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BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 07 May 2008
by tom
Hi all,

Does any of our still active BK members know if Madhuban has released a special message of BabDada concerning cyclone devastation in Burma ?

Wonder if Dadi Janki called all centers worldwide to bhatti and daily extra Yoga for peace of estimated toll of 50,000 and still missing more than 40,000 and more than one million homeless, most of them children?

The generals of junta have given a UN plane the first permission for foreign aid. Wonder if Madhuban headquarter is planning an aid transport if the permission is granted?

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 08 May 2008
by yogi108
No there have been no generic messages either from Madhuban or DJ ... But the local center usually reminds the call of time and closeness of time when something like this happens ... so that is standard BK response to this ...

When the Tsunami happened, the BKs did go to help and it was termed as a good gesture. They are learning, isnt it?


Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 08 May 2008
by tom
Thanks yogi108,

I don't know if they are learning or not, the time will show . We will see.

Let us have good wishes for all those living without water and food and without any help amongst corpses.

I always believed in the effective power of collective prayer, say good wishes or meditation, whatever.

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by tom
The situation in Burma (Myanmar)is getting worse. It has been a week.

Still no sign of any spiritual or any sort of gift aid support from 'Baba' who is called in the Murlis "The God of All (Sarveshwar)", "The Merciful One (Dayalu)", "The Comforter of Hearts (Dilaram)", "The Ocean of Love (Prem ka Sakar)", "The Lord of the Poor (Garib Niwaz"), and from 'His Right Hand' Dadi Janki, who is called in her profile published by The Janki Foundation "The Healing Heart", "The Nurse".

In the BKSEWA Forum the Recent Posts are all about glorifying Dadi Janki:
Journalist from London profiles Dadi Janki in a beautiful way at Mumbai.
Media experiences God's Power with Dadi Janki in Mumbai
Media gives a warm welcome to Divine Angel Dadi Janki Ji in Mumbai City

Are BapDada and the Divine Angel Dadi Janki not hearing the cries of the millions in Burma suffering beyond imagination?

Haven't they collected yearly millions of Pounds donations from all of us thanks to the World Renewal Trust tax free for charity work?

Is their only concern and only charity work the planned gigantic constructions at Abu Road?

These are the questions that i am asking to myself


Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by arjun
tom wrote:Let us have good wishes for all those living without water and food and without any help amongst corpses.

I always believed in the effective power of collective prayer, say good wishes or meditation, whatever

Collective prayer definitely works. And I am hope material help also reaches the needy in time. The sufferings of Tsunami victims are still fresh in our minds. The present crisis has not received as much media attention in India (I don't know about the other countries) may be because the catastrophy has been limited to one country (that too ruled by military).

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by bansy

Do not worry about whether other people give blessings and love. Do what is right for yourself. Whatever wishes you give to someone somewhere, and should that person look up at the stars and have a sudden moment of warmth or courage in their time of desperation, maybe that breeze of warmth came from you, if albeit a touch. But it is a touch of hope. Do not rely on the hopes of others to give hope when you can give it yourself.

There are also many people suffering not just half way round the world, but outside your doorsteps, homeless, disabled, blind, orphans, cancer victims, etc.

As Arjunbhai pointed out, it is most likely the situation in Burma is political and militaral.

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by tom
Dear Arjun Bhai,

I appreciate your kindness and integrity of your character, admire your balanced goodness which reflects from all of your posts.

Such a tragedy, with an estimated death toll of 100,000 - half of them children, in a country under junta regime which does not use the soldiers for helping their citizens to clean up the mess, nor for the distribution of incoming foreign aid, stops the foreign charity groups and media groups at the border, and has suffered 4 years ago from Tsunami. This is not something minor which needs the local media attention.

BBC and CNN news are on the Internet giving daily reports from witnesses and reporters in disguise about the situation in Burma. I am also following the news from Internet. In Madhuban and in London, and all over the world, BKWSU offices are connected to the Internet and they are following daily world news. In Burma there is still no electricity and no proper Internet connection.

