"Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

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Classes by Dadi Janki

Post15 Apr 2008

13th April 2008 Dadi Janki Class in Shantivan

This day (Sunday) is for the Sun of Knowledge and the children who are the sons of that One. Today’s Murli is an Avyakt Murli that was spoken 40 years ago. Look at the change in time. First that One came from up above and then He made this one (Brahma Baba) to go beyond the physical (Avyakt). At that time He taught us such simple matters. He first said,
remember Alpha and then Beta (the Kingdom). Now, is the time to pass the Masters Degree.

The term Raj Rishi (royal renunciate) is very sweet. Who are we? Whilst living in the world we are Raj Rishis, the ones who are beyond everything but are loving at the same time. According to time many people’s eyes are now opening as to what Baba is making us into. Who teaches me and how He is teaching us will be revealed. I am a Brahma Kumari, not a Shiva Kumari. It is good to give straight Gyan rather than lectures that go into too much expansion. Our behavior will only change when my intellect becomes pure and elevated. By following Shrimat He has made me Satoguni – the one who can imbibe knowledge. If one is not Satoguni, then that one cannot imbibe knowledge.

That is why importance is given to Amrit Vela , Murli Class and Evening Yoga. It is only by paying attention to these do I begin to have Yoga. Then my intellect will become clean and clear. This will enable me to receive light and might. The essence of Gyan is to keep in one’s own awareness that “I am the direct child of that One who is the Seed”. Remember the sustenance that you have received from the Mother and Father.

In Bhakti there is a saying if you conquer the mind, you can conquer the world. It was only made clear after receiving knowledge that actually only by conquering Maya will you be able to conquer the world. Therefore, our efforts need to be done with honesty, happiness, power, love, sweetness, fearlessness and with no confusion. There is still a chance for those who want to come into the number one category to come.
Om Shanti
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Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post26 Apr 2008

She is still saying it; this is what I heard when I was a child under 10 years old. Now how would a young child interpret all this and more of the BK dogma?
23rd April 2008 Class by Dadi Janki at Global Co-operation House in London

How to Keep a Proper Chart

It is great fortune that in the evening time we merge everything of the day and we become present in front of our loving Father in order to see our chart. How do we see ourselves? How much do we remember Baba? The chart is for returning Home. To what extent have I become the conqueror of sinful actions?

When keeping our chart there are three main things. Check whether there is any dependency on human beings, things of the material world or on nature. Be one who has One strength, One support with faith in the intellect. The power we receive through faith in the intellect does so much work on the self. Such a soul will check their chart internally. Ask yourself and take time during the day to ask Baba what your status would be if you were to leave the body now? To what extent have I become karmateet? What am I remembering all day? What do I accumulate during the day? Think about what real remembrance is. See the extreme contrasts.

Baba tells us again and again about the treasures of knowledge and the treasures of virtues. Do I have these treasures? To the extent that Baba has given these treasures to me have I used them in a worthwhile way? In my chart I should see these things and check myself in this way and at that moment change myself. If someone gives me a signal, let me understand there and then and give thanks to Baba for giving me a signal through that person. We don’t even take time to thank Baba. Baba says let go of body consciousness and come to me. He calls us with love. See these treasures and Baba will give such a soul so much love. Our thoughts should be pure, elevated, powerful and determined. There is so much benefit in this.

Then Baba would say: this is My child and the rest are numberwise. Check your chart as a detached observer. If I am given a signal and I don’t accept it, Maya has drawn me into her own influence. Merge everything and let your hands be empty. Become free and do what you have to do now.

Before destruction comes you know what you have to do. Baba is establishing the Golden Age. We Brahmins are the sleeping giants. So much knowledge has been poured into our ears and yet we remain asleep. Maya is letting us have that very sweet slumber and we are not able to earn an income. Only we children know this.

Baba says: be pure and then with that purity we have sovereignty for 21 births. Our Yoga needs to be number one in purity. A true child of Baba’s finishes excuses, as excuses prevent honesty; then even the body will co-operate. Have faith. When no doctor is able to make you walk, Baba will give you that power.

Settle the karmic accounts of previous births with true remembrance. Baba tells us that He is with us and we don’t acknowledge the honesty of what Baba is saying. Our brain does not accept it. There is a connection between heart, brain, mind and intellect. Mind and intellect have a connection with sanskars. Now, internally, we are changing with the use of the mind and intellect. The sanskars are being purified, so that my actions are those of a child of God. Through such actions we become angels. Our hands are like wings. They are now free, not holding anything. See your own chart not the chart of others.

Give your bones in Baba’s service and experience Baba’s love, as we did in the early days. Saturate the bones with love from Baba.

