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I have left "Gyan" and feel guilt and ...

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2006
by sparkal
Confused? Angry even? Fallen off your horse or tightrope? We can always pick ourselves up and get back on the tightrope / horse. But the will is not always there to do so.

Some leave due to feeling full, others due to conflict. Some for both reasons. Over a decade ago, in a personal meeting in Madhuban with a Senior, that individual suggested that I have to decide now whether to stay or go.

I do not say that in ignorance, or distaste. I can see why it may have been said. It was said to me personally. The same soul would say something different to yourself. So, we are all different in this respect. We are playing roles.

That was a senior accepting, giving me a licence even, to leave "Gyan" (?). Start another thread if you want to talk about that sort of thing as this one is about guilt and leaving the BK's etc. On the other hand, I still don' t know why they said it but I have faith that they saw something.

While some may walk away and discard the lot, some may even feel that, "I have left the BKs but have not left 'the path'". Can we separate the path from the BKs?

Guilt, the conscience, the conscience biting. Is it justified? Or is it the residue of Bhakti/lack of understanding?

Many terrible things HAVE happened to me after leaving Gyan ( it is relative to the individual as to what terrible constitutes ). Should I look back and see leaving the path as a bad idea? If I am supposed to be in there right now, then, there needs to be an awful lot of changing to be done within the BK setup, its attitudes towards the path, and those on it. We are pioneering remember, not everything which goes on has precedence. So we must be tolerant etc. We can take self respect from this, though, not ego obviously.

If the Supreme Soul does not look down on others in a condescending way, then it is not for I to do so. It is for I to UNDERSTAND. Do we have the right to expect the BKs to UNDERSTAND? Perhaps not. They just get on and do what they do. If the Father won't give them the experiences which are required to understand, that which the likes of ourselves would like them to, it may be for a treason. It is difficult to know what to teach once we go beyond a certain depth, so, the ideal teachers for beginners may be those who only go to a certain depth. That is not to colour all BKs with the same brush of course. In the pure sense of the term, they will get theirs later.

When I do practise Raja Yoga and attend class 7 days per week it feels right. It feels natural; where I belong. Yet, there comes a point in the process where I don' t fit in at the same time. Is it a test? Should I sit in the background and be part of something which I have outgrown yet won' t let go of? The baby stops feeding at some point and learns to feed itself. It is hoped that the spiritual baby one day becomes a spiritual adult, "like the Father". There are the various points in between of insecurity for the child to overcome.

Can we expect the BKs to teach us how to deal with something that they themselves have no experience in? Are you a pioneer in this respect and so , someone who can help others due to this metamorphosis in life at some point?

Has God really wasted that ones time by courting you? Are you really as small as the BKs MAY have made you feel? It is relative to the elevated experiences, which, may never have happened at all.

Our harsh lessons may well be turned into gold at some point, we just never know. But, like everything, it never happens in the way it was supposed to, or, we EXPECTED IT TO on the basis of the mass Brahman consciousness and its outlook. In short, you are a failure for leaving Gyan. Nonsense. The BKs may not expect us all to be in there being all pukka with a poker up our back and the coat hanger left in the jacket :| . ( not all BK' s are that Way inclined, and we were once there ourselves ) The teachings are designed to push those who are "surrendered".

The spiritual contract was never with the BKs and always with the Father. Do we really know what that one wants of us. Am I really obliged to feel that I have failed in potentially the most important thing that may ever happen to me in terms of existence on earth etc?

Hey you! , yes, you, on your own out there, don't suffer in silence. We are not here on this forum to destroy the BKs, neither is it a chatline ( though, I cannot promise that you won' t get any chat up lines, dodgy one's at that ). There are more important issues running, such as the fact that your seed has germinated and will always be there now. It will never go away. You are and always will be a soul. It is not something that will ever go away now, this, body/soul conscious thing. You can walk away from the BKs, but not this, for so long, yes. The world becomes soul conscious now, just like winter goes into summer, we cannot stop it, naturally.