So i myself - after having surrendered my bones and my time and energy many many years to Yugya - am not forgiving BKWSU leadership for their carelessness about the tragedies going on in the world. Also I do not believe any more that Baba is God of all of us, as our God in my heart would not be interested in giving very special messages praising the Senior Sisters and in giving months long detailed Yoga instructions to all BKs in the world for the soul of one of the Seniors, believed to be karmateet Sister, and womb cleaning for her next birth.

Remember the New Orleans flood tragedy in September 2005!? BabDada and the BKWSU leadership showed the same apathy at that times. Given the human sources and real financial sources BKWSU owns, the only gift aid they donated after the Tsunami disaster
is nothing but one obligatory charity act.

These incredible human tragedies are for the BKWSU leadership only evidences to talk about: "Look! as Baba said, the times of turmoil is coming close!!" They believe that they are eternal safe in Madhuban and so are now investing incredible sums in the constructions of the gigantic auditoriums and the buildings for the accommodation of 5,000 and in organising big melas for self promotion.

Dear Bansy, thank you, but no offense. I have been listening to the classes of the BK teachers for decade giving exactly in the same set of logic. Enough is enough.


Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by bansy
Enough is enough.

It is.

There was the tens of millions of victims in the Pacific and Europe wars only about 70 years ago, millions of starvation in China when Mao rules, the plague in the 1600s, poverty in North Korea, etc ...

Well, here is just link which is better researched : ... story.html and these are just natural disasters. How does one measure man-made ones? I don't know. You can try to google "worst disasters" and get a huge list of different types of manmade, natural, industrial, engineering etc disasters.

Top Ten Worst Natural Disasters

Rank Type Location Date Death Toll

1. Flood Huang He River, China Summer 1931 850,000-4,000,000
2. Flood China 1959 2,000,000
3. Flood Huang He River, China September-October 1887 900,000-2,000,000
4. Tropical Cyclone Ganges Delta, East Pakistan November 13, 1970 500,000-1,000,000
5. Earthquake Shaanxi Province, China January 23, 1556 830,000
6. Flood North China 1939 500,000
7. Tsunami Indian Ocean December 26, 2004 250,000-310,000
8. Tropical Cyclone Haiphong, Vietnam 1881 300,000
9. Flood Kaifeng, Henan Province, China 1642 300,000
10. Earthquake Tangshan, China July 28, 1976 242,000*

So which country has suffered the greatest natural disasters ? And what was God's role, if any?

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by ex-l
I would be very interested to have an honest appraisal of the BKWSU Tsunami response, e.g. down to specifics like; how much money, whose money (e.g. did it any come out of the BKWSU's coffers or was it all extracted from followers again), whose goods, how many BKs were involved etc. It is notable that they did not appear go in right at the beginning when things were very bad.

I am absolutely OK about the BKs acting as a honest aid agency. By the wisdom, if they did do it, then they ought to do it incognito. I ask these honest question on the ms orange topic and got no where with them. They were buried in the general hysteria. My feeling is that it although I am sure the individual BKs were very enthusiastic to help, for the leadership it was face saving because if they did nothing, they would be criticised.

This leads back to what Tom is saying. Why not Burma? I think the answers are also simple,

    a) the Burmese are not Indian and the BKWSU is sort of India nationalistic and discriminative in a funny way (needs defining). "It is their karma ...".
    b) there are no centers there to benefit from the good PR.
    c) the BKWSU does not easily give ANY money away.
    d) there are not enough voices within pushing the leadership to do something.
tom wrote:Remember the New Orleans flood tragedy in September 2005!? BabDada and the BKWSU leadership showed the same apathy at that times.

Yes, why were the BKs silent about New Orleans but not the Tsunami. What was the difference? Too many impure black people in New Orleans? Not enough Indian politicians to have to face if they did nothing? How much did they actually do to be able to say they did something?

