You have come a long way, babee ...

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You have come a long way, babee ...

Post14 Jul 2006


I have been out of Gyan quite a while but have they come a long way or what?

Dadi J up there with the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and HRH Prince EI Hassan bin Talal and Mrs Tony Blair - Cherie Booth courtesy of BK regular Julia Hausermann. ... .asp?ID=24

In there with McDonald's and Coca Cola PR supremo Lynne Franks, Brahma Baba elevated to guru like status with BIG photo on stage behind speakers ;

[ and lest we forget who she is ; ... aID=528040 ]

The BKs get high billing with multi-millionaire ergotic Beegees missus ;

Dadi J again along side the likes of Deepak Chopra, Vandana Shiva and Satish Kumar

Whether it is kissing babies or healing cripples, that loveable laundry basket Sister Mo in there with The Rt. Hon. the Baroness Amos, Baroness Chapman of Leeds and Ahmed Sulieman MBE, c/o Lynne Franks again ;

Anyone else have any other leads?
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Re: You have come a long way, babee ...

Post16 Jul 2006

ex-l wrote:Dadi J up there with the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and HRH Prince EI Hassan bin Talal and Mrs Tony Blair - Cherie Booth courtesy of BK regular Julia Hausermann. ... .asp?ID=24

This URL ... .asp?ID=47 describes DJ as a 'highly effective spiritual entrepreneur' - rather an unfortunate phrase. :roll:
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Re: You have come a long way, babee ...

Post17 Jul 2006

Uddhava wrote:This URL ... .asp?ID=47 describes DJ as a 'highly effective spiritual entrepreneur' - rather an unfortunate phrase. :roll:

That is bizarre ... and definitely one for Mr Green to answer.

I mean, putting aside pulling £ 15,000,000 out of the Hindu temples' economy and into the Raja Yoga centres - which is no mean feat, it has to be said but hardly one to boast about - when was the last time she ever went to work or earned a penny? Oh, sorry, her karma this life meant she never had to.

For more of the same and even more, see below.

Actually, need I say it, for all the yogi power of the Big DJ [ and I am prejudiced because I still do not know what she is having Yoga with ], there is a little bit more bull in the follow statement than I can stomach. I mean, did Janki do it all herself? Has someone read her autobiography?

[ Ha! Bull makes it through the word censor ].

Indian spiritual leader visits Jordan
By Sana Abdallah
Published 6/1/2004 1:20 PM

AMMAN, Jordan, June 1 (UPI) -- Indian spiritual leader Dadi Janki, 88, is no ordinary person, and many in Jordan found her first visit to the country this week timely and reassuring during extreme turbulence in the Middle East.

In her five-day visit, Janki shared her wisdom, exceptional knowledge and love with community leaders in the kingdom, affecting -- if not transforming -- many who heard her words.

Even King Abdullah, trying to keep his country on its feet and surviving turbulence in the Palestinian territories on the West and the war in Iraq in the east, appeared to have been moved when he met her in his palace on Tuesday.

He bestowed upon her Jordan's highest medal of honor, the Independence Medal of the First Order, for her "efforts to promote understanding and dialogue among cultures and religions as well as her endeavors in social development and healthcare."

As one of the 10 "Keepers of Wisdom," a prominent group of world spiritual leaders who advised political leaders at the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil on the spiritual dilemmas facing environmental issues, Janki in her visit to Jordan and her encounters with the people appeared to have instilled hope for peace, despite the growing violence in the region.

During her daily meetings with the public and professional leaders interested in interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural exchange, their families and friends, she was faced with the recurring theme of questions: "How could there be peace with all the injustice in the Palestinian territories and in Iraq? How can we maintain inner peace amid all the killing and destruction? How can we fight off feelings of sorrow and anger at what is happening? How is it possible to protect ourselves from all the negative and dark forces surrounding our region?"

Janki, wrapped in a white Indian sari, kept it simple by stressing that "peace starts from within" if there was to be peace in nations, adding that "inner peace" can be achieved by individuals through living their "values" and "virtues."

She told Jordanians to remove sorrow from their thoughts despite the turbulence and to send "positive thoughts of peace" regardless of the negativity, insisting that such vibrations can spread to nations.