We should not use our intellect in service to the extent that we do. Keep the intellect cool. All we have to do is be servers There will be so many others who will use their intellects and carry out very good service plans. With honesty in your heart, your intellect will do the right thing at the right time accurately and people will see and feel that at the right time they have received help that they can accept from this soul because of their honesty. Internally, look after yourself so that you end any weakness that there may be inside the self. We can take help and the advice of our loving, Godly family. We can take the power to help and change ourselves. Internally, take Baba’s help and the help of the relationship with Him. My Baba is the Innocent Lord. There is a lot of benefit in following His signals.

Sit in Baba’s eyes and go Home.

At customs we declare anything that we bring into the country. Dharamraj will have its customs office and will see what is being carried by the soul. What we are holding onto. Baba helps us up until the point that we reach our stage of perfection, but after that He will not be able to do anything. He will say that He is the Resident of the place up above and He is offering us the kingdom.

Whatever effort we have made we will reap the reward of that. I become responsible for myself at the end. He explains everything so clearly. At the time of leaving the body only God’s remembrance helps us. Leave the body in Baba’s remembrance. Even those who do not know Baba, let them see God in front of them. Let everyone experience the peace of the Home here in their final moments. Why should they go from here with the experience of sorrow?

Bring in front of Baba a record of having good remembrance, a good register, a good chart of study and a very good character. A record showing that I have not caused any hurt to anyone’s heart and I have received the blessings of even those who have deceived me. My reward will then be very elevated and others will see who my Teacher is. If I am lacking in even one subject, I will not pass fully.

Om Shanti


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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post26 Apr 2008

I don't have so much of a problem giving my bones. I did that even before I became a BK and I know a lot of non-BKs who give their bones for what they consider to be a good cause.

What I question is what it is that we are asked to give our bones for? Is it really a good cause?

It is being called service but what and who is it serving? is not it often just self-promotional purposes or someone's selfish desires?

In the eyes of Dharamraj, that is in the eyes of my own conscience, is it right if I let my bones be used and abused for such selfish purposes?
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post26 Apr 2008

enlightened wrote:23rd April 2008 Class by Dadi Janki at Global Co-operation House in London

He explains everything so clearly.

Then where are the answers?

Where are the BKs with the balls to take the Seniors to task over what they say?


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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post26 Apr 2008

When the 28th Indian Zen Bodhidharma (who became the first Chinese Zen Patriarch) was to return to India, he summoned his disciples to a gathering on the understanding of the teaching before passing down his robe.

Well, all the disciples had to come. Whilst, I cannot recall the details but it is written that from the most experienced disciples, one disciple's understanding was such to have grasped the skin. Another disciple had grasped the flesh. But one disciple did one better and had grasped the bones.

It wasn't until it came to the one who finally became the second Chinese Zen Patriarch. It is written he had grasped ... the marrow.

So I recalled the "giving your bones" talk before somewhere but during that time it has always been the "marrow" for me. I do not know if the words used in Murlis for "bones" in Hindi has the same impact as "marrow" has in English or in Chinese. But I prefer the latter to develop my relationship with Baba. Which at times it is :D but sometimes only skin deep :oops:.

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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post06 May 2008

I don't like Dadi Janki very much, but there is no doubt that her classes are very useful.

For those of us who are discovering if one can give ones bones outside the Yagya here is a little R and R, who knows perhaps even a BK or two will enjoy it. :D

[youtube=vtU4eeWLz9w]These Ole Bones[/youtube]
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post12 May 2008

Dharamraj is a Hindu concept.

I believe the BKs use it as a way of instilling fear and obedience in their followers.

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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post16 May 2008

Extract from Dadi Janki's class, full script earlier in this thread.

Bring in front of Baba a record of having good remembrance, a good register, a good chart of study and a very good character.

When listening to DJ to have the faith that the Baba she is talking about is God is very necessary. If one has doubt it is very difficult to listen to her words. The inner turmoil that her words may evoke in the listener that is not quite sure or actively doubts are not of concern to DJ for if you do not believe you are after all just a Bhagat. DJ, many years ago, did hiss at me that I am a Bhagat though strangely I seem to understand current her meaning and intent. The US president Benjamin Franklin in his autobiography talked about the various ways he used to improve his character, keeping a simple chart was part of his method. That character is of great importance is understood by many. The "a good register" bit may be necessary because without students a University cannot exist, the witholding of Murlis may also be related. Or is it that she has just good wishes for every student?

A record showing that I have not caused any hurt to anyone’s heart and I have received the blessings of even those who have deceived me.

That the BK hurt me greatly is true. That a certain Sister earlier decided that my delving into whether the criteria for "Baba being given money" had been fulfilled was unforgivable and that as a result all opportunities for service were skillfully withdrawn so as to hide her involvement in this is, I am sure, true. That my response to this was very negative is also true. That DJ knew the total content of the situation that distressed me so much and that she decided not to intervene is true. That I was very much impressed by the BK's and that they were all that was important in my life and that I was too stupid to either modify my reaction or just walk away after being deceived is true. That DJ was the person in charge when I left the study with the feeling that I was damned forever is also true. How DJ can speak the above sentence hand on heart is way way beyond me. This is old history, so why mention it? Had DJ added a rider to the above sentence such as "Where I am aware that I have consciously not done this to the best of my ability let me ask the persons whose heart I have hurt for forgiveness" I would not have mentioned it and forgiven, perhaps finally. It may be that she did not ask is a blessing of sorts, for despite the many years of forgiving at different times the forgiveness that makes further forgiveness unneccessary remains elusive though my ability to create it is feels much nearer now than it has ever been. Perhaps the understanding (just dawned) that DJ was speaking for Baba and not for herself will mute me in future.