The Father has not discarded you, you are merely moving forward, on the basis that, "everything is good" I bet you really don' t want to hear that one right now.

It is easy to look at the BKs and judge the whole thing to be a shambolic chaotic vehicle which limps forward painfully. Little ladies in white sari' s running around preaching peace. To what degree is this a smokescreen / " curtain "?

Reverse magnets and they push against each other. Is this what happens between Brothers and Sisters? Is the reversal of roles within the BKs of a similar nature? Resulting in disharmony and confusion, almost deliberately, on the surface at least. Is this the plan? Failed procreation between male and female?( Should I have put female first? :wink: ) Are souls thinking that the boat of truth is being driven round in circles out at sea, with the wheel turned hard left or right at any given moment, as the captain and first mate are elbowed out of the way on a chaotic bridge - and have no doubt had to be fished out of the water a few times after mutiny. :lol:

Is that really a bus being driven by saried Sisters with their foot to the floor whose back wheels are up on bricks and they are going nowhere while the Brothers sit obediently in the back seats? Will the bus move forward when the Brothers are allowed off the bus to push a little? Beam me up scotty, think the Brothers in bewilderment. :lol:

To understand anything, we always stand a better chance by viewing things from a distance, then we see more, the bigger picture. So, what is the bigger BK picture?

The BKs are non-threatening in the global sense. If the Brothers were at the helm, there would be more debate and possibly more potential conflict inside and outside (debatable) given the current global climate. It may suit Shiva's agenda to remain quiet, or, "incognito" and so the most effective way to do so is the reversal of roles which makes it all appear a bit disjointed and insipid.

It WILL all come out sooner or later we must presume, and the world will receive the spiritual nourishment it requires. Is it just a bit too easy to knock the BKs? Is this why?

Book - Future Visions: "One group will start it and another will finish it".

Another is, the West will show the East and, service is for keeping souls busy. The old Dadis are of the first group, so there is a second group to come on the basis of that point. There are not that many left and they are ageing. Would this explain the apparent and seemingly ruthlessness and lack of compassion when souls are rejected and chased out, or so it may feel?

There can be a feeling of being let go by the teacher Father as the experiences dry up and we fade out wondering what happened to OUR power. The Bhakti traits summon guilt, fear and confusion as we wonder what is happening to our cosy little world as it falls apart, and there is a feeling of being denied. Denied our opportunity to earn our spiritual fortune which is now sailing down the Swanee.

There is then bitterness towards those who it may appear have denied us this right. The divine right as a child of God. Our birthright. Just how important was/ is that service in real terms? True service is self transformation, which is an internal thing and not external. Nor does it involve guilt, or, sitting around waiting for destruction. This destruction is a none starter in terms of waiting for it. That is not to say that nothing of that nature will happen. I don't know.

Murli - "It will not be total annihilation".

That one cannot just draft others in at the last moment even if last do "go fast". Is this partly why last go fast? Does this suggest that there will be an intense period where quantum leaps are made. It is said that there will be another 13 year bhatti at the ... well, there is no end, only the beginning. The game is not over.

The instruments are prepared earlier than the masses are served, if the one has the agenda accurate. They can be prepared behind the scenes.
In other words, public image takes priority over many/most other things, including success in "service ". For the BKs, discretion may be a big part of service/ efforts. Squeaky clean and incognito. Many who can do wonderful service may not have the traits to play the CURRENT roles. Indeed, if the pace is slow, it would just frustrate efficient types who can do big service and fast. No offence is intended to those on the inside at the moment. They do not control the agenda. Time is their guru and if the Drama is true to form, they won' t be able to carry out the tasks without those on the outside. Who else is going to do/be it?

It is important to look at all sides of a topic if it is to get a fair hearing. This is not a clever post to quell negativity against the BKs but it may explain some of the questions which people ask, not to mention the head scratching and hair pulling which goes on.

No questions, no answers, no progress. Or, no questions on the squeaky inside but go as deep and far as you like on the outside of the org.

I cannot help feeling that there is something in all of this.


Re: I have left " Gyan " and feel guilt and ...