She said that thoughts of sorrow would only "spread vibrations of sorrow, thus creating more" of it. The same was true, she added, for any other negative thoughts and feelings, and therefore, the need for "having only good thoughts and feelings."

The Indian spiritual leader, who founded the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in London in 1974 and later supervised the establishment of similar centers in 84 countries, said that maintaining "inner peace" created an "inner power" that could not be penetrated by the darkest negative forces.

Throughout, Janki always mentioned God as the source for deriving all goodness and urged Jordanians to always look for supreme's guidance for self-power, adding that if one individual could reach inner happiness and peace -- without attachments to the material -- he or she would affect other people and conditions around, instead of being affected by the negativity.

"We are all the children of God," she often said among a silent Jordanian crowd of Muslims and Christians, urging each one to "sit in silence, listen and surrender" to the Divine -- a message that many Jordanian Muslims could understand since the word Islam means "surrender" to God. It also meant "faith in God" to those who grew up as both Muslims and Christians.

She attracted mostly a female audience in her talks in the capital, Amman, as one of the first leaders for empowering women in India.

According to a brief biography issued by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Janki disregarded the "constraints of social conventions, including the caste system, and became one of the few active women spiritual leaders just following India's independence, traveling throughout India, teaching self-reliance and empowering women to become leaders in their communities."

It said that between 1937 and 1951, she was among 400, mostly "pioneer" women, living as a "closed order in conditions that were sometimes daunting," where she was appointed a nurse to the community that demanded hard work and skill.

"It was an extraordinary achievement that during the entire 14 years, which included the tumultuous partition of India and Pakistan, a doctor attended only three of four times," the biography said of Janki.

It added that she had pioneered the development of several international projects in 129 countries, "developing vision, values and action at a grass-roots level, empowering individuals and communities to improve their own quality of life and the environment."

She often shared stories of her experiences with her Jordanian audience, which sometimes included a group of young people and teenagers, to relay a point she was making, including a story of how she never wept in sorrow for the loss of a loved one, but only sent "thoughts and vibrations of love and peace" to their souls.

Much of Janki's words resonated with the politically frustrated Jordanian audience, and many left her talks feeling rejuvenated with positive feelings and hopes for a better future for the region.

She repeatedly urged them to "do something about the situation" instead of complaining over the daily death and destruction, saying the way to accomplish that was by each one "cleaning up" the inner self and returning to his or her "true nature of peace and purity."

A woman who attended all her talks in Amman told United Press International that it seemed "the only way and hope left for dealing with all this craziness and injustice around us is really turning within and to God. Perhaps then, things on the ground can begin to change."
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Mr Green


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Post17 Jul 2006

Right (rubs hands)

Honesty with god, mmmmmmm I cannot really comment on that but honesty with other people ... NO! :lol:

What makes me laugh is the way they always say people are moved when they meet Dadi, idiots. cannot they see that she is simply in the hob-nobbing networking society, if you like the celebrity game ... next thing you know Dadi will be on Big Brother or Love Island :lol:. If you came face to face with a sweet little old lady all dressed in white and acting all holy, the natural reaction in the hob-nobbing circle would be to smile and comment about how spiritual she seems ... emperor wears no clothes ???????

As for power that is the biggest joke of all, power means nothing in spiritual terms. There are plenty of powerful bastards out there :lol:
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Post17 Jul 2006

Mr Green wrote:if you came face to face with a sweet little old lady all dressed in white and acting all holy, the natural reaction in the hob-nobbing circle would be to smile and comment about how spiritual she seems ... emperor wears no clothes ???????

Oh, you mean like this ... Shane "The Pogues*" MacGowan's missus gets an interview where suicidal BKs cannot; Victoria Mary Clarke interview.

I am disappointed by your temperance in these matters Mr G. Pogue Mahone - Gaelic for 'kiss my ****!'
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Post17 Jul 2006

Mr Green wrote:emperor wears no clothes

That old charlatan frequently comes to my mind when considering DJ. The more they tell each other she is wonderful, the more wonderful she appears to them.

And to what extent is her apparent charisma and power a direct result of her countless thousands of fawning bhagats channelling their devotional energies into her? just like pop stars, movie stars, and other celebrities... in public they reflect the adulation they receive. :|

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