Murli points on Destruction

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Murli points on Destruction

Post14 Feb 2009

I thought I could start documenting what the Baba of the Brahma Kumaris says on Destruction.
This first one was noted from a Murli a few weeks ago. Sorry that I did not note down the date. I'll do better next time.
You should also write to the Pope: You are telling your followers to stop manufacturing those things for Destruction. So, why don't they all listen to you? You are the guru of everyone and you are praised a great deal, so why don't they all listen to you? You don't know the reason for this and so we will tell you why they are not following your directions. They are manufacturing everything according to God's directions.

What about that for PR with the Interfaith?


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post14 Feb 2009

Another one:
Sakar Murli, 02/02/2009

There is violence everywhere. They are all ready sitting with atomic bombs etc. Everyone knows that these things are not for storing and that Destruction definitely has to take place through them. If Destruction were not to take place, how could the Golden Age come?



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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post14 Feb 2009

bkti-pit wrote:Another one: You should also write to the Pope: You are telling your followers to stop manufacturing those things for Destruction. So, why don't they all listen to you? You are the guru of everyone and you are praised a great deal ... If Destruction were not to take place, how could the Golden Age come?

Such ignorance. Such bad logic. cannot believe I used to sit and listen intently to all this.
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post15 Feb 2009

terry wrote:cannot believe I used to sit and listen intently to all this.

Ditto! Imagine actually writing to the Pope :D. I am sure there were/are/will be such pukka souls.
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post16 Feb 2009

Hey all, that ridicule about writing to the Pope is perfectly justified ... I also remember them sending stuff to Oprah Winfrey and also to Deepak Chopra but nothing apparently came of it ...

But anyone know of any religion/spiritual organization etc asking you to write to leaders of other religions etc?

Just a thought!!!




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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post16 Feb 2009

I did my bit in my early zealous convert days, sent of dozens of letters, made heaps of phone calls - all but one completely ignored. Who was the one? Wayne Shorter - a practicing Nishirin Buddhist. His reply - "thank you, I don't have time at the moment, but you have planted a seed, let's see what happens" I was chuffed. - he went on to make some great records after that, which is all down to Baba's touching him through my phone call. :|
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post17 Feb 2009

Baba touched me, now I want to touch others too.


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post05 May 2022


I am not sure when Baba mentioned the name of the atom bomb in the Murli, I am quite sure it is after 1947 and by 1959 there was a hydrogen bomb by Russia.

As far as I am concerned, I think Murli was written after 1969 so there was no prediction by Baba. But, looking at the Ukraine war and tension in Taiwan straight, is a big concern for nuclear war in the coming decade. Besides, there is no room for economic expansion anymore in this world so countries can fight a war for resources.

Throughout history, Western countries fought several wars for resources, but now there is a huge hindrance that is communism (China and Russia). In the picture, it is shown Russia sending missiles to America and vice versa. After 1991, the tension decreased and there was peace, but the situation is changing now. In the picture, it was shown Russia and not USSR.

Now the question about dinosaurs is if the world is going through a transformation every 5000 years then our carbon dating could go wrong because they do not have any idea about the cyclical transformation of matter. However, there is no evidence for cyclical transformation by science so far. So the question is either Baba talked like Christ and Muhammed and did not take any responsibility for his teaching, and we can only prove this by the next ten years because Sangam yug can only be 100 years. But if nothing happens by 2037, then Baba can say it was 1969 when the first Murli came, so it can be 2069.

If that happens then we have evidence that this knowledge is false.
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post05 May 2022

Is "Baba" still talking to and updating the BKs?

Since Gulzar died, have they replaced the spirit medium with someone else for the BapDada spirit to enter or how is their message system working?

The Knowledge or, to be more specific, The Knowledge editors have already been proven false. "50 years for Destruction, 50 years for Creation", that was The Knowledge in the 1980s ... after the failure of the 1976, 1950, and WWII predictions. Krishna, Radhe and their court was supposed to be already born by now. How are they going to create a heaven on earth for his crowning & the start of the Golden Age in 2036?

For sure, that's the BKs' trick ... Destruction is always "just around the corner", two or three years away. Close enough to scare followers into gambling a few years of their lives; long enough away for them to forget it failed and become fully indoctrinated.

Yes, we predicted that they would change it to a "100 years of Brahma", starting in 1969, a long time ago. Like you say, that would stretch the business until 2069, or another 47 years, by which time they can change The Knowledge and destroy the past all over again. Again, that is their business model.

Why else are they accruing large properties and building expensive luxury buildings if it is all to magically disappear in 14 years and magically reappear as golden palaces in an instant?


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post09 May 2022

we predicted that they would change it to a "100 years of Brahma", starting in 1969, a long time ago. Like you say, that would stretch the business until 2069, or another 47 years, by which time they can change The Knowledge and destroy the past all over again. Again, that is their business model.

By then (even now), they don’t care. No one challenges them. Their agenda is straight forward. Want to stay? Say yes to us or you can go. They don’t answer your queries. I don’t know what they teach in their 1 hour classes. I listen them but it’s again the elaboration of same repeated Murli points. Those who are there are ‘yes men’. Those who questions are having poor intellects and others laugh at them. It’s the present scenario. If you question them on the facts and figures quoted above, they keep silent and then ignore you. Stay with them, if you are ready to get milked on every occasion.

