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ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 22 May 2008
by tete
Congratulations and a big cyber hug to P & M who were married on May 20th, 2008. May your love and happiness continue for many more years and then some. It is always good news to hear that a former centrewasi has taken the plunge into love and happiness. :D

Here and now, I promise the ...

Re: ex BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 23 May 2008
by alladin
Yes, good luck. And at least if they ever start to fight and throw saucers and tv sets at each other, they will not hide it behind closed doors and fake angelic smiles as sisters-in-charge do in most centers.


Sorry I wasn't able to say good bye and see you all more soon.

Re: ex BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 23 May 2008
by Mr Green
I have a new life but I want it to be secret for now, there is life after BK.

Re: ex BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 24 May 2008
by ex-l
Hmmmn ... so it is "official" and top marks for such candidness from such a high profile BK "jumping from the 5th floor", ex-BK Lucinda Drayton of Bliss. Now re-invented and offering her own relationship meditations elsewhere ... (see also our topic on The Arts). Welcome back to the real world ... and a little rock and roll?
ex-BK Lucinda wrote:Dear Pandav

thank you for your letter. I am no longer able to go to class everyday as I have moved away from Oxford and the Retreat centre.

I have also chosen to follow my heart whilst remaining in close contact with the Brahma Kumaris. I still am very much connected with them but at the end of the day you have to make choices about how to live your own life.

Right now i choose to be in a relationship and i am living a less Yogi life. I meditate everyday and give thanks daily for all i have learned. I wish you every happiness on the journey. Who knows whwre it will take us.


So ... as a VIP BK, did she get to live in the Oxford Retreat Center like Brian Bacon too?

Has not even the protect of Baba's house, and were all those additional blessing from Dadi on stage not enough to save the soul from "committing spiritual suicide" this Kalpa ... "just like last Kalpa"!?! :shock: Don't worry Lucinda ... "I am not believing in it either, bhen". So is soul fated to leave Baba ... but also leave their products behind still to be sold just like all the others post-BKs; Shubow, Cennanamo, Hooper, Romain, Church (?) et al.

Congratulations too ... I am sure that we would all love to hear your experience from you personally.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2008
by ex-l
Hot on the heels of the news of leading BK Brian Bacon and Kazemaru Yukawa ... the gossip vine drops more fruit in the form of whispers about the notable Relax Kids' Marneta Viegas, often promoted at the Global Retreat and other BK events, having spread her wings and being seen walking around Willesden Green very much in love with Dadi's blessing ... anyone care to confirm?

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2008
by jim freidman
They're married.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2008
by chai bhai
i am seconding that. consider it double confirmed. :D :D

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2008
by bkti-pit
I heard the same but I don't know about Dadi's blessings ...

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2008
by bansy
Wish the couple well, glad they can see the human side.

I never met either, but a little disconcerting for those who have. After all, as a "family", how many were invited to the wedding ?

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by bluesky
Yeah, wish them well.

Is this one of those Yagya marriage thing or is it something else? In any case, I think this is a practical step. But who knows what's behind all these? Wait and see?

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by tom
bluesky wrote:Yeah, wish them well. Is this one of those Yagya marriage thing or is it something else?

This is the most popular topic these days in GRC ;). She needed a partner to share her life with and opened her heart to Dadi. Dadi told her if she follows afterwards the principles for six months she can come to Madhuban. So, she put an advertisement - to a newspaper or through internet i don't know - something like, "a princess is looking for her prince".

15 lokik candidates emerged, she picked one. Bingo, they immediately felt in love with each other and her prince made her the proposal in the first dates. They married and seem to be a very happy couple in great love.

She deserves a bravo for her courage and independence making the choice for her life. Wish them a happy and meaningful life together.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by bluesky
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the update. Whenever, someone in the Yagya gets married, that is a common question people ask. I have heard of few BKs getting married with Dadis blessings but not sure if they go to Madhuban or practice the principles. I think that is one alternative to keep BKs within the family. I also heard of some BKs leaving the organization, getting married and coming again with a family and children. That helps to expand the family too (smile).
tom wrote: something like, "a princess is looking for her prince".

Yeah sounds like fairy tales. I hope both the prince and princess will be happy forever ...
tom wrote: She deserves a bravo for her courage and independence making the choice for her life.

Indeed! I hope they will love each other selflessly for what they are and not otherwise.


Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by chai bhai
bansy wrote:After all, as a "family", how many were invited to the wedding ?

Hello all,

Well, both nuptial events as I understand - one in the past and one in the future - have had/will have substantial BK turnout! Old buddies are there after all. We have been together for many years and shared a lot of wonderous and wacky times together.

Thanks and regards ... I like what you say john. You always say "kind regards". Such a nice way to sign off ...

kind regards, chai

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by tom
chai Bhai wrote:Well, both nuptial events as I understand - one in the past and one in the future - have had/will have ...

Yes, good that you mentioned. Brian Bacon and Kazemaru Yukawa are going to marry at the 8th of August in Australia, I heard, and they are going to live in Hawaii. I wish them a happy and peaceful life together.

God may bless both couples.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2008
by joel
tom wrote:Brian Bacon and Kazemaru Yukawa are going to marry at the 8th of August in Australia,i heard,and they are going to live in Hawaii. I wish them a happy and peaceful life together.

I haven't heard any such announcement. At the same time, I give my blessings for any couple, BK, ex-BK, straight, gay, celibate, transgender or otherwise, that attempts the art of living together.