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2006
by howiemac
sparkal wrote: Guilt , the conscience . The conscience biting . Is it justified?

Guilt is never justifiable. Conscience is a different matter - understanding you have made mistakes - but the conscience needn't feel guilty. Make a firm resolution not to repeat your mistakes, and move on, free of guilt. The past is gone, and once lessons have been learned, the past should be forgotten.
Many terrible things HAVE happened to me after leaving Gyan

You have "left Gyan"? So why are you described in this forum as a BK? I am not a BK but i have not "left Gyan". You don't have to be a BK to have knowledge, even the BK "knowledge".
Should I look back and see leaving the path as a bad idea?
i say - if bad things have happened, look to your own karma, your own actions towards others- it is not to do with 'leaving the path'. I do not believe you have 'left the path' anyway. Maybe your bad luck is because you have stayed on a path which you should have deviated from? The drama will force you into action if you refuse to make the correct moves from "free will". If you flow with the drama, rather than attempt to "hold back the tidal wave" then terrible things will not happen to you - instead your life will transform for the better. Take control of your own destiny and shake off the BK iron grip.
Do we have the right to expect the BKs to UNDERSTAND.

Better not to expect anything - especially from them!
In the pure sense of the term, they will get theirs later.

Are you suggesting the BK primary school teachers will get their rewards later in The Cycle?? Silver Age, Copper Age, Iron Age??? It would be ironic indeed (and i could well believe it from my BK experiences) if Copper Age souls were instrumental in leading Golden Age souls to their inheritance ... it would certainly explain all the Bhakti and ignorance that is to be found within the so called 'path of knowledge' ...
When I do practise Raja Yoga and attend class 7 days pw it feels right, it feels natural, where I belong

To throw your own words back at you - your Bhakti sanskars have to come out and be dealt with ...
The baby stops feeding at some point and learns to feed itself.

Yes, indeed!
In short, you are a failure for leaving Gyan. Nonsense.

indeed - don't believe the hype!
Are souls thinking that the boat of truth is being driven round in circles out at sea with the wheel turned hard left or right at any given moment as the captain and first mate are elbowed out of the way on a chaotic bridge and have no doubt had to be fished out of the water a few times after mutiny. :lol:
Is that really a bus being driven by saried Sisters with their foot to the floor whose back wheels are up on bricks and they are going nowhere while the Brothers sit obediently in the back seats? . Will the bus move forward when the Brothers are allowed off the bus to push a little?

Now you are talking! But many Sisters need let off the bus too, and some of the Brothers are driving the bus too - it is not simply a male/female thing - we are all souls - don't descend to their body conscious level ... (i was guilty of this myself in the past - their Brother / Sister distinctions get drummed into you ...)
It may suit Shiva' s agenda to remain quiet, or, "incognito" and so the most effective way to do so is the reversal of roles which makes it all appear a bit disjointed and insipid

It is not just appearance - it IS all disjointed and insipid ... and chaotic and dysfunctional and ...
True service is self transformation

Absolutely - change yourself and the world changes with you
No offence is intended to those on the inside at the moment. They do not control the agenda. Time is their guru and if the drama is true to form, they won' t be able to carry out the tasks without those on the outside. Who else is going to do/ be it?

So you are saying that the BKs are not going to fulfil their stated aim, unless they embrace the help of others who are outwith their mind-controlling prison? I cannot argue with that.
No questions, no answers, no progress.

You said it :).


PostPosted: 29 Jun 2006
by sparkal
You make an interesting point.

I may have been giving the Sisters a hard time in my posts. From my own experiences, the Sisters have been calling the shots, yet, behind the scenes, we have to wonder if there are Brothers pulling strings and exactly how much influence they have.

It is relative to the number of Brothers who HAVE apparently been experiencing rejection, while there are others who are trusted. Roles, roles.

What are these Brothers thinking if there is so much chaos, or don' t they have a say? Most of my experiences with the BKs have been in a small centre where you get to see more. As for the BK bus, should the Brothers not be the ones who read the map and give the driver the directions? Perhaps they are.