Nizar Juma, the Aga Khan and the Hussein of Jordan

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Nizar Juma, the Aga Khan and the Hussein of Jordan

Post29 Dec 2008


This one gives an insight into why targeting, and having good relationships with, the Indian military next door at Abu pays dividends. As the Brahma Kumaris would define her, Her Royal "Shudraness" Princess Basma of Jordan (a friend of the English Princess Anne) arriving and departing on a special aircraft. With security concerns as they are, that has to be a military aircraft because it sure ain't no Golden Aged Vimana.

The name BK Nizar Juma also comes up. Note, the big wigs get fed and watered NOT amongst the hoi polloi on the campus but at the millionaire businessman's house up at Abu. Nizar Juma is a Uganda Asian who is the managing Director and chairman of numerous private companies including the largest single private sector investment of any sort in East Africa & the largest independent power project in sub-Saharan Africa, the Aga Khan Health Services (the Aga Khan is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and leader s the Ismaili Muslims) and a close associate of the stupendously wealthy Aga Khan family ($1 billion plus, annual income estimated to be $300m).

I am not sure how pukka a BK Nizar is but he was present at the Call of the Time seminars in 2000 ... with that sort of money floating around, will it bother the BKs?
Her Royal Highness Princess Basma of Jordan and H.E. Mr. Walid I. Kurdi visited Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu Mount Abu: 30th January: Her Royal Highness Princes Basma of Jordan, Her husband His Excellency Mr. Walid I Kurdi along with Indian friends Mr. Ajay Gupta & Mrs. Sonia Gupta visited Brahma Kumaris World Headquarters, Mount Abu on 29th January. They came by special Air craft which was landed at Abu Road Air strip.

The dignitaries were received by Brahma Kumari Jayanti, Brother Nizar Juma of Nairobi, Brother Mruthyunjaya, Executive Secretary, Brahma Kumaris at the Air Strip, Abu Road. They straight away went to Shantivan Campus, Shakti Bhawan and had a spiritual meeting with Rajyogini Dadi Janki ji, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogini Dadi Hridaya Mohini ji, Addl. Chief of Brahma Kumaris. During their meeting, Brother Nirwair ji, B.K. Mohini Behn, Brother Mruthyunjaya were also present. The royal family were with Dadi ji for about two hours. Dadi Janki ji and Dadi Hridaya Mohini ji shared Godly Knowledge and showered Divine Blessings and they were empowered with divine message. And also they were honoured by felicitating them with showl and Godly gifts.

The royal family also presented a souvenirs to respected Dadi Janki ji and Dadi Hridaya Mohini ji. Then they went around the Shantivan Campus, including Shaktisthal - memorial of Dadi Prakashmani, 20000 sitting capacity Diamond Hall.

The royal family visited Pandav Bhawan - the original campus and went through four pilgrimage places of Madhuban - Founding Fathers Pitashri Prajapita Brahma Baba and ShivBaba's incarnation place, Baba's Hut, History Hall, where the Godly wisdom was revealed and Tower of Peace - Pitashri's memorial. The royal family offered respect and reverance at the Tower of Peace. During their visit at Pandav Bhawan, they met one of the senior Founding member Rajyogini Dadi Ratan Mohini ji and other senior Sisters & Brothers. They were briefed about the activities of the Institution including Global Hospital services.

Later, the royal family visited Nizar Juma's house and had their lunch. Afterwards they went through Gyan Sarovar, Campus of Brahma Kumaris and visited the World Famous Dilwara Temples, where they were honoured by offering traditional turban of Rajasthan, garlands, showls and photographs of the temples by the management authority.

Then the visiting dignitaries left Mount Abu by special Air craft to Jaipur.
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Re: VIP service

Post29 Dec 2008

I have seen BK Nizar Juma with his wife in recent years, by chance, at almost every Avyakt BapDada Meeting in Madhuban. Earlier he was wearing shining golden silk kurta pajamas. In later years, he dressed in a white kurta and has been with his wife always on the stage paying homage to BapDada, holding hands with Dadi Gulzar and listening to her blessings. With his corpulent body it is impossible to overlook him.

Here Re: Avyakt BapDada Meeting Video and Audio files.

VCD**-7-20061031 BapDada cuts gigantic cake Save Africa

BK Nizar Juma, as a representative of global corporations, cuts a gigantic cake in the form of Africa with BapDada and Dadi Janki.

This scene reminds me of Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator, playing with the balloon designed as the world.

The BKWSU Seniors have illusions to take over in Africa, sharing the pie with great world powers.
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Re: Nizar Juma

Post30 Dec 2008

tom wrote:I have seen BK Nizar Juma with his wife in recent years, by chance, at almost every Avyakt BapDada Meeting in Madhuban ... The BKWSU Seniors have illusions to take over in Africa, sharing the pie with great world powers.

Typical, is not it? All the low caste Indian BKs are lucky to see BapDada once in a season (may be once in a life) and then in regiment sized groups, but if you are stinking rich ... well, that's a different matter! "You are Family" ®. Come to the head of the queue! Meet the "Lord of the Poor" ™ in person. Many times ... sit on the stage ... we might smile knowingly behind your back as you dress in lokik clothes but we will listen politely to you spout your Bhakti as the senior Sisters quietly and subtly reel you (and your wallet) in.

Nizar is said to be the chairman of a company which is "an affiliate of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development, the economic arm of the Aga Khan Development Network" which is involved in some serious investment with Juma related companies. The Husseins of Jordan and the Aga Khan are not exactly strangers ... the late Aga Khan had close friendship with King Hussein going back several decades. It is interesting to find the Brahma Kumaris so at easy with Islamic leaders. Fruit of their latest ventures into Dubai or the UN connection?

Surely it must have been good for his own business and professional standing too? Watch the BK play chess games with the pieces of the game of nations ...
Messenger of Peace Her Royal Highness Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein of Jordan

Her Royal Highness Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein of Jordan was designated as a United Nations Messenger of Peace by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 21 September 2007. Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein is known for her commitment to humanitarian causes. She also served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the World Food Programme from 2005 to 2007.

Daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan, Princess Haya now resides in Dubai with her husband, HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of Dubai. Princess Haya is the first Arab woman to compete in equestrian events at the continental, world and Olympic levels and is now a member of the International Olympic Committee.

HRH Princess Haya has worked to promote health, education and sports issues among youth in the Arab and Muslim world. She is dedicated to helping raise global awareness of the Millennium Development Goals, including the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger.

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