Yes, meditation gives you peace still now. I don’t know what the mechanism is but, yes, it organizes your mind to function and focus well.

They are deeply rooted now. No one challenges them. The world is in chaos so it's quite fertile land for them to yield profits.
Why else are they accruing large properties and building expensive luxury buildings if it is all to magically disappear in 14 years and magically reappear as golden palaces in an instant?

It's because all of these places will become asylums at the time of Destruction where all Baba's children will take shelter and spread the vibrations of peace to the entire world, globe, 5 elements and more.
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post10 May 2022

because.parmeshwar wrote:It's because all of these places will become asylums at the time of Destruction where all Baba's children will take shelter and spread the vibrations of peace to the entire world, globe, 5 elements and more.

That's a pretty audacious excuse, is not it?

Magically, a nuclear bomb will land next door, but the BKWSU centre will still be safe?! In my day, they use to say how all the BKs will, magically again, get a touching and manage to flee to Madhuban on the last plane or train etc. I guess that was their excuse for building up there, then. Now they've just extended to include all of their properties, everywhere.


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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post14 May 2022

Yes, it is.

The older BKs are now well known about this excuse, so they hook new adherents to keep running their business. The older BKs if change themselves according to their system are safe, otherwise ignored and eventually get out of the centres (stop going to classes and events). But they do not care as long as the new ones are coming to their centres. They keep changing their marketing tricks. India is full of festivals, so all of these are booked for their events. More over events are organised to celebrate Birth days of bigs (at the centre), the death anniversaries of Dadi's.

Also now there is new challenge for them, a "New Chariot" is ready, as claimed by newly formed Om Mandli, see


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Re: New forum for BK/PBK followers

Post16 May 2022

Babas prediction is coming closer

The Yadhava Western Europe, and Buddhist (China, Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, Philippines), and Russia. The war in Ukraine has already started and the ego of the Russians is very true. The battle for Taiwan is almost ready *(Buddhists are also called Yadhava by Baba). And, in India, RSS Bajarangdal Sreeram Sena are very well prepared to take on political Islamic radicals. And, if you look at South India, the political Islamic party called SDPI and PF, or popular front, is training volanteers like Hindutva Party. India is ready for a bloodshed too. And Russians have no shame talking about nuclear weapons. And on the other side you see inflation going up and super fluctuation in stock marker (which is highly inflated with rumours any way). The economies of Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan are facing huge trouble from the loans of China, so it looks like Destruction is very close.
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Re: New forum for BK/PBK followers

Post17 May 2022

To those programmed by the BKs, Destruction is ALWAYS "very close". It's their hook. I think it's probably more just of a reflection of your own depression and hopelessness. Human and international relationships have always been tense, conflicts of interests are always simmering, that's just the way they are.

But you're also being manipulated by the media's influence, seeing such conflicts whereas before TV and social media, you would have never heard of them and been calm.

I don't remember Buddhists being called "Yadhavas", they always used that to refer to Westerners and scientists in my time. The grouping of countries betray the BKs' lack of geopolitical awareness, e.g. the Philippines are Roman Catholics, China & the North Koreans are communists or have their own state religion that is very un-Buddhist (Juche), & Vietnam is only 14.9% Buddhist.

Don't allow yourself to dwell on such ideas, the BKs have exploited every conflict since WWII in the same way.

Destruction is always "very close" to the BKs, it's just how they keep people hooked in with fear.
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Re: Murli points on Destruction

Post19 May 2022

The crucial false syllogism found in BKism and its betrayal of the mythic roots of Hinduism (or if your prefer tantric, esoteric traditions) is seen in their insistence that Destruction, like everything, is all about them, and in particular, all about their founder and guru Dada Lekhraj.

The essence of the Trimurti, Brahma Vishnu and Shankar in tantric Hinduism is that Creation, Sustenance and Destruction are all constantly occurring at every moment. They are co-dependently co-arisen in each moment, cannot have one thing being created without another being destroyed and that ongoing process is what "sustains" reality (the Buddhists call it Pratityasamutpada . This is the process, the Tao. There is no being that is fixed and unchanging, there is only becoming.

That which is becoming is destroying that which it used tobe, at the same time. This process is what sustains life, life is constant change, stasis is death.

The arrogance of BKs - or B himself more particularly - is seen in how they painted Lekhraj's face onto their images of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. The man's ego is protean. Lekhraj at different times pronounces himself as God Prajapati Brahma, as Shiva, as all three of the Trimurti Brahma Vishnu Shankar, as Krisna, as Adi Dev, as Adam, Narayan, Rama, KIng Vikramajit. etc etc.

This'd be kind of OK if he preached that everyone is all these figures, then rationalised it with some spiritual equivocations, analogies or other mumbo jumbo but, no, it's only about him and around him that the world revolves.

The BKs gladly buy into it, the whole rosary numberwise fantasy, because it's basically a slightly humble form of ego wish fulfilment. "I instinctively know I cannot be a perfect person like BB (or any other idealised fantasy perfect person I might imagine) but I can accept someone else might be "perfect", and if I can be 109th in the rankings, or 16109th, that's pretty good! That'll do me".

Blimey. What a way to go through life, trying to please teacher by being like teacher whiel always remaining the student. Puerile.

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