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Get helicopter lessons

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2006
by jim brady
Does anyone here recall hearing in a Sakar Murli the advice from Shiva Baba himself to drop leaflets from helicopters announcing that God has come and that the World was about to end?

Strangely in the centre that I was at, this advice was not followed up. The sneaky, covert and subterfugal approach was always the preferred option; The Million Minutes of Peace ... Global Co-operation ... UN ... Relaxation ... Self-development and that was 20 years ago.

Things still haven't changed as far as I know.

PostPosted: 31 Aug 2006
by mitra
:lol: Well, I haven't heard about that, but I do think that everone should learn to fly a plane [ I hope in the future government will grant free permission, free of cost :D ]. The behaviour which we accumulate in this birth will be transferred to the coming births also. As everybody knows, as per The Knowledge, in Golden Age, we have to fly Planes. 8)

Does anybody knows the latest developments in the aviation industry? Definitely the planes in the Golden Age have to be SILENT in their operation!

MITRA :roll:

PostPosted: 31 Aug 2006
by howiemac
Mitra wrote:Does anybody knows the latest developments in the aviation industry?

I recommend you read The Hunt For Zero Point by Nick Cook. He is an aerospace consultant to Jane's Defence Weekly and seems to know his stuff. There is much interesting information on alternative propulsion systems for anti-gravity.


PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006
by sparkal
I am sure the Sakars used to say things like that when I started. If not, it was always in the air, although it never quite got off the ground. A bit of a lead balloon, I should think. Still, you can bet some bought it. Who is to say it has not still to come, when I have a private jet.

So, the economy way is - get a load of leaflets, don't soak your chickpeas the night before, and simply face upwards ...