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Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2008
by Mr Green
Do any ex BKs remember the BK belief that Brahma was the first man and the first to do everything(newer BKs probably aren't told this anymore) that he led us out of the Silver Age into copper and then to iron, this makes him the fallen angel or beelzebub????????

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2008
by bkti-pit
This is still being mentioned. You have a good point about the fallen angel! ;)

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2008
by tom
mr green wrote:Do any ex BKs remember the BK belief that Brahma was the first man and the first to do everything(newer BKs probably aren't told this anymore) that he led us out of the Silver Age into copper and then to iron, this makes him the fallen angel or beelzebub????????

Yes, they told us that Brahma Baba was the first pure and also the first impure human being and showed us in the Dilwala Temple the dark blue colored statue of the open eyed meditating yogi. This marble statue is shown to all new BKs from the older ones as remembrance of Brahma Baba's impure stage symbol.

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2008
by mbbhat
Dear Souls,

Brahma and the Brahmins are the first who were influenced by Satan(vices). Hence Brahma is shown with many hands. Out of these Brahma is No. 1. He is the first Brahmin.

In a Kalpa, the high powerful souls descend first to take the highest seat. So- these Brahmin souls become deities in heaven and they enjoy it since it is their own earned property. As time passes, the power in the soul(deities) reduces. Since the soul is in contact with body for 2500 years, the soul gets influenced by the body and becomes body-conscious. Their action becomes impure and it is called as sin. It is the beginning of hell. The less powerful souls had not earned (put real effort) and hence do not get real(pure, the one in which there is no pain at all) property. Real means truth. So if a soul remains in soul (true) conscious, it is true property. This is possible only in heaven.

So when hell begins, it is time for other souls to descend. The reason is all these souls were interested in just hell. They have not remembered heaven at all! They had not put effort in forgetting the hell and remembering heaven (in the previous Kalpa). They had attachment just in hell. So they get property of just hell. All these things happen naturally.

Has Brahma or Brahmins caused sorrow to others? No. Because each soul gets just happiness when it descends from Paramdham initially. So, these souls were getting just happiness initially. But since their power is less, they get influenced by the hell and vices and start committing sin. Then such a soul gets fruit for its own action. But what these souls do? Since they have a lot of attachment to hell, they try to take property from these (impure deity) souls. In this way, the other religions looted deity religion’s wealth (after Copper Age) and establish their kingdom. Now you decide who is satan.


I think these Brahmin souls commit sins mainly by lust action in 63 births. They do not harm other religion souls. They harm themselves (may also be fighting with each others, Indian Kings were fighting with each others in Kaliyug. In this way, they become weak. Then they are attacked by other religions. Hence other religion souls’ sins increase more. Since these souls are harmless to others, they get highest seat in the drama. Also they get a chance to burn their sins by remembrance of God and get saved from punishment; The real lucky souls!

    *Since they stay in body for a long time, they become highest impure.
    *Since they become highest pure, they get the capacity to remain in body for a long time. They get the capacity to accommodate more sins and still play role till the end of Kalpa. They never get tired in their roles. Hence these souls are called as hero actors.

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by ex-l

mbbhat ... understand the question before answering, would you!?! Honestly, on this forum, we are all past the doughball answers the BKWSU feeds one.

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by mbbhat
ex-l wrote:mbbhat ... understand the question before answering, would you!?! Honestly, on this forum, we are all past the doughball answers the BKWSU feeds one.

Dear ex-l soul,

I just wrote that sentence to reduce emotions that might have caused by reading the passage. You can ignore that. Be a hansabuddhi. Select what you need.

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2008
by paulkershaw
Synchronicity NO 1:

The other day I walked into an animal and aquatic centre to see a cage of beautiful white cockatoos strutting their stuff on their respective perches. As I walked past from every cage, all I heard was "Hello, Hello, Hello" all in the voices of young excitable children as each bird waited for the me to wak past and took the chance of interaction.

What I read here from some new members is exactly the same. The same completely brainless drivel, meaningless and parrot-like in every fashion. Beautiful on the outside but completely empty on the inside. ;)

On one level, and to post according to this thread's question, I would say that ANY understanding, consciousness or awareness that is not inline with TODAY's (this moments) spiritual realisations could be deemed to be 'Satan' - if we still consider a belief that Satan is 'lower' than God in consciousness.

However, is it not part of BKWSU teachings to say that Satan does not exist, as nor do the angels or spirit guides? ... (and that all evil and bad things that happen is placed on an individual's shoulders and called 'your karma'). Yet I remember Big Mo warning about going into a trance state "in case you were hijacked".

Questions emerge all the time, eh?

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2008
by pilatus
paulkershaw wrote:yet I remember Big Mo warning about going into a trance state "in case you were hijacked".

Given that a lot of Raj Yoga teaching was about going into a trance state and all the other posts about who the Madhuban "holy spook" is, you could indeed conclude that BB is Satan (or at least some possessive spirit) ...

Best wishes to you all,

Re: Brahma was Satan?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2008
by paulkershaw
Hmmm, cultures sure change concepts.

In South Africa, a Buddhi means a bottle (or can) and a Hansa is a popular type of Beer, so I am going to become a hansabuddhi as suggested.