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by jaycdp
Natural disaster happens and all human being should help each other. I was glad what happened in India, Iran, Pakistan (I am glad how people helped during the difficult time) and this kind of thing happens. And brahmakumaris are more aware of this kind of tragedy and have early warnings than any other human being on earth. So anyone who is or was a Brahma Kumari should be helping people out in regards of money, food or water (or spiritual support for upcoming days to face). Both are important, money, water and food right away, and spiritual support for handling the situation of concern in a detached from.

So i think the role of Brahma Kumaris should be supporting people who are spiritually and mentally suffering. The role of USA, India and China should be supporting people who need water, food, shelter and medicine right. Against China should not send some people to preach Communism or the USA should not send come people to preach Christianity. As i have seen some American missionaries taking advantage of the Tsunami in India and Sri Lanka to convert Hindus or Buddhist to Christianity. This kind of act is manipulation and misleading.

Forcing Burma and aiding is unacceptable (India government did this in 1980 to Srilanka with force, USA did this in Somalia). In America it is OK for even giving guns to people to rebel against the dictator in Burma but right right now i do not think Bush is thinking about it. It happened in Bangladesh during 70s, they overthrew Pakistan's autonomy over Bangladesh and the India government helped Bangladesh in appropriate way for freedom.

India government assisted Nelson Mandela in his freedom movement (it was acceptable). India let South African students come and study in India and India never provided one gun to any African country. I really respect corrupt Indian government helping Africa for freedom fighting against cruel British rulers. India could have acted like George Bush and made Africa a mess by 1960s with the support of Soviet Union, that was the only area Indira Gandi behaved appropriately. The new government in India is very decent in foreign policy compared to USA, Europe or Canada, Australia etc. Australians still have the old ego of colonial British. They like to send army and navy to Indonesia. China and India are acting very appropriate and role modeling to other nation in Asia.

Can you imagine if Saudi Arabia has a big army? They would be forcing through Burma and preaching Islam to suffering Burmese

Every body made this mistakes. Most of all Christian missionaries are worst. They like weak prey, they like needy. On the other side, i really appreciate the Christian missionaries for their tireless hard work for the needy and poor. There is only Cuba that can be compared to Christian missionaries in this world. Only Cuba send more doctors for the needy than Christian missionaries in this world. So one doesn't need to insult or praise Cuba or Christian missionaries both have hidden agenda.

You know, I like both Christian missionaries and a country like Cuba (but i dislike their hidden motive). I am not against people doing good. This is a card, a sympathy card but in this world we have apathy cards. Dignity card. Until then we will continue to create beggars and needy.

jay m chellath

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 10 May 2008
by arjun
ex-l wrote:I am absolutely OK about the BKs acting as a honest aid agency. By the wisdom, if they did do it, then they ought to do it incognito.

If BKs cannot invest the Yagya money for social service because it is discouraged in the Murlis, they can at least use their human resources for the distribution of aids received from a third party, which has aid-money but does not have enough or sincere human resources to distribute the same to the needy. But it is for the BK leadership to think about this proposal. I think, if they consider this proposal, they can earn a good name. But whether they do it incognito, will have to seen.

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 11 May 2008
by tom
Dear Arjun, dear Bansy,

It is said in the Murlis that the time for charity is over. That we are responsible from any money we donate to others, because we can not know what they do with this money. It would be our karma. So we have to give everything to Baba. And we did so. We closed our eyes to all suffering in our neighborhood and in the world, and we gave everything to Baba including our bones. What is the leadership of BKWSU doing with that money? How are they spending that money? Does any BK know about the accounts of Yugya? About the investments? We learned all about this issues thanks to this forum (See: Downloads: BK Financial: Annual Reports. Scanned Accounts).

It is said in the Murlis, "don't ask for money. Don't take money from impure ones=non BKs". What is the system in BKWSU doing for decades? They even had boxes in the public events like beggars. They have been asking and accepting donations from every body to expand their kingdom. Remember at Madhuban visits, the thousands of envelopes full of money given to Dadi Janki. Dadi even goes on tour in the Middle East and accepts donations from rich Arabs, and then goes to London and asks money from the BKs. See Mukrimata thread:
I have come to know from my BK sources that 'Mukhrimata' is actually the name of the area near Shantivan in Abu Road where a big open air auditorium to seat one lakh (100,000) apart from facilities to accommodate (lodging facility for) about 5,000 people.