My reward will then be very elevated and others will see who my Teacher is. If I am lacking in even one subject, I will not pass fully.

Do we make effort for a reward or do we make effort for other reasons? When someone is in difficulty the thought that I should help them for a reward seems to be both childish and unneccessary. I help because I want to and because I can. The opportunity of helping is just that, an opportunity. To fully focus on aiding another without the distraction of any real or imagined reward can only make that aid more effective. If karma is true then we do not get a reward, we sow seeds and they grow. If we don't sow then any thought of harvest is unrealistic. Were the word "Income" substituted for the word "reward" then I could agree more. The Law of Karma is one of hope and self reliance, I think that it works for everyone no matter who they trust or distrust. I also think that aspiration towards virtue is very good karma. The living of a life that pleases God is what the BK think and say they are all about and the revealing of God through their words attitudes and actions is their aim. My response to this one DJ lesson paragraph is, I think, fair and experienced comment. That this response should at this time delve into the past instead of inpiring me towards passing in all subjects was my considered choice. Students of the BKWSU are in certain circumstances dispensable even if their bones are not their own, if anyone disagrees then please speak up, this is after all an open forum.
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post17 May 2008

john morgan wrote:When listening to DJ to have the faith that the Baba she is talking about is God is very necessary. If one has doubt it is very difficult to listen to her words.

I am not so sure. Given her personal history, the missing God Shiva of the first 20 years and that it was her that introduced the Lekhraj Kirpalani trance lights clearly contrary to Shrimat in the Murli ... I am not so sure that "Baba" in her mind is still Lekhraj Kirpalani, albeit is Lekhraj Kirpalani "under the influence".

At the end of the day, she more than anyone's knows the truth of what happened and she, as "global chief" is still covering it up.

Personally, I think the business comes first for her. The rest is all approximate and does not really matter. I think there are a load of potentially loose ends to tie up about her, her family being in Gyan and yet her marrying, the death of her child, we were also told that her Sister (?) was part of the "Golden Circle" connected to other mediums etc. I do not know the details but enough questions have arisen for me to want to know more.
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's (Gods) Service says Dadi Janki

Post17 May 2008

john morgan wrote: DJ, many years ago, did hiss at me that I am a Bhagat though strangely I seem to understand current her meaning and intent.

John, you are way too kind. DJ is a Bhagat ... Don't let her acts of superiority put a spell on you.

How does DJ remember Baba?

Does she remember in the old way of seeing Shiva in BBs body or does she remember Shiva in Paramdham?

Personally, I've not heard one word of benefit from DJs lectures, yet I still love to read Murli.
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post18 May 2008

From her classes, Janki also routinely repeats that, "She has never lied to anyone". I suppose that means she has institutionalised staff to do that for her now.

What of those thousands she and her organization has deceived over the decades?
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post20 May 2008

She is one of the biggest liars I've ever encountered, but in her defence she is routinely kept in the dark about the true running of the Yagya.

They let her think she is in charge and, to the pawn bhagats, it seems she is ... but for the bishop/knight/rook type bhagats ... she is a figure head.
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post21 May 2008


I would agree that she is being made to believe that everything is all right. In fact, the truth is only known to the lowest level server be it the junior most Sister ... running a local center ... Its a huge cover-up all the way ... Conveniently things are missed in their conversations with DJ ...

I do not know if she is the "biggest liar of all" but definitely knowingly, or unknowingly, she is a part of the whole stink and mess ... and that in my own eyes, and Dharamraj eyes, is GUILTY ...


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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post21 May 2008

Hello John,

Thanks for your very kind post, I appreciate it very much.

I, too, like The Knowledge. Shame about the skeletons though.
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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post22 May 2008

yogi108 wrote:I do not know if she is the "biggest liar of all" but definitely knowingly, or unknowingly, she is a part of the whole stink and mess ... and that in my own eyes, and Dharamraj eyes, is GUILTY ...

To put a simple incident forward ... do you think that for 20 years she was unaware of the bogus claims about "the most stable mind in the world" that were being made about her ... ha! For sure she knew. But it was good for business, wasn't it?

And do you think she was not in on the cover up and revision of the history ... ha! For sure she knew. She was still enamored by Lekhraj Kirpalani when she came to the West. Sometimes I really wonder at what juggling and arm-wrestling goes, and went on, between the Seniors.

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