuine interest to see it and hear it from the other side.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Honour Roll - suicide and death within the BKWSU

Post25 Aug 2015

That's interesting. I think the husband's name is Kishore. It's such long time. My last visit to Texas was 2010 and it was not to the center, not even in thought. I will always have lots of love and respect for Texas the state and the souls of Texas. For many years, it was my second home.

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