It is said in the Murlis that impure ones (read non BKs) are not allowed to come to the court of Indra = Babdada's meetings. See at every meeting how many lokik VIPs in fancy suits and dresses and how many new ones who have just finished the course and not following the Maryadas from all over the world are invited to the stage.

It is said in the Murlis that, "we should not go to the movies". See, there are two film studios now in Yugya. Saligram Studios and HIM Studios. And the leadership supports the production of "Baba's" films. (See please the thread "Tao of the Traveller"). They even take donations from Indian commercial film studios and put one advertisement of "Rose Movies, A Division of Rose Audio Visuals Pvt.Ltd." (see: on the whole back cover and one advertisement of "Tips Film Industries Ltd" in the last pages to publish one very luxurious "Souvenir" Book for the "2nd World Congress on Clinical and Preventive Cardiology and World Public Conference on Three-Dimensional Heart Care" which was held at Shantivan from 28th to 30th September, 2007".

This Souvenir book was given in Madhuban to each of us double foreigners free in September 2007. They must have printed this 136 paged 21 x 27.5cm, from the best quality of paper, all pages multicolored and with many photos, PR Book in large quantity. Of course, for that sort of publication they must have taken donations from many others. I hope that somebody uploads this book in the downloads.

It is said in the Murlis that, "we should use the facilities but not get addicted to them". Can anybody say that the leadership and the Seniors are not addicted to the first class traveling and the luxurious accommodation wherever they are?

This tragedy of Burma is happening in front of our eyes right now. The UN experts say the death toll can rise to 1.5 millions. There is no clean water, no food, corpses all over. The UN aid is now coming to Burma but the junta is not allowing the aid workers to come in and is not using the soldiers for cleaning up the corpses, sanitarian work and in aid distribution. They are used in constitutional referendum. They are kicking the victims out of the schools to use this schools for referendum.

We have shut up our consciences for decades long. We are trained, brainwashed and conditioned to think at every disastrous situation around us or in the world which needs our attention and our contribution in some way: "Nothing new. This is Kaliyuga. Worst things happened in the past and are happening all over the world. Worst things will happen in the future. The end is coming soon. Don't look at them. Become introverted. Don't take any burden. Leave it to Baba. Don't think of those things. Do service. Sit in remembrance 8 hours. As long as you are in Baba's canopy nothing will happen to you. You will be protected. Have mercy for those who are suffering but they are clearing their karma through this." And we brainwashed and trained and conditioned our students in our centers also on this track.

I don't believe in this BK karma theory any more. Karma is what we are creating by not following our conscience, our only guru.

I have send my humble support to the victims in Burma through


Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 11 May 2008
by bkti-pit
No. Not a word on it yet. Not even the usual "Oh this is a sign that destruction is coming" type of thing. Of course, it is not India and we have no Center there.

Everyday 25,000 people die from malnutrition and lack of proper water to drink. If my maths are right it amounts to 9 million per year. Anyone cares?

Re: BKWSU response to devastation in Burma

PostPosted: 14 May 2008
by bansy
Two disasters within a few weeks, and what's the response to the Chinese earthquake, let alone the Burma cyclone?

Here's a comparison of the reactions to Burma as to China; Two disasters, contrasting reactions.

The difference between Burma and China is the latter is not going to wait for anyone (not even the BKs), it gets on with it, whilst the former is waiting and waiting and delaying and delaying. Well, in China's case, this is understandable, as China is not included in one of the areas of "Bharat" (I recall BK Mitrabhen define the countries that make up Bharat See; Happiest Nations on Earth.
mitra wrote:Bharat or India, whatever may be, will be the region where the deities will rule the world in Golden Age. It is a wide area covering Iraq, Iran, Afganisthan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, some parts of Malaysia, southern parts of former USSR.

So, if the BKWSU is not even bothered about its own territory and the deities there in Burma, do you think it will do so for China or in any other country not included in the list